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Verwenden Sie den BFS-Algorithmus, um das Diagramm zu untersuchen und den kürzesten Pfad auszugeben

<p>Ziel des Programms ist es, verschiedene Flughäfen zu durchqueren und mithilfe eines Breitensuchalgorithmus den kürzesten Weg zwischen PHX und BKK auszugeben. <strong>Ich habe jedoch Probleme beim Drucken der Ergebnisse. </strong></p> <p>Die erwartete Ausgabe (kürzester Pfad) ist: PHX -> LAX -> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">const airports = 'PHX BKK OKC JFK LAX MEX EZE HEL LOS LAP LIM'.split(' '); const Routen = [ ['PHX', 'LAX'], ['PHX', 'JFK'], ['JFK', 'OKC'], ['JFK', 'HEL'], ['JFK', 'LOS'], ['MEX', 'LAX'], ['MEX', 'BKK'], ['MEX', 'LIM'], ['MEX', 'EZE'], ['LIM', 'BKK'], ]; //Der Graph const adjacencyList = new Map(); //Knoten hinzufügen Funktion addNode(Flughafen) { adjacencyList.set(airport, []); } // Kante hinzufügen, ungerichtet Funktion addEdge(Ursprung, Ziel) { adjacencyList.get(origin).push(destination); adjacencyList.get(destination).push(origin); } // Das Diagramm erstellen Flughäfen.forEach(addNode); // Jede Route durchlaufen und die Werte in die Funktion addEdge verteilen Routen.forEach(route => addEdge(...route));</pre> <p>Mit dem Knoten als Startpunkt (Standort) und der Kante als Ziel ist der Graph ungerichtet</p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">function bfs(start) { const besuchte = new Set(); besuchte.add(start); // Den Startknoten zur besuchten Liste hinzufügen const queue = [start]; while (queue.length > 0) { const Airport = queue.shift(); // Warteschlange ändern const Destinations = adjacencyList.get(airport); for (const Ziel der Ziele) { if (destination === 'BKK') { console.log(`BFS hat Bangkok gefunden!`) //console.log(path); } if (!visited.has(destination)) { besuchte.add(Ziel); queue.push(Ziel); } } } } bfs('PHX')</pre></p>
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  • P粉232793765

    P粉2327937652023-09-04 00:28:48


    在bfs()函数中,oldpath用于存储每个节点(父节点)所经过的路径,shortest path用于存储结果

    const oldpath = new Map();
    let shortestPath = [];
    while (queue.length > 0) {
            let airport = queue.shift(); // mutates the queue
            const destinations = adjacencyList.get(airport);
            for (const destination of destinations) {
                // destination -> origin
                if (destination === 'BKK')  {
                    console.log(`BFS found Bangkok!`)
                    oldpath.set(destination, airport) // remember parentNode    
                    retracePath(airport);    // loops through all parentNodes of BKK 
                                              //   and adds them to the path
                    shortestPath = []
                if (!visited.has(destination)) {
                    oldpath.set(destination, airport) // remember parentNode


    function retracePath(parentNode){
        while(oldpath.get(parentNode)){ // keep going until reaching the root
            shortestPath.unshift(parentNode); // adding each parent to the path 
            parentNode = oldpath.get(parentNode); // find the parent's parent

  • P粉214176639

    P粉2141766392023-09-04 00:24:58

    不要将节点标记为已访问,而是利用这个机会将该节点与其父节点标记。您可以使用一个 Map 来:

    • 指示节点是否已访问
    • 指示在到达之前的上一个节点(父节点)
    • 以队列方式维护访问节点的顺序


    function createGraph(airports, routes) {  // Your code, but as a function
        // The graph
        const adjacencyList = new Map();
        // Add node
        function addNode(airport) {
            adjacencyList.set(airport, []);
        // Add edge, undirected
        function addEdge(origin, destination) {
        // Create the Graph
        // loop through each route and spread the values into addEdge function
        routes.forEach(route => addEdge(...route));
        return adjacencyList;
    function bfs(adjacencyList, start, end) {
        const cameFrom = new Map(); // Used as linked list, as visited marker, and as queue
        cameFrom.set(start, null);
        // As Map maintains insertion order, and keys() is an iterator,
        //   this loop will keep looping as long as new entries are added to it
        for (const airport of cameFrom.keys()) {
            for (const destination of adjacencyList.get(airport)) {
                if (!cameFrom.has(destination)) {
                    cameFrom.set(destination, airport); // remember parentNode
                    if (destination === end) return retracePath(cameFrom, end);
    function retracePath(cameFrom, node) {
        const path = [];
        while (cameFrom.has(node)) {
            node = cameFrom.get(node);
        return path.reverse();
    const airports = 'PHX BKK OKC JFK LAX MEX EZE HEL LOS LAP LIM'.split(' ');
    const routes = [
        ['PHX', 'LAX'], 
        ['PHX', 'JFK'],
        ['JFK', 'OKC'],
        ['JFK', 'HEL'],
        ['JFK', 'LOS'],
        ['MEX', 'LAX'],
        ['MEX', 'BKK'],
        ['MEX', 'LIM'],
        ['MEX', 'EZE'],
        ['LIM', 'BKK'],
    const adjacencyList = createGraph(airports, routes); 
    const path = bfs(adjacencyList, 'PHX', 'BKK');

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