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Brauche Hilfe bei der Positionierung von fpdf

Ich bin neu bei fpdf cell und multicell und benötige Hilfe bei meinem Code. Unten ist der Code, den ich geschrieben habe:

$pdf->Cell(60, 6, 'MAILING ADDRESS', 'L,R', 0);
$pdf->Multicell(65, 5, $puchaser1[0]["address"], 1);
$pdf->Cell(60, 11, $puchaser2[0]["address"], 1);

$pdf->Cell(60, 8, 'PHONE NUMBER', 1, 0);
$pdf->Cell(65, 8, $puchaser1[0]["contact_no"], 1, 0);
$pdf->Cell(65, 8, $puchaser2[0]["contact_no"], 1, 1);

Ich möchte, dass es so aussieht:

P粉619896145P粉619896145541 Tage vor718

Antworte allen(1)Ich werde antworten

  • P粉752826008

    P粉7528260082023-09-10 13:45:29


    // Height is different in multicell, this stands for lineheight and should be the same as other cells :)
    // I would advise you to go for, SMALL_CELL and BIG_CELL if you want to differentiate
    $WIDTH_CELL = 60;
    $HEIGHT_CELL = 5;
    // Most of the time, you want to border all so let's put this in a variable as well 
    // Not in your case though, but more on that below this :)
    $BORDER = 1;
    $pdf->Cell($WIDTH_CELL, $HEIGHT_CELL, 'MAILING ADDRESS', $border, 0);
    $pdf->Multicell($WIDTH_CELL, $HEIGHT_CELL, $puchaser1[0]["address"], $border);
    $pdf->Cell($WIDTH_CELL, $HEIGHT_CELL, $puchaser2[0]["address"], $border);
    $pdf->Cell($WIDTH_CELL, $HEIGHT_CELL, 'PHONE NUMBER', 1, 0);
    $pdf->Cell($WIDTH_CELL, $HEIGHT_CELL, $puchaser1[0]["contact_no"], $border, 0);
    $pdf->Cell($WIDTH_CELL, $HEIGHT_CELL, $puchaser2[0]["contact_no"], $border, 1);


    1. 跟踪您的起始 Y
    2. 添加多单元格后保存 Y 值
    3. 使用这两个值为整行绘制一个矩形

    所有其他边框应具体为“L”、“R”或“LR”。您必须用矩形绘制顶部边框、底部(有时是 L 或 R)边框。


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