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The most commonly used HTML tags mastered in web page production_HTML/Xhtml_Web page production

2016-05-16 16:42:051539browse

1. Optimization of common HTML tags

HTML should be a basic skill for online editing. It’s okay to be unfamiliar with it. As a web editor, it is not necessary to master all SEO parameters, but it is necessary for everyone to understand the SEO-related things in the basic HTML tags.


Page title

The above paragraph is the HEAD part of the web page. Each tag here is crucial to search engines.

TITLE is always important to search engines. No matter how their algorithms change, the importance of this tag will not decrease. Therefore, network editors are required to consider these users who come from search engines when writing articles or naming channels.

Currently, Baidu can directly display 31-32 Chinese characters, which is about 62 characters, while GOOGLE can display about 34 Chinese characters.

Therefore, when we write the article title or channel title, we must subtract the content displayed in TITLE automatically added by the program, such as the words "_News Center_Sina.com" in the picture below, so that the overall web page TITLE is controlled around the required number of words.

What needs to be explained here is whether you require the content automatically added by the program to be displayed in the search results.

At this time, what needs to be considered is the authority of the website and the priority of the content. If your website’s articles are widely cited, you must emphasize your authority to avoid this problem:

Otherwise, because the previous article title is too long and the following channel name and website name cannot be displayed, it is possible for users to give up clicking and click on other web pages that reprint this article and standardize the TITLE.

As shown in the picture above, according to the habits of Internet names, if the user does not recognize the domain name of the first information or does not pay attention, to a large extent, he will directly click on the second one.

The text at the front of the TITLE has a higher weight than the text at the back, so when writing the TITLE, try to put important keywords at the front.

Keywords and description are also very important for search. Some time ago, many domestic SEO friends believed that search engines had abandoned these two tags or lowered the scores of these two tags in web page ranking. Baidu, in particular, had almost eliminated the ranking of most pages before May 2009. The description does not refer to the description of the page, but randomly grabs a piece of content from the page (this also reflects Baidu's confidence in its own word segmentation algorithm). However, after May, Baidu gradually resumed crawling descriptions. Any description that matches the content of the web page will be crawled by Baidu as the description of the page. Of course, descriptions that have nothing to do with the page content will not be crawled.

You don’t need too many keywords in Keywords, just list all the keywords on the page. The keywords in this place are also a reference for search engines to segment words.

Description is a short introduction intended to be presented directly to users in search engines. The word count is best controlled between 70-90, and the keywords on the page should appear 2-3 times.

The page encoding method must also be stated on the page. Of course, this should be a program problem. Whether Charset uses gb2312 or UTF-8 encoding needs to be told to the search engine on the page.

Internet editors often create special topics, which require defining a large number of styles. In order to prevent the size of the page from being too large and making it difficult for search engine spiders to crawl, it is recommended that you put the styles into a unified CSS file and call it directly. Can.


In the Body section, our editor friends should know and master the following tags:

Article title

This tag occupies an important position in the page. It can be said that H1 is another soul of the webpage besides TITLE. What needs to be noted here is that "soul" must be used with caution, otherwise the gain will outweigh the loss if you are punished. If it is a channel page, it is appropriate to use the H1 mark for the column names of major categories. Of course, only the largest category here can use H1. According to the category attribution, use H2, H3, H4... in order. If it is an article page, H1 should also be used here according to the optimization method of the article page. According to the most common page layout, there is only the article title and body content, and no other information at the same level as the body text. In this case, the article title should be modified with H1 , which can clearly tell search engines that the title of my article is the core of the page. In other words, the title here should also be written according to the user's search habits. The method will be omitted here.

Alt tagImage description

The ALT tag in the web page is used to describe the image. It has two functions, one is to assist web page search, and the other is to facilitate image search.

In a web page, it is not wise to use alt for all images, but it is also inappropriate to not use it at all. The best way is to use ALT tags on key pictures (in most cases the largest pictures related to the topic) on the web page, which is helpful for both web search and image search. In addition, in order to facilitate image search, text description of the image near the image is also a method, but it is not alt.

Hyperlink TITLE tag Link text

The purpose of the title tag of the hyperlink is to enhance the modification of the reference link. In many cases, it is inconvenient for us to directly modify the link text due to content restrictions, so it is a good way to remedy it from the title. Generally, this tag is used in related content sections.


This tag is used to modify important keywords in the page. Important content in the page, such as column names, category names, important paragraphs, etc., can be modified with this tag. The effect is second only to H1.


(bottom line)


Three tags like the above are simple modifications to fonts. Search engines treat these tags as modifiers. (Some SEOERs also understand strong and b as the same, but Tianren still emphasizes the emphasis on strong. More effective)

That’s all for the common tags of Html. For web editors, memorizing these tags should be enough for you.

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