Linux slocate command

  Translation results:


UK[ləʊˈkeɪt] US[ˈloʊkeɪt]

vt. Located; state the source; find the location of…; determine the location of…

vi.Locate; settle

Third person singular: locates Present participle: locating Past tense: located Past participle: located

Linux slocate commandsyntax

Function: The slocate command searches for files or directories. Slocate itself has a database that stores information about files and directories in the system.

Syntax: slocate [-u][--help][--version][-d <Directory>][Find file]

Linux slocate commandexample

Use the command "slocate" to display the file path information containing the keyword "fdisk" in the file name. Enter the following command:

$ slocate fdisk #显示文件名中含有fdisk关键字的文件的路径信息

After executing the above command, the output information of the command execution is as follows:

$ slocate fdisk #显示文件名中含有fdisk 关键字的文件的路径信息  
/root/cfdisk        #搜索到的文件路径列表  /root/fdisk  

