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nosql - MongoDB单文档大小限制是16M吗?这里包括嵌入的子文档吗?

BSON Object Size
The maximum BSON object size is 16 megabytes.


怪我咯怪我咯2881 Tage vor1191

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  • 怪我咯

    怪我咯2017-04-21 10:58:10




    MongoDB limits the data size of inpidual BSON objects/documents. At the time of this writing the limit is 16MB.

    This limit is designed as a sanity-check; it is not a technical limit on document sizes. The thinking is that if documents are larger than this size, it is likely the schema is not ideal. Further it allows drivers to make some assumptions on the max size of documents.

    The concept is that the maximum document size is a limit that ensures each document does not require an excessive amount of RAM from the machine, or require too much network bandwidth to fetch. For example, fetching a full 100MB document would take over 1 second to fetch over a gigabit ethernet connection. In this situation one would be limited to 1 request per second.

    Over time, as computers grow in capacity, the limit will be adjusted upward.

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