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巴扎黑2017-04-10 13:11:38
<?php //Accpet the http client request and generate response content. //As a demo, this function just send "PHP HTTP Server" to client. function handle_http_request($address, $port) { $max_backlog = 16; $res_content = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-Length: 15\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n\nPHP HTTP Server "; $res