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Detailed description of common events and methods of html text_HTML/Xhtml_Web page production

2016-05-16 16:40:571708browse
Event Description
onactivate: Triggered when the object is set as an active element.
onafterupdate: Triggered on the data binding object when the associated object in the data source object is successfully updated.
onbeforeactivate: Triggered immediately before the object is set to the current element.
onbeforecut: Triggered on the source object before the selection is deleted from the document.
onbeforedeactivate: Triggered immediately before activeElement changes from the current object to another object in the parent document.
onbeforeeditfocus: Triggered before the object contained in the editable element enters the user interface activation state or before the editable container becomes the control selection area.
onbeforepaste: Triggered on the target object before the selected area is pasted from the system clipboard to the document.
onbeforeupdate: Triggered on the data binding object before the associated object in the data source object is successfully updated.
onblur: Triggered when the object loses input focus.
onchange: Triggered when the content of the object or selected area changes.
onclick: Triggered when the user clicks the object with the left mouse button.
oncontextmenu: Triggered when the user right-clicks the client area to open the context menu.
oncontrolselect: Triggered when the user is about to create a control selection area for the object.
oncut: Fires on the source element when an object or selection is removed from the document and added to the system clipboard.
ondblclick: Fired when the user double-clicks the object.
ondeactivate: Triggered when activeElement changes from the current object to another object in the parent document.
ondrag: Continuously triggered on the source object when a drag operation is performed.
ondragend: Fires on the source object when the user releases the mouse after the drag operation ends.
ondragenter: Triggered on the target element when the user drags the object to a legal drag target.
ondragleave: Triggered on the target object when the user moves the mouse out of the legal drag target during the drag operation.
Ondragover: Continuously triggers on the target element when the user drags the object across the legal drag target.
ondragstart: Triggered on the source object when the user starts dragging the text selection area or selected object.
ondrop: Fires on the target object when the mouse button is released during a drag operation.
onerrorupdate: Triggered on the data binding object when an error occurs when updating the associated data in the data source object.
onfilterchange: Fired when a visual filter changes state or completes a transition.
onfocus: Fired when the object gains focus.
onfocusin: Fires before the element is about to be set as focus.
onfocusout: Triggered on the element that currently has focus immediately after moving focus to other elements.
onhelp: Triggered when the user presses the F1 key when the browser is the current window.
onkeydown: Fired when the user presses a keyboard key.
onkeypress: Fired when the user presses a literal key.
onkeyup: Fired when the user releases a keyboard key.
onlosecapture: Triggered when the object loses mouse capture.
onmousedown: Fired when user clicks on an object with any mouse button.
onmouseenter: Fired when the user moves the mouse pointer into the object.
onmouseleave: Fired when the user moves the mouse pointer outside the bounds of the object.
onmousemove: Triggered when the user moves the mouse over the object.
onmouseout: Fired when the user moves the mouse pointer out of the object boundary.
onmouseover: Fired when the user moves the mouse pointer into the object.
onmouseup: Fires when the user releases the mouse button while the mouse is over an object.
onmousewheel: Fired when the mouse wheel button is rotated.
onmove: Triggered when the object moves.
onmoveend: Fired when the object stops moving.
onmovestart: Fired when the object starts moving.
onpaste: Fires on the target object when the user pastes data to transfer data from the system clipboard to the document.
onpropertychange: Fired when a property change occurs on the object.
onreadystatechange: Triggered when the object state changes.
onresize: Triggered when the size of the object is about to change.
onresizeend: Triggered when the user changes the size of the object in the selected area of ​​the control.
onresizestart: Triggered when the user starts to change the size of the object in the selection area of ​​the control.
onselect: Triggered when the currently selected area changes.
onselectstart: Triggered when the object is about to be selected.
ontimeerror: Unconditionally triggered when a specific time error occurs, usually caused by setting a property to an invalid value.

Method description
addBehavior: Attach a behavior to the element.
appendChild: Append a child element to the object.
applyElement: Makes an element a child element or parent element of other elements.
attachEvent: Binds the specified function to an event so that the function is called whenever the event fires on the object.
blur: Makes the element lose focus and triggers the onblur event.
clearAttributes: Remove all tag attributes and values ​​from the object.
click: trigger onclick event to simulate a click.
cloneNode: Copies a reference to an object from the document hierarchy.
componentFromPoint: Returns the position of the object at specified coordinates through a specific event.
contains: Checks whether the given element is contained in the object.
createTextRange: Create a TextRange object for the element.
detachEvent: Unbind the specified function from the event, so that the function will not receive notification when the event is triggered.
dragDrop: Initialize drag event.
fireEvent: Trigger the specified event of the object.
focus: Causes the element to get focus and execute the code specified by the onfocus event.
getAdjacentText: Returns the adjacent text string.
getAttribute: Get the value of the specified tag attribute.
getAttributeNode: Get the attribute object referenced by the attribute.name attribute.
getBoundingClientRect: Get the object bound to the specified TextRectangle object collection.
getClientRects: Get a collection of rectangles describing the content of the object or the layout in the client area. Each rectangle describes a straight line.
getExpression: Get the expression of a given attribute.
hasChildNodes: Returns a value indicating whether the object has child objects.
insertAdjacentElement: Insert an element at the specified position.
insertAdjacentHTML: Inserts the given HTML text into the element at the specified position.
insertAdjacentText: Insert the given text at the specified position.
insertBefore: Insert elements in the document hierarchy.
mergeAttributes: Copies all read/write tag attributes to the specified element.
normalize: Merge adjacent TextNode objects to generate a regular document object model.
releaseCapture: Release the mouse capture of objects in the current document.
removeAttribute: Removes the given tag attribute of the object.
removeAttributeNode: Remove the attribute object from the object.
removeBehavior: The behavior of detaching elements.
removeChild: Remove child nodes from the element.
removeExpression: Remove the expression from the specified attribute.
removeNode: Remove objects from the document hierarchy.
replaceAdjacentText: Replace the adjacent text of the element.
replaceChild: Replace existing child elements with new child elements.
replaceNode: Replace the object with other elements.
scrollIntoView: Scroll the object into the visible range and arrange it to the top or bottom of the window.
select: Highlight the input area of ​​the form element.
setActive: Set the object as the current object without focusing the object.
setAttribute: Set the value of the specified tag attribute.
setAttributeNode: Set the attribute object as part of the object.
setCapture: Sets the mouse capture of objects belonging to the current document.
setExpression: Set the expression of the specified object.
swapNode: Swap the positions of two objects in the document hierarchy.
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