The DIV background is semi-transparent and the text in the DIV is not translucent
The layer background is semi-transparent, and the font color is also semi-transparent
The layer background is semi-transparent and the font color is not translucent
******The layer with filter must have the width attribute, otherwise the filter will be invalid. ********
We can use CSS style filter (filter effect) to set filter effects on some HTML tags.
Example: Black and white photo filter: gray;
X-ray photo filter: Xray;
Wind blur filter: blur(add=true, direction=45,strength=30);
Sine wave filter: Wave(Add=0, Freq=60, LightStrength=1, Phase=0, Strength=3);
Translucent effect filter: Alpha(Opacity =50);
Linear transparency filter: Alpha(Opacity=0, FinishOpacity=100, Style=1, StartX=0, StartY=0, FinishX=100, FinishY=140);
Radial transparency filter: Alpha(Opacity=10, FinishOpacity=100, Style=2, StartX=30, StartY=30, FinishX=200, FinishY=200);
White transparent filter: Chroma(Color=#FFFFFF);
Reduce Color filter: grays;
Negative effect filter: invert;
Left and right flip filter: fliph;
Vertical flip filter: flipv;
Projection effect filter:progid:dXImageTransform.Microsoft.DropShadow(color=# cccccc,offX=5,offY=5,positives=true);
Mosaic filter:progid:dXImageTransform.Microsoft.Pixelate(maxsquare=3);
Glow effect filter:progid:dXImageTransform.Microsoft.Glow(color =#cccccc,Strength=5);
Soft edge effect filter:alpha(opacity=100, finishOpacity=0,style=2