For very large or very small numbers, floating point values can be represented in scientific notation. Using scientific notation, you can express a number as a number plus e/E, followed by a multiple of 10, such as:
var num1 = 3.125e7; // 31250000 var num2 = 3e-17; // 0.00000000000000003
To perform addition and subtraction of particularly large numbers, you can use string scientific notation, such as:
// Only large integers are considered here, decimals are not considered function strAdd(sNum1, sNum2){
/*Add one digit to record the situation where the highest digit is advanced by one*/
var sNum1 = ['0', sNum1].join(''), sNum2 = ['0', sNum2].join('');
/*Add 0 to short numeric strings*/
var len1 = sNum1.length, len2 = sNum2.length,
ZeroArr = function(len){
var arr = new Array(len), i=len;
While(i--){arr[i] = 0;}
Return arr;
if(len1 > len2){
var arrTemp = zeroArr(len1 - len2);
sNum2 = arrTemp.join('');
else if(len2 > len1){
var arrTemp = zeroArr(len2 - len1);
sNum1 = arrTemp.join('');
/*Convert the string into an array and add the corresponding digits*/
var arr1 = sNum1.split(''), arr2 = sNum2.split('');
var arrAddRes = new Array(arr1.length), i=arr1.length;
var andone = 0, // Whether to add one to the low bit cur1, cur2, curAdd;
Cur1 = arr1[i], cur2 = arr2[i];
CurAdd = cur1 cur2 andone;
If(10 > curAdd)
arrAddRes[i] = curAdd,
andone = 0;
arrAddRes[i] = curAdd.toString().slice(1,2),
andone = 1;
If(!andone){ // Whether to add one at the end, otherwise intercept the previous 0 arrAddRes.splice(0,1);
/*If the first 19 digits of the array are intercepted, use scientific notation to express the result*/
var keeplen = 19; // JS decimals only keep 18 digits after the decimal point var eAfter = arrAddRes.length - 1; // The multiple part after e var eBefore, eBeforeStr = ''; // The decimal part before e
if(keeplen < arrAddRes.length)
eBeforeStr = [arrAddRes[0], '.', arrAddRes.slice(1, keeplen).join('')].join('');
eBeforeStr = [arrAddRes[0], '.', arrAddRes.slice(1).join('')].join('');
eBefore = eBeforeStr;
Return [Number(arrAddRes.join('')), eBefore, eAfter];
strAdd('1234567890', '9876543210'); // -> [1111111100, 1.1111111, 9]
The code is as above, is it very simple?