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SQL Server 任务监控脚本

2016-06-07 14:55:091668browse

http://webnesbay.com/sql-server-jobs-monitoring-script/ SQL Server BEGIN DECLARE @jobstatusTABLE(Job_ID uniqueidentifier, Last_Run_Date int, Last_Run_Time int, Next_Run_Date int, Next_Run_Time int,Next_Run_Schedule_ID int, Requested_To_Run

http://webnesbay.com/sql-server-jobs-monitoring-script/ SQL Server

DECLARE @jobstatus

TABLE(Job_ID uniqueidentifier, Last_Run_Date int, Last_Run_Time int, Next_Run_Date int,

    Next_Run_Time int,Next_Run_Schedule_ID int, Requested_To_Run int,

    Request_Source int, Request_Source_ID varchar(100),

Running int, Current_Step int, Current_Retry_Attempt int, State int)

INSERT INTO @jobstatus

EXEC MASTER.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs 1,garbage

                SELECT DISTINCT CASE
                   WHEN state=1 THEN 'Job is Executing'
                   WHEN state=2 THEN 'Waiting for thread to complete'
                   WHEN state=3 THEN 'Between retries'
                   WHEN state=4 THEN 'Job is Idle'
                   WHEN state=5 THEN 'Job is suspended'
                   WHEN state=7 THEN 'Performing completion actions'
                END AS State,sj.name,

                CASE WHEN ej.running=1 THEN st.step_id ELSE 0 END AS currentstepid,
                CASE WHEN ej.running=1 THEN st.step_name ELSE 'not executing' END AS currentstepname,

                st.command, ej.request_source_id

                FROM @jobstatus ej join msdb..sysjobs sj ON sj.job_id=ej.job_id

                JOIN msdb..sysjobsteps st ON st.job_id=ej.job_id AND (st.step_id=ej.current_step or ej.current_step=0)

                WHERE ej.running+1>1


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