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2016-06-07 15:56:251505browse

本文使用官方C# Driver,实现在MongoDB中存储,查询空间数据(矢量) 空间数据的存储 本例中,从一个矢量文件(shapefile格式)中读取矢量要素空间信息以及属性表,并写入到MongoDB中去,其中读取shapefile文件以及将空间信息转成json的功能通过Ogr库实现 [csh

本文使用官方C# Driver,实现在MongoDB中存储,查询空间数据(矢量)


[csharp] view plaincopyprint?01.//打开MongoDB的Collection  
02.           MongoDatabase db = server.GetDatabase("aa"); 
03.           MongoCollection colSheng = db.GetCollection("sheng"); 
04.           //使用Ogr库打开Shapefile文件  
05.           DataSource ds = Ogr.Open(@"c:\temp\sheng.shp", 0); 
06.           Layer lyr = ds.GetLayerByIndex(0); 
07.           //读取要素数量和字段数量  
08.           int feaCount = lyr.GetFeatureCount(0); 
09.           int fieldCount = lyr.GetLayerDefn().GetFieldCount(); 
10.           //读取所有字段名  
11.           List fieldNames  =new List(); 
12.           for (int i = 0; i 13.           { 
14.               fieldNames.Add(lyr.GetLayerDefn().GetFieldDefn(i).GetName()); 
15.           } 
16.           //循环将所有要素添加到MongoDB中  
17.           for (int i = 0; i 18.           { 
19.               //使用Ogr库将矢量要素的空间信息转成Json格式  
20.               Feature fea = lyr.GetFeature(i); 
21.               Geometry geo = fea.GetGeometryRef();       
22.               string json = geo.ExportToJson(null); 
24.               BsonDocument doc = new BsonDocument(); 
26.               //将Json格式的空间信息存到Collection中  
27.               //BsonValue bs = BsonValue.Create(json);                  //这种方法是不可以的,添加到库里之后无法使用空间查询语句查询  
28.               BsonValue bs2 = BsonDocument.Parse(json);               //这种方法才是正确的  
29.               //doc.Add(new BsonElement("geom", bs));  
30.               doc.Add(new BsonElement("geo",bs2)); 
31.               //通过循环将所有字段的属性信息存入Collection中  
32.               for (int j = 0; j 33.               { 
34.                   string tmpFieldVal = fea.GetFieldAsString(j); 
35.                   doc.Add(new BsonElement(fieldNames[j],tmpFieldVal)); 
36.               } 
37.               var res  = colSheng.Insert(doc);                 
38.           } 
            MongoDatabase db = server.GetDatabase("aa");
            MongoCollection colSheng = db.GetCollection("sheng");
            DataSource ds = Ogr.Open(@"c:\temp\sheng.shp", 0);
            Layer lyr = ds.GetLayerByIndex(0);
            int feaCount = lyr.GetFeatureCount(0);
            int fieldCount = lyr.GetLayerDefn().GetFieldCount();
            List fieldNames  =new List();
            for (int i = 0; i             {
            for (int i = 0; i             {
                Feature fea = lyr.GetFeature(i);
                Geometry geo = fea.GetGeometryRef();     
                string json = geo.ExportToJson(null);
                BsonDocument doc = new BsonDocument();
                //BsonValue bs = BsonValue.Create(json);                  //这种方法是不可以的,添加到库里之后无法使用空间查询语句查询
                BsonValue bs2 = BsonDocument.Parse(json);               //这种方法才是正确的
                //doc.Add(new BsonElement("geom", bs));
                doc.Add(new BsonElement("geo",bs2));
                for (int j = 0; j                 {
                    string tmpFieldVal = fea.GetFieldAsString(j);
                    doc.Add(new BsonElement(fieldNames[j],tmpFieldVal));
                var res  = colSheng.Insert(doc);               


[csharp] view plaincopyprint?01.> db.sheng.find().limit(1) 
> db.sheng.find().limit(1)

[javascript] view plaincopyprint?01.{ "_id" : ObjectId("5371bf4e1dbba31914224563"), "geo" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ 89.8496, 14.093 ], [ 90.3933, 14.004 ], [ 90.2708, 13.4708 ], [ 89.7284, 13.5597 ], [ 89.8496, 14.093 ] ] ] }, "pyname" : "sx", "boxtype" : "inter", "date" : "2012/6/5 12:41:42" } 
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5371bf4e1dbba31914224563"), "geo" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ 89.8496, 14.093 ], [ 90.3933, 14.004 ], [ 90.2708, 13.4708 ], [ 89.7284, 13.5597 ], [ 89.8496, 14.093 ] ] ] }, "pyname" : "sx", "boxtype" : "inter", "date" : "2012/6/5 12:41:42" }



