Heim > Fragen und Antworten > Hauptteil
Meine Frage ist, wie man ein Array mithilfe des Array-Schlüsseldatums in aufsteigender Reihenfolge erhält oder aufteilt,
Ich habe viel versucht...aber ich habe es nicht geschafft,
[ { "id": "47", "date": "07/16/2022", "text": "ph" } { "id": "46", "date": "06/16/2022", "text": "ph" }, { "id": "45", "date": "06/16/2021", "text": "ph" }]
Die Ausgabe, die ich brauche, ist
[ "2021": [{ "id": "45", "date": "06/16/2021", "text": "ph" }], "2022": [{ "id": "46", "date": "06/16/2022", "text": "ph" }, { "id": "47", "date": "07/16/2022", "text": "ip" }] ]
Wie geht das mit PHP oder JavaScript?
P粉5123632332024-02-04 20:18:04
PHP 版本可能如下所示:
$input = [ [ "id" => "47", "date" => "07/16/2022", "text" => "ph" ], [ "id" => "46", "date" => "06/16/2022", "text" => "ph" ], [ "id" => "45", "date" => "06/16/2021", "text" => "ph" ] ]; $result = []; foreach ($input as $entry) { $date = new DateTime($entry['date']); $result[$date->format('Y')][] = $entry; } ksort($result);
正如迭戈的回答所问,我也将 ksort
P粉7261339172024-02-04 14:04:49
这是一个关于如何使用 JavaScript 将输入数组转换为预期输出对象的演示:
const input = [ { "id": "47", "date": "07/16/2022", "text": "ph" }, { "id": "46", "date": "06/16/2022", "text": "ph" }, { "id": "45", "date": "06/16/2021", "text": "ph" } ]; const output = {}; //for each object in the input array for(o of input){ //parse the year part of the date property const year = o.date.substring(6); //if the parsed year doesn't exist yet in the output object if (!output.hasOwnProperty(year)) //then add an empty array to the year key in the output object output[year] = []; //add the current input object to the array bound to the year key in the output object output[year].push(o); } console.log( output );