1, ... tag attributes:
background: Set the background image of the web page. bgcolor: Set the background color of the web page. text: Set the color of the text. link: Set the color of hypertext links that have not been visited yet. Default blue. vlink: Set the color of visited hypertext links. Default blue. alink: Set the color of the hypertext link at the moment it is accessed. Default blue.
2. Color code table:
Black-black-#000000 Blue-blue-#000FF Brown-brown-#A52A2A
Cyan-#00FFFF Gray-gray-#808080 Green-green-#008000
Milk white-ivory- #FFFFF0 orange-orange-#FFA500 pink-pink-#FFC0CB
red-red-#FF0000 white-white-#FFFFFF yellow-yellow-#FFFF00
crimson-#CD061F yellow-green- greenyellow-#0B6EFF
Aqua blue-dodgerblue-#0B6EFF lavender-#DBDBF8
3. Comment mark:
4. Paragraph and text marks:
(1) Title text tag:
Title text Note: n is the text size, with a value of 1-6, 1 is the largest.
(2) Text mark:
The text being set Note: The maximum size is 7.
(3) Set font:
..: Bold
..: Italic
..: Underline
..: Standard printer font
..: Strikethrough
..: Large font text
..: Small font text
5. Forced line break mark: text
6. Forced paragraph change mark:
7. Partition display mark:
Text or image
8. Horizontal line mark:
Note: noshade is set to flat display.
9. Special symbols: 10. Create hyperlinks:
(1) Hotspot tag:
Hotspot Note: href and name cannot be used at the same time in the URL.
Open window method:
target="_blank" or target="new": open in a new window.
target="_parent": Displayed in the direct parent frame window.
target="_self": Open in the current window. (Default)
target="_top": Display in a window without a frame.
target="frame name": displayed in the frame setting window.
(2) Create links to other pages:
Hotspot Note: Method to return to the previous directory: ../
(3) Tag link:
11. Image tag:
12. Use pictures as hyperlinks: