html5<video> tag

  Translation results:


UK[ˈvɪdiəʊ] US[ˈvɪdioʊ]

n.Tape video; video tape; video recorder, television; (referring to method) video recording

adj. Video; television; image; using video tape [video tape]

vt. Video; making a video of...

html5<video> tagsyntax

Function: The <video> tag defines a video, such as a movie clip or other video stream.


autoplayautoplayIf this attribute appears, the video will be played as soon as it is ready.
controlscontrolsIf this attribute appears, controls are displayed to the user, such as a play button.
heightpixelsSet the height of the video player.
looploopIf this attribute appears, playback will start again after the media file completes playback.

If this attribute appears, the video will be loaded when the page loads and is ready to be played.

If "autoplay" is used, this attribute is ignored.

srcurlThe URL of the video to play.
widthpixelsSet the width of the video player.

Note: You can place text content between the start tag and the end tag, so that older browsers can display a message that the tag is not supported.

html5<video> tagexample


<video src="" controls="controls">
your browser does not support the video tag

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