[csharp] view plaincopyprint?01.//获取Collection  
02.           MongoDatabase db = server.GetDatabase("aa"); 
03.           MongoCollection colSheng = db.GetCollection("sheng"); 
05.           //定义一个查询框或查询多边形  
06.           var poly = GeoJson.Polygon
07.               GeoJson.Position(100, 20), 
08.               GeoJson.Position(110, 20), 
09.               GeoJson.Position(110, 40), 
10.               GeoJson.Position(100, 40), 
11.               GeoJson.Position(100, 20)); 
12.           //以这个查询多边形为条件定义一条查询语句  
13.           var queryFilter2 = Query.GeoIntersects("geo", poly); 
14.           //进行查询,输出MongoCursor  
15.           cur = colSheng.FindAs(queryFilter2).SetFields( "pyname", "date"); 
16.           //获取结果  
17.           var res = cur.ToArray(); 
18.           for (int i = 0; i 19.           { 
20.               BsonDocument tmpDoc = res.ElementAt(i); 
21.               //do something you want  
22.           } 
            MongoDatabase db = server.GetDatabase("aa");
            MongoCollection colSheng = db.GetCollection("sheng");
            var poly = GeoJson.Polygon(
                GeoJson.Position(100, 20),
                GeoJson.Position(110, 20),
                GeoJson.Position(110, 40),
                GeoJson.Position(100, 40),
                GeoJson.Position(100, 20));
            var queryFilter2 = Query.GeoIntersects("geo", poly);
            cur = colSheng.FindAs(queryFilter2).SetFields( "pyname", "date");
            var res = cur.ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i             {
                BsonDocument tmpDoc = res.ElementAt(i);
                //do something you want






[csharp] view plaincopyprint?01.> db.test.find() 
02.{ "_id" : ObjectId("535884771dbba31858ad2101"), "geo" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ 96.722, 38.755 ], [ 97.3482, 38.6922 ], [ 97.1674, 38.0752 ], [ 96.5474, 38.1383 ], [ 96.722, 38.755 ] ] ] } } 
> db.test.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("535884771dbba31858ad2101"), "geo" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ 96.722, 38.755 ], [ 97.3482, 38.6922 ], [ 97.1674, 38.0752 ], [ 96.5474, 38.1383 ], [ 96.722, 38.755 ] ] ] } }


[csharp] view plaincopyprint?01.> db.test.find({ "geo" : { "$geoIntersects" : { "$geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [[[91.0, 33.0], [102.0, 33.0], [102.0, 38.0], [91.0, 38.0], [91.0, 33.0]]] } } } }) 
> db.test.find({ "geo" : { "$geoIntersects" : { "$geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [[[91.0, 33.0], [102.0, 33.0], [102.0, 38.0], [91.0, 38.0], [91.0, 33.0]]] } } } })


[csharp] view plaincopyprint?01.{ "_id" : ObjectId("535884771dbba31858ad2101"), "geo" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ 96.722, 38.755 ], [ 97.3482, 38.6922 ], [ 97.1674, 38.0752 ], [ 96.5474, 38.1383 ], [ 96.722, 38.755 ] ] ] } } 
{ "_id" : ObjectId("535884771dbba31858ad2101"), "geo" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ 96.722, 38.755 ], [ 97.3482, 38.6922 ], [ 97.1674, 38.0752 ], [ 96.5474, 38.1383 ], [ 96.722, 38.755 ] ] ] } }




