Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Lumen开启StartSession中间件后,报错:Response需要为Object,但是得到的是String
<code>composer create-project laravel/lumen --prefer-dist </code>
1、修改 .env 文件
<code>APP_KEY=iMXwF1A6Vdbg5V8bYzuNbqv0HX6nH9Cd SESSION_DRIVER=file </code>
2、修改 bootstrap/app.php 文件,取消以下代码的注释屏蔽:
<code>Dotenv::load(__DIR__.'/../'); $app->withFacades(); $app->withEloquent(); $app->middleware([ // Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies::class, // Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\AddQueuedCookiesToResponse::class, Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession::class, // Illuminate\View\Middleware\ShareErrorsFromSession::class, // Laravel\Lumen\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken::class, ]); </code>
<code>Whoops, looks like something went wrong. 1/1 ErrorException in StartSession.php line 171: Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession::addCookieToResponse() must be an instance of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response, string given, called in F:\upupw\vhosts\lumen\vendor\illuminate\session\Middleware\StartSession.php on line 71 and defined in StartSession.php line 171 at Application->Laravel\Lumen\{closure}('4096', 'Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession::addCookieToResponse() must be an instance of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response, string given, called in F:\upupw\vhosts\lumen\vendor\illuminate\session\Middleware\StartSession.php on line 71 and defined', 'F:\upupw\vhosts\lumen\vendor\illuminate\session\Middleware\StartSession.php', '171', array()) in StartSession.php line 171 at StartSession->addCookieToResponse(' <title>Lumen</title> <link href="//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:100" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; color: #B0BEC5; display: table; font-weight: 100; font-family: 'Lato'; } .container { text-align: center; display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .content { text-align: center; display: inline-block; } .title { font-size: 96px; margin-bottom: 40px; } .quote { font-size: 24px; } </style> <div class="container"> <div class="content"> <div class="title">Lumen.</div> </div> </div> ', object(Store)) in StartSession.php line 71 at StartSession->handle(object(Request), object(Closure)) at call_user_func_array(array(object(StartSession), 'handle'), array(object(Request), object(Closure))) in Pipeline.php line 124 at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(object(Request)) at call_user_func(object(Closure), object(Request)) in Pipeline.php line 103 at Pipeline->then(object(Closure)) in Application.php line 1354 at Application->sendThroughPipeline(array('Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession'), object(Closure)) in Application.php line 1135 at Application->dispatch(null) in Application.php line 1073 at Application->run() in index.php line 28 </code>
修改 handle() 方法如下:
<code> public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next) { $this->sessionHandled = true; // If a session driver has been configured, we will need to start the session here // so that the data is ready for an application. Note that the Laravel sessions // do not make use of PHP "native" sessions in any way since they are crappy. if ($this->sessionConfigured()) { $session = $this->startSession($request); $request->setSession($session); } $response = $next($request); echo gettype($response) . '<br>'; // Again, if the session has been configured we will need to close out the session // so that the attributes may be persisted to some storage medium. We will also // add the session identifier cookie to the application response headers now. if ($this->sessionConfigured()) { $this->storeCurrentUrl($request, $session); $this->collectGarbage($session); echo gettype($response) . '<br>'; $this->addCookieToResponse($response, $session); } return $response; } </code>
<code>string string </code>
错误信息说 addCookieToResponse 方法第一个参数 需要 Response实例,而的到是却是String,不知如何解决@@
<code>composer create-project laravel/lumen --prefer-dist </code>
1、修改 .env 文件
<code>APP_KEY=iMXwF1A6Vdbg5V8bYzuNbqv0HX6nH9Cd SESSION_DRIVER=file </code>
2、修改 bootstrap/app.php 文件,取消以下代码的注释屏蔽:
<code>Dotenv::load(__DIR__.'/../'); $app->withFacades(); $app->withEloquent(); $app->middleware([ // Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies::class, // Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\AddQueuedCookiesToResponse::class, Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession::class, // Illuminate\View\Middleware\ShareErrorsFromSession::class, // Laravel\Lumen\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken::class, ]); </code>
<code>Whoops, looks like something went wrong. 1/1 ErrorException in StartSession.php line 171: Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession::addCookieToResponse() must be an instance of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response, string given, called in F:\upupw\vhosts\lumen\vendor\illuminate\session\Middleware\StartSession.php on line 71 and defined in StartSession.php line 171 at Application->Laravel\Lumen\{closure}('4096', 'Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession::addCookieToResponse() must be an instance of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response, string given, called in F:\upupw\vhosts\lumen\vendor\illuminate\session\Middleware\StartSession.php on line 71 and defined', 'F:\upupw\vhosts\lumen\vendor\illuminate\session\Middleware\StartSession.php', '171', array()) in StartSession.php line 171 at StartSession->addCookieToResponse(' <title>Lumen</title> <link href="//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:100" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; color: #B0BEC5; display: table; font-weight: 100; font-family: 'Lato'; } .container { text-align: center; display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .content { text-align: center; display: inline-block; } .title { font-size: 96px; margin-bottom: 40px; } .quote { font-size: 24px; } </style> <div class="container"> <div class="content"> <div class="title">Lumen.</div> </div> </div> ', object(Store)) in StartSession.php line 71 at StartSession->handle(object(Request), object(Closure)) at call_user_func_array(array(object(StartSession), 'handle'), array(object(Request), object(Closure))) in Pipeline.php line 124 at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(object(Request)) at call_user_func(object(Closure), object(Request)) in Pipeline.php line 103 at Pipeline->then(object(Closure)) in Application.php line 1354 at Application->sendThroughPipeline(array('Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession'), object(Closure)) in Application.php line 1135 at Application->dispatch(null) in Application.php line 1073 at Application->run() in index.php line 28 </code>
修改 handle() 方法如下:
<code> public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next) { $this->sessionHandled = true; // If a session driver has been configured, we will need to start the session here // so that the data is ready for an application. Note that the Laravel sessions // do not make use of PHP "native" sessions in any way since they are crappy. if ($this->sessionConfigured()) { $session = $this->startSession($request); $request->setSession($session); } $response = $next($request); echo gettype($response) . '<br>'; // Again, if the session has been configured we will need to close out the session // so that the attributes may be persisted to some storage medium. We will also // add the session identifier cookie to the application response headers now. if ($this->sessionConfigured()) { $this->storeCurrentUrl($request, $session); $this->collectGarbage($session); echo gettype($response) . '<br>'; $this->addCookieToResponse($response, $session); } return $response; } </code>
<code>string string </code>
错误信息说 addCookieToResponse 方法第一个参数 需要 Response实例,而的到是却是String,不知如何解决@@
如果直接在路由的回调中返回的确实是 String
,如果是在控制器中调用,框架会帮忙把 String
转为 Response
方法参见类 Laravel\Lumen\Application
<code>php</code><code>$app->get('/', function() use ($app) { return $app->prepareResponse($app->welcome()); }); </code>
@Mr_Jing(Lumen 初体验 文章作者)可以麻烦解答下吗?