Home >Database >Mysql Tutorial >Cocos2d-x3.1中ClippingNode的使用实例
#include 2d/CCNode.h//用到节点头文件和OPENGL深度缓冲定义头文件#include CCGL.h#include renderer/CCGroupCommand.h//用到GroupCommand和CustomCommand渲染#include renderer/CCCustomCommand.hNS_CC_BEGIN/** ClippingNode is a subclass of Node. It dr
#include "2d/CCNode.h"//用到节点头文件和OPENGL深度缓冲定义头文件 #include "CCGL.h" #include "renderer/CCGroupCommand.h"//用到GroupCommand和CustomCommand渲染 #include "renderer/CCCustomCommand.h" NS_CC_BEGIN /** ClippingNode is a subclass of Node. It draws its content (childs) clipped using a stencil. The stencil is an other Node that will not be drawn. The clipping is done using the alpha part of the stencil (adjusted with an alphaThreshold). */ class CC_DLL ClippingNode : public Node { public: /** Creates and initializes a clipping node without a stencil. */ static ClippingNode* create();//静态创建对象 /** Creates and initializes a clipping node with an other node as its stencil. The stencil node will be retained. */ static ClippingNode* create(Node *stencil);//用模板创建裁剪节点 /** The Node to use as a stencil to do the clipping. The stencil node will be retained. This default to nil. */ Node* getStencil() const;//获取节点模板 void setStencil(Node *stencil);//设置节点模板 /** The alpha threshold. The content is drawn only where the stencil have pixel with alpha greater than the alphaThreshold. Should be a float between 0 and 1. This default to 1 (so alpha test is disabled). *///ALPHA测试参考值,用于进行ALPHA测试比较,一般比较算法为小于此值的像素会直接被舍弃,这样就实现了图像的镂空 GLfloat getAlphaThreshold() const;//获取ALPHT的测试参考值 void setAlphaThreshold(GLfloat alphaThreshold);//设置ALPHA的测试参考值 /** Inverted. If this is set to true, the stencil is inverted, so the content is drawn where the stencil is NOT drawn. This default to false. */ bool isInverted() const;//获取遮罩运算是否取反设置 void setInverted(bool inverted);//设置遮罩运算取反 // Overrides//继承的函数 /** * @js NA * @lua NA */ virtual void onEnter() override; /** * @js NA * @lua NA */ virtual void onEnterTransitionDidFinish() override; /** * @js NA * @lua NA */ virtual void onExitTransitionDidStart() override; /** * @js NA * @lua NA */ virtual void onExit() override; virtual void visit(Renderer *renderer, const Mat4 &parentTransform, bool parentTransformUpdated) override; CC_CONSTRUCTOR_ACCESS: ClippingNode(); /** * @js NA * @lua NA */ virtual ~ClippingNode(); /** Initializes a clipping node without a stencil. */ virtual bool init(); /** Initializes a clipping node with an other node as its stencil. The stencil node will be retained, and its parent will be set to this clipping node. */ virtual bool init(Node *stencil); protected: /**draw fullscreen quad to clear stencil bits */ void drawFullScreenQuadClearStencil(); Node* _stencil; GLfloat _alphaThreshold; bool _inverted; //renderData and callback void onBeforeVisit(); void onAfterDrawStencil(); void onAfterVisit(); GLboolean _currentStencilEnabled; GLuint _currentStencilWriteMask; GLenum _currentStencilFunc; GLint _currentStencilRef; GLuint _currentStencilValueMask; GLenum _currentStencilFail; GLenum _currentStencilPassDepthFail; GLenum _currentStencilPassDepthPass; GLboolean _currentDepthWriteMask; GLboolean _currentAlphaTestEnabled; GLenum _currentAlphaTestFunc; GLclampf _currentAlphaTestRef; GLint _mask_layer_le; GroupCommand _groupCommand; CustomCommand _beforeVisitCmd; CustomCommand _afterDrawStencilCmd; CustomCommand _afterVisitCmd; private: CC_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ClippingNode); }; NS_CC_END
<pre name="code" class="cpp">class NewClippingNode : public Layer { public: CREATE_FUNC(NewClippingNode); virtual bool init(); };
auto s =Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
bool bRet = false;
auto clipper = ClippingNode::create();
clipper->setPosition(Vec2(s.width/2, s.height/2));
auto stencil = Sprite::create("grossini.png");
stencil->setPosition(Vec2(s.width/2, s.height/2));
//TODO Fix draw node as clip node
// auto stencil = NewDrawNode::create();
// Vec2 rectangle[4];
// rectangle[0] = Vec2(0, 0);
// rectangle[1] = Vec2(clipper->getContentSize().width, 0);
// rectangle[2] = Vec2(clipper->getContentSize().width, clipper->getContentSize().height);
// rectangle[3] = Vec2(0, clipper->getContentSize().height);
// Color4F white(1, 1, 1, 1);
// stencil->drawPolygon(rectangle, 4, white, 1, white);
// clipper->setStencil(stencil);
auto content = Sprite::create("background2.png");
bRet =true;
return bRet;