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class Pet是父类,Dog是从Pet继承的子类。
一个 set()方法设置类可以访问的所有变量
一个 toString()方法来写出关于类的实例的所有数据的信息
所有类都有一个构造函数 - 一个参数化的(初始化所有类数据)
为了最小化代码重复,并利用在已创建的方法中执行的任何错误检查,Class Dog中的每个方法将调用其他已创建的方法
2.假设一个Cat类已经为你创建,并继承自Pet。设计和编码一个main来测试Pet,class Dog和class Cat通过创建一个一维数组与两个Pet,2 Dog和2 Cat。编写一些代码,将显示当前存储在数组中每个对象中的数据。然后写一些代码来测试数组中的Dog对象可以访问的所有剩余方法。
Dog d = new Dog();
p = d;
p.age = 3;
d = new Pet(4);
public class Dog extends Pet{
private String name;
public Dog(int theAge, String theName){
public void setName(String theName){
public String getName(){
return name;
public String toString(){
return "the pet's name is: "+name;
但是我不知道该怎样加 equals( ) method,而且set()后面是不是一定要加get(),如果不是,该怎么改正
public class PetTest{
public static void main (String[] args){
Dog dog1= new Dog(1,"dog1");
Dog dog2= new Dog(2,"dog2");
Cat cat1=new Cat(3,"cat1");
Cat cat2=new Cat(4,"cat2");
System.out.println (dog1.toString()+ ". "+dog1.getName()+"'s age is"+" "+ dog1.getAge());
System.out.println (dog2.toString()+ ". "+dog2.getName()+"'s age is"+" "+ dog2.getAge());
我想知道该怎么把getAge() 改成用toString()来表达
1.Suppose we have 2 classes as described below:
class Pet is the parent class, class Dog is the child class that inherits from Pet.
Each class declares and creates one new private variable, in addition to any variables it inherits (this means class Pet creates the variable age, class Dog creates the variable name).
Each class creates the following methods:
oa single set( ) method to set all variables the class has access to
oa toString( ) method to write out information about all data for the instance of the class
oand an equals( ) method that performs the usual operation of checking if two objects have the same data
All classes have one constructor— a parameterized one (that initializes all the class data)
to minimize code duplication, and to take advantage of any error checking done in already created methods, each method in Class Dog will call other already created methods where possible
These are the only methods in each class.
Write the Java code for the class definition file for class Dog. [4 marks]
2.Suppose that a Cat class has already been created for you, and inherits from Pet. Design and code a main to test the Pet, Dog and Cat classes by creating a one dimensional array with 2 Pets, 2 Dogs and 2 Cats. Write some code that will display the data currently stored in each object in the array. Then write some code to test all remaining methods that the Dog objects in the array have access to. [3 Marks]
3.For the Pet and Dog classes described in Question #1, identify any compiler or run-time errors in this program segment, and fix them if possible. Explain what each error is, and why it occurs. Once you have a running version of this program, what output will it produce? Why will it generate that output? [3 marks]
Pet p;
Dog d = new Dog( );
p = d;
p.set("Fido", 2);
p.age = 3;
SOP(p );
d = new Pet( 4 );