Scala loops
Translation results:
Scala is the abbreviation of Scalable Language and is a multi-paradigm programming language
Martin Odersky of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) began designing Scala in 2001 based on the work of Funnel.
Funnel is a programming language that combines functional programming ideas with Petri nets.
Scala loopssyntax
Sometimes, we may need to execute the same block of code multiple times. Normally, statements are executed sequentially: the first statement in the function is executed first, followed by the second statement, and so on.
Programming languages provide a variety of control structures for more complex execution paths.
Scala loopsexample
object Test { def main(args: Array[String]) { var a = 10; // Infinite loop println( "The value of a is: " + a ); } }}