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Wie rufe ich eine der aufgeführten Funktionen basierend auf dem Wert einer Variablen auf Called_function
function a() { alert('You called the a function.'); } function b() { alert('You called the b function'); } function c() { alert('You called the c function'); } const possible_strings = ["a", "b", "c"]; const called_function = Math.floor(Math.random() * possible_strings.length);
Das funktioniert nicht:
Beim Ausführen window[called_function]();
wird undefiniert angezeigt.
P粉8019040892024-02-27 00:42:50
您将 Called_function
function a() { alert('You called the a function.'); } function b() { alert('You called the b function'); } function c() { alert('You called the c function'); } const possible_strings = ["a", "b", "c"]; const called_function = possible_strings[Math.floor(Math.random() * possible_strings.length)]; window[called_function]()
function a() { alert('You called the a function.'); } function b() { alert('You called the b function'); } function c() { alert('You called the c function'); } [a,b,c][Math.random()*3|0]()