Heim > Fragen und Antworten > Hauptteil
In diesem Code habe ich eine Start- und eine Stopptaste und einen Timer.
Ich möchte Informationen vom Telefon wie DeviceOrientationEvent
und Eigenschaften wie absolut, Alpha, Beta und Gamma erhalten, wie in diesem Link gezeigt.
Ich weiß nicht, wie ich so etwas machen soll, da ich solche Ereignisse noch nie genutzt habe.
Nachdem ich diese Ereignisse erhalten habe, speichere ich sie z. B. in Richtung[].
<template> <q-page padding> <div class="text-center text-h5 q-mt-lg"> {{ $t('tasks.motion.title') }} </div> <div class="row justify-center q-mt-lg"> <q-btn @click="startTest" v-show="!isStarted" :label="$t('common.start')" /> <q-btn @click="completeTest" v-show="isStarted" :label="$t('common.complete')" /> </div> </q-page> </template> <script> import phone from 'modules/phone' import userinfo from 'modules/userinfo' import { format as Qformat } from 'quasar' const TEST_DURATION = 60 export default { name: 'MotionOrientationPage', props: { sKey: String, tId: Number }, data: function () { return { isSignalCheck: true, isStarted: false, isCompleted: false, timer: undefined, totalTime: TEST_DURATION, startedTS: undefined, completionTS: undefined, alpha: [] } }, mounted: async function () { // Events that are running always if (window.DeviceMotionEvent) { console.log('devicemotion was defined') } if (window.DeviceOrientationEvent) { console.log('GyroScope was defined') } }, methods: { async startTest () { this.isStarted = true this.startedTS = new Date() this.startTimer() phone.screen.forbidSleep() if (this.isStarted && this.isCompleted === false) { window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', function (event) { this.saveAlpha(event.alpha) console.log(event.alpha) }) } }, saveAlpha (alpha) { this.alpha.push(alpha) }, startTimer () { this.totalTime = TEST_DURATION this.timer = setInterval(() => this.countDown(), 1000) }, stopTimer () { clearInterval(this.timer) }, countDown () { if (this.totalTime >= 1) { this.totalTime-- } else { this.completeTest() } }, completeTest () { this.isStarted = false this.completionTS = new Date() this.stopTimer() phone.screen.allowSleep() this.isCompleted = true // package the report const sKey = this.sKey const taskId = parseInt(this.taskId) const userKey = userinfo.user._key let report = { userKey: userKey, sKey: sKey, taskId: taskId, createdTS: new Date(), startedTS: this.startedTS, completionTS: this.completionTS, alpha: this.alpha } this.$router.push({ name: 'reportMotionOrientation', params: { report: report } }) } }, computed: { minutes () { return Qformat.pad(Math.floor(this.totalTime / 60)) }, seconds () { return Qformat.pad(this.totalTime - (this.minutes * 60)) } }, beforeDestroy: function () { this.stopTimer() phone.screen.allowSleep() } } </script>
BEARBEITEN: Wenn ich mithilfe von Code eine Änderung des Alphawerts auf der Registerkarte „Sensor“ in den Entwicklungstools simuliere, erhalte ich Uncaught TypeError: this.saveAlpha is not a function at eval (file1.vue?149e:95)
P粉4941519412024-03-28 10:23:27
data() { return { ..., alpha: [] } }, mounted: { window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', function(event) { this.saveAlpha(event.alpha) }); // more event listeners }, methods: { saveAlpha(alpha) { this.alpha.push(alpha) }, // more saveMethods }
... data() { return { continue: "false" { }, methods: { ... listener() { if(this.continue) { window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', function(event) { this.saveAlpha(event.alpha) }); // more event listeners } } }
然后在您的组件中,确保 @click=listener
。您需要添加一些逻辑来围绕该方法开始/停止捕获。您可以使用按钮翻转 continue