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Introduction to the use of html area image hotspots with a list of related attributes_HTML/Xhtml_Web page production

2016-05-16 16:39:251216browse


tag is mainly used in image maps. Through this tag, the active area (also known as hotspot) can be set in the image map, so that when the user moves the mouse to the specified active area and clicks, it will automatically link Go to the preset page. Its basic syntax structure is as follows:


class and id: specify hot spots respectively. The type and id number.

alt: Alternative text used to set hotspots.

href: used to set the url address linked to the hotspot.

shape and coords: are the two main parameters used to set the shape and size of the hotspot. Its basic usage is as follows:

means setting the shape of the hotspot to a rectangle, and the coordinates of the upper left corner vertex are (X1 , y1), the coordinates of the lower right corner vertex are (X2, y2).

means setting the shape of the hotspot to be a circle, the center coordinates of the circle are (X1, y1), and the radius is r.

indicates that the shape of the hotspot is set to a polygon, and the coordinates of each vertex are ( X1,y1), (X2,y2), (x3,y3)….

Remarks: The positions of x1, y1, x2, y2 are determined based on the picture, not the size of the window.

mark divides the area of ​​action in the image map, so the area of ​​action it divides must be within the area of ​​the image map, so before using the mark to divide the area, HTML must be used Another tag is used to set the scope of the image map and set a name for the specified image map. The usage of this tag is very simple, namely .... .. .

The following is an example to illustrate the usage of these two tags:

Here is a picture of a new bookshelf. The effect is: when the mouse clicks on the book "Website Directory" When the mouse clicks on the book "Website Design Guide", a new window will be opened to display the introduction of the book and the order page (urlall.htm). The order web page (siteall.htm); when the mouse clicks on the book "Web Page Skills Encyclopedia", a new window will be opened to display an introduction to the book and the order web page (pagejqlall.htm). Production method:

1. Insert the image, set the relevant parameters of the image, and set the parameter usemap="newbook" ismap in the tag to indicate a reference to the image map (newbook);

2. Use the mark to set the area of ​​effect of the image map and name it: newbook;

3. Use the mark to target the locations of the three books. Divide three rectangular action areas and set their link parameter href.

The production is completed. The source code of this example is as follows:

Copy the code
The code is as follows:

New bookshelf

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A few points that should be noted when creating the effects introduced in this article:

1. Don’t forget to set the usemap and ismap parameters in the mark, and the parameter value of usemap must be the same as the mark The name parameter values ​​in are the same, that is to say, the "image map name" must be consistent;

2. All hotspot areas in the same "image map" must be within the scope of the image map, that is, all < area> tags must be between and ;

3. The coordinate format set by the cords parameter in the tag must be the same as the shape parameter setting. The area shape is matched to avoid the phenomenon that the rectangular area of ​​effect is set in the shape parameter, but the vertex coordinates of the polygon area are set in the cords.

Differences between HTML and XHTML

In HTML, the element does not require a closing tag.

But in XHTML, the element must be closed correctly.

Required attribute

The DTD column indicates which document type supports this attribute. S=Strict, T=Transitional, F=Frameset.
属性 描述 DTD
alt 文本 为一个区域指定备选文本 STF

Optional attributes

property value Description DTD
coords Coordinates Specify the coordinates of an area STF
href URL Specify the link target of a region STF
nohref nohref Indicates that there is no corresponding link in the area STF
shape default
属性 描述 DTD
coords 坐标 指定一个区域的坐标 STF
href URL 指定一个区域的链接目标 STF
nohref nohref 指出区域内没有相应的链接 STF
shape default
指定区域的形状 STF
target _blank
指出在何处打开新页面 TF
Specify the shape of the area STF
target _blank_parent_self_top Indicate where to open the new page TF

Core Attributes


tag supports the following core attributes:

属性 描述 DTD
accesskey 字符 设置访问元素的键盘快捷键 STF
class 类名 指明元素的类名 STF
dir rtl
指定元素里内容的文本方向 STF
id id 指明元素的唯一id STF
lang 语言代码 指定元素内容的语言代码 STF
style 样式定义 指定元素的内嵌样式 STF
tabindex 数字 指定元素的Tab键顺序 STF
title 文本 指定元素的提示文本 STF
xml:lang 语言代码 在XHTML文档中指定元素内容的语言代码 STF

More information about core properties.

Event Properties


tag supports the following event attributes:

属性 描述 DTD
onblur 脚本 当元素失去焦点时执行脚本 STF
onclick 脚本 在元素区域内单击鼠标(不区分左右键)时执行脚本 STF
ondblclick 脚本 在元素区域内双击鼠标(不区分左右键)时执行脚本 STF
onfocus 脚本 当元素取得焦点时执行脚本 STF
onmousedown 脚本 在元素区域内按下鼠标键(不区分左右键)时执行脚本 STF
onmousemove 脚本 当鼠标指针在元素区域内移动时执行脚本 STF
onmouseout 脚本 当鼠标指针移出元素区域时执行脚本 STF
onmouseover 脚本 当鼠标指针移入元素区域时执行脚本 STF
onmouseup 脚本 在元素区域内松开鼠标键(不区分左右键)时执行脚本 STF
onkeydown 脚本 按下一个键时执行脚本 STF
onkeypress 脚本 按下并松开一个键时执行脚本 STF
onkeyup 脚本 松开一个键时执行脚本 STF
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