[csharp] view plaincopyprint?01.//获取Collection  
02.            MongoDatabase db = server.GetDatabase("aa"); 
03.            MongoCollection colsheng= db.GetCollection("sheng"); 
04.            //查询所有记录  
05.            var cur = colsheng.FindAllAs(); 
06.            long totalCount = cur.Count(); 
07.            //遍历所有记录  
08.            for (int i = 0; i 09.            { 
10.                if (i * 1000 >= totalCount) continue; 
11.                int skip = i * 1000; 
12.                var cur2 = cur.Clone().SetSkip(skip).SetLimit(1000); 
13.                var lst = cur2.ToArray(); 
14.                for (int j = 0; j 15.                { 
16.                    //获取一条记录对应的BsonDocument  
17.                    BsonDocument doc = lst[j]; 
18.                        var id = doc["_id"];                    //该记录对应的ID  
19.                        BsonDocument geo = doc["geo"].ToBsonDocument();     
20.                        string geostr = geo[1].ToString();        //该记录对应空间信息的Json字符串  
21.                        List coords = GetCoordLstFromString(geostr);        //解析Json串,获得所有点的坐标(这里子函数就省略了)  
22.                        double xmin = 181, xmax = -181, ymin = 91, ymax = -91;        //四个边界值,由于图层为经纬度,所以初值设为这些值  
23.                        //计算最大最小值  
24.                        for (int k = 0; k 25.                        { 
26.                            if (k % 2 == 0) 
27.                            { 
28.                                if (coords[k] 29.                                if (coords[k] > xmax) xmax = coords[k]; 
30.                            } 
31.                            else 
32.                            { 
33.                                if (coords[k] 34.                                if (coords[k] > ymax) ymax = coords[k]; 
35.                            } 
36.                        } 
37.                        //将最大最小值写入Collection  
38.                        var tmpQuery = Query.EQ("_id", id); 
39.                        var tmpUpdate = MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Update.Set("xmax", xmax); 
40.                        var tmpres = col02c.Update(tmpQuery, tmpUpdate); 
41.                        tmpUpdate = MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Update.Set("xmin", xmin); 
42.                        tmpres = col02c.Update(tmpQuery, tmpUpdate); 
43.                        tmpUpdate = MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Update.Set("ymax", ymax); 
44.                        tmpres = col02c.Update(tmpQuery, tmpUpdate); 
45.                        tmpUpdate = MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Update.Set("ymin", ymin); 
46.                        tmpres = col02c.Update(tmpQuery, tmpUpdate); 
47.                    } 
48.                } 
            MongoDatabase db = server.GetDatabase("aa");
            MongoCollection colsheng= db.GetCollection("sheng");
            var cur = colsheng.FindAllAs();
            long totalCount = cur.Count();
            for (int i = 0; i             {
                if (i * 1000 >= totalCount) continue;
                int skip = i * 1000;
                var cur2 = cur.Clone().SetSkip(skip).SetLimit(1000);
                var lst = cur2.ToArray();
                for (int j = 0; j                 {
                    BsonDocument doc = lst[j];
                        var id = doc["_id"];                    //该记录对应的ID
                        BsonDocument geo = doc["geo"].ToBsonDocument();   
                        string geostr = geo[1].ToString();        //该记录对应空间信息的Json字符串
                        List coords = GetCoordLstFromString(geostr);        //解析Json串,获得所有点的坐标(这里子函数就省略了)
                        double xmin = 181, xmax = -181, ymin = 91, ymax = -91;        //四个边界值,由于图层为经纬度,所以初值设为这些值
                        for (int k = 0; k                         {
                            if (k % 2 == 0)
                                if (coords[k]                                 if (coords[k] > xmax) xmax = coords[k];
                                if (coords[k]                                 if (coords[k] > ymax) ymax = coords[k];
                        var tmpQuery = Query.EQ("_id", id);
                        var tmpUpdate = MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Update.Set("xmax", xmax);
                        var tmpres = col02c.Update(tmpQuery, tmpUpdate);
                        tmpUpdate = MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Update.Set("xmin", xmin);
                        tmpres = col02c.Update(tmpQuery, tmpUpdate);
                        tmpUpdate = MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Update.Set("ymax", ymax);
                        tmpres = col02c.Update(tmpQuery, tmpUpdate);
                        tmpUpdate = MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Update.Set("ymin", ymin);
                        tmpres = col02c.Update(tmpQuery, tmpUpdate);

[csharp] view plaincopyprint?01.//获取Collection  
02.            MongoDatabase db = server.GetDatabase("aa"); 
03.            MongoCollection colSheng = db.GetCollection("zy02c"); 
04.            //第一步,通过四边界筛选,  
05.            var query = Query.And(Query.GT("xmax", 91.0), Query.LT("xmin", 102.0), Query.GT("ymax", 33.0), Query.LT("ymin", 38.0)); 
06.            var cur = colSheng.FindAs(query); 
07.            //定义第二空间运算时的条件多边形(Ogr格式的定义)  
08.            Geometry queryGeoLR = new Geometry(wkbGeometryType.wkbLinearRing); 
09.            queryGeoLR.AddPoint(91.0, 33.0,0); 
10.            queryGeoLR.AddPoint(102.0, 33.0,0); 
11.            queryGeoLR.AddPoint(102.0, 38.0,0); 
12.            queryGeoLR.AddPoint(91.0, 38.0,0); 
13.            queryGeoLR.AddPoint(91.0, 33.0,0); 
14.            Geometry queryGeo = new Geometry(wkbGeometryType.wkbPolygon); 
15.            queryGeo.AddGeometry(queryGeoLR); 
16.            //循环查询到的结果  
17.            var lst = cur.ToArray(); 
18.            for (int i = lst.Length-1; i >=0; i--) 
19.            { 
20.                //获取当前记录对应的BsonDocument  
21.                BsonDocument doc = lst[i]; 
22.                var id = doc["_id"];            //当前记录的ID  
23.                BsonDocument geo = doc["geo"].ToBsonDocument(); 
24.                string geostr = geo[1].ToString();        //当前记录对应空间信息的Json字符串  
26.                //通过Json串获取坐标值,并生成对应的Geometry对象  
27.                List coords = GetCoordLstFromString(geostr); 
28.                Geometry resGeoLR = new Geometry(wkbGeometryType.wkbLinearRing); 
29.                for (int j = 0; j 30.                { 
31.                    resGeoLR.AddPoint_2D(coords[j], coords[j + 1]); 
32.                } 
33.                resGeoLR.AddPoint_2D(coords[0], coords[1]); 
34.                Geometry resGeo = new Geometry(wkbGeometryType.wkbPolygon); 
35.                resGeo.AddGeometry(resGeoLR); 
36.                //判断是该Geometry与条件多边形是否相交  
37.                if (resGeo.Intersects(queryGeo)) 
38.                { 
39.                        //do something  
40.                } 
41.            } 

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