Linux chmod command
Translation results:
Linux chmod commandsyntax
Function:Use chmod to control how files are called by others.
Permissions: All users
Syntax: chmod [-cfvR] [--help] [--version] mode file.. .
Linux chmod commandexample
Set the file file1.txt to be readable by everyone:
chmod ugo+r file1.txt
Set the file file1.txt to be readable by everyone:
chmod a+r file1.txt
Make the file file1.txt With file2.txt set as the owner of the file, people in the same group as it can write, but others cannot write:
chmod ug+w,o-w file1.txt file2.txt
Set as only the owner of the file You can execute:
chmod u+x
Set all files and subdirectories in the current directory to be readable by anyone:
chmod -R a+r *
In addition, chmod can also use numbers to represent permissions, such as:
chmod 777 file
The syntax is:
chmod abc file