: Define an option in the drop-down list, the option element is located inside the select element : Definition Paragraph : Provides parameters for the or tag that contains it. : Defines preformatted text. Text enclosed in a pre element usually preserves whitespace and newlines. The text will also be rendered in a fixed-width font. A common application of the <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"> tag is to represent computer source code. <br><q> : Define a short quote <br><s> : Define strikethrough text definition <br><script> : Define client-side script, such as JavaScript. The script element can either contain script statements or point to an external script file through the src attribute. The required type attribute specifies the MIME type of the script <br /><select>: Creates a single or multi-select menu <br /><span>: Used to combine inline elements in the document <br /><strike>: Defines strikethrough text Definition <br /><style>: Define style information for HTML documents. The type attribute is required and defines the content of the style element. The only possible value is "text/css" <br /><sub>: Define subscript text <br /><sup>: Define superscript text <br /><table>: Define HTML table. Simple HTML table consists of table element and one or more tr, th or td elements. The tr element defines table rows, the th element defines table headers, and the td element defines table cells. More complex HTML tables may also include caption, col, colgroup, thead, tfoot, and tbody elements. <br /><tbody>: Label table body (text). This tag is used to assemble the body content of an HTML table. The tbody element should be used in conjunction with the thead and tfoot elements. The thead element is used to group the header content in the HTML table, while the tfoot element is used to group the table footer content in the HTML table. The thead, tfoot, and tbody elements give you the ability to group rows in a table. When you create a table, you probably want to have a header row, some rows with data, and a total row at the bottom. This division gives the browser the ability to support table body scrolling independently of table headers and footers. When long tables are printed, the table header and footer can be printed on each page that contains the table data. <br /><td>: Define standard cells in HTML tables <br /><textarea>: Define multi-line text input controls <br /><tfoot>: Define table footers (footnotes or table notes) <br /> <th> : Define the header cell in the table. Text inside this th element will usually be rendered bold. <br /><thead> : Same as above <br /><title> : Define the title of the document <br /><tr> : Define the rows in the HTML table <br /><u> : Define the underlined text <br /><ul> : Define Unordered list <br /><br /><strong>Some tags that are no longer recommended: <br />The following elements are mainly font style elements. There is no objection to the use of these labels. But if you just want to simply change the style of the text through these tags, it is recommended that you use a style sheet to achieve richer effects. <br /><tt> Presents a typewriter or monospaced text effect. <br /><i>Show italic text effect. <br /><b>Renders bold text effect. <br /><big> presents a large font effect. <br /><small> presents a small font effect. <br /><em>Define text as emphasis. <br /><strong>Define the text to be more emphasized. <br /><dfn>Define a definition item. <br /><code>Define computer code text. <br /><samp>Define sample text. <br /><kbd>Define keyboard text. It indicates that the text was typed from the keyboard. It is often used in computer-related documentation or manuals. <br /><var>Define variables. You can use this tag with the <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"> and <code> tags. <br /><cite>Define reference. Use this tag to define a citation for a reference, such as the title of a book or magazine.</script></s></q>