memcached add command

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UK[æd] 美[æd]

vt.Add; add; add explanation; include...

vi.increase; add; accumulate; expand

n.Addition, addition operation; supplementary part (of a report)

Third person singular: adds Present participle: adding Past tense: added Past participle: added

memcached add commandsyntax

Function: Used to store value (data value) in the specified key (key). If add 's key already exists, the data will not be updated (an expired key will be updated), the previous value will still be the same, and you will get the response NOT_STORED.

Syntax: add key flags exptime bytes [noreply]value


ParametersDescriptionkeyKey value The key in the key-value structure is used to find the cache value. #flagsCan include integer parameters of key-value pairs, which are used by the client to store additional information about the key-value pairs. exptimeThe length of time (in seconds, 0 means forever) to keep key-value pairs in the cache. bytesThe number of bytes stored in the cache. noreplyOptional, this parameter tells the server that no data needs to be returned. valueThe stored value (always located in the second line) (can be directly understood as the value in the key-value structure).

memcached add commandexample

add new_key 0 900 10
get new_key
VALUE new_key 0 10

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