Home >Database >Mysql Tutorial >MyGeneration获取所有ORACLE数据库的数据库名数据表命列名称


2016-06-07 15:02:381133browse

使用MyGeneration自动生成代码工具获取所有ORACLE数据库的数据库名数据表命列名称的具体操作步骤如下: 一、设置MyGeration的Default Settings中的数据库链接字符串Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Password=myPassword;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=myID

一、设置MyGeration的Default Settings中的数据库链接字符串Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Password=myPassword;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=myID;Data Source=myDataSource
二、复制下面代码到Interface Code选项卡的窗体中

public class GeneratedGui : DotNetScriptGui
 public GeneratedGui(ZeusContext context) : base(context) {}

 // The User Interface Entry Point
 public override void Setup()

  //ui.Width  = 100;
  //ui.Height = 100;
  //GuiLabel lblDemo = ui.AddLabel("lblDemo", "Demo", "Demo Tooltip");
  //ui.ShowGui = true;
  //GuiLabel lblPath;
  //GuiTextBox txtNamespace;
  GuiComboBox cmbDatabase;
  GuiComboBox cmbTable;
  GuiComboBox cmbColumn;
  ui.Title = "读取所有数据表";
  ui.Width  = 450;
  ui.Height = 500;
  ui.BackColor = "wheat";
  ui.ShowGui = true;
  ui.AddLabel("lblPath","输出路径: ","Select the output path."); 
  string sOutputPath = "";   
  if( input.Contains("defaultOutputPath"))
   sOutputPath = input["defaultOutputPath"].ToString();
  ui.AddTextBox("txtPath", sOutputPath, "Select the Output Path.");
  ui.AddFilePicker("btnPath", "选择路径", "Select the Output Path.", "txtPath", true);
  ui.AddLabel("lblNamespace", "命名空间: ",  "Provide your objects namespace.");
  ui.AddTextBox("txtNamespace", "ZTE.TMobileUpdate", "Provide your objects namespace."); 
  ui.AddLabel("lblDatabases", "数据库选择:", "Select a database in the dropdown below.");
  cmbDatabase=ui.AddComboBox("cmbDatabase", "Select a database.");
  ui.AddLabel("lblTables", "数据表选择:", "Select tables from the listbox below.");
  cmbTable = ui.AddComboBox("cmbTable", "Select tables:");
  ui.AddLabel("lblColumns", "字段选择:", "Select columns from the listbox below.");
  cmbColumn = ui.AddComboBox("cmbColumn", "Select columns:");
 public void setupDatabaseDropdown( GuiComboBox Databases )
   if( MyMeta.IsConnected )
    Databases.BindData( MyMeta.Databases );
    if( MyMeta.DefaultDatabase != null )
     Databases.SelectedValue = MyMeta.DefaultDatabase.Alias;
     bindTables( Databases.SelectedValue );
 public void setupTablesDropdown(GuiComboBox Databases,GuiComboBox Tables)
   if( MyMeta.IsConnected )
    if((Databases.SelectedValue != null)&&(Tables.SelectedValue != null))
 public void cmbDatabase_onchange( GuiComboBox control )
  GuiComboBox cmbDatabases = ui["cmbDatabase"] as GuiComboBox; 
  bindTables( cmbDatabases.SelectedText );
 public void cmbTable_onchange( GuiComboBox control )
  GuiComboBox cmbDatabases = ui["cmbDatabase"] as GuiComboBox;
  GuiComboBox cmbTable = ui["cmbTable"] as GuiComboBox; 
  bindColumns(cmbDatabases.SelectedText, cmbTable.SelectedText);
 public void bindTables( string sDatabase )
   IDatabase db = MyMeta.Databases[sDatabase];
   GuiComboBox cmbTable = ui["cmbTable"] as GuiComboBox;
   cmbTable.BindData( db.Tables );
 public void bindColumns( string sDatabase,string sTable )
   IDatabase db = MyMeta.Databases[sDatabase];
   ITable objTable=db.Tables[sTable];
   GuiComboBox cmbColumn = ui["cmbColumn"] as GuiComboBox;
   cmbColumn.BindData( objTable.Columns );
三、复制下面代码到Template Code选项卡的窗体中
public class GeneratedTemplate : DotNetScriptTemplate
 public GeneratedTemplate(ZeusContext context) : base(context) {}

 // Render() is where you want to write your logic   
 public override void Render()
  string strFilenameBase = input["txtPath"].ToString();
  string strNamespace = input["txtNamespace"].ToString();
  string strDatabaseName  = input["cmbDatabase"].ToString();
  string strTableName  = input["cmbTable"].ToString();
  string strColumnName  = input["cmbColumn"].ToString();
 private void GetAllDataBaseName()
  foreach( IDatabase d in MyMeta.Databases )
 private void GetAllTablesName(string sDatabase)
  IDatabase objDatabase = MyMeta.Databases[sDatabase];
  foreach( ITable t in objDatabase.Tables )
 private void GetAllColumnsName(string sDatabase,string sTable)
  IDatabase objDatabase = MyMeta.Databases[sDatabase];
  ITable objTable=objDatabase.Tables[sTable];
  foreach( IColumn c in objTable.Columns )
    if( c.IsInPrimaryKey )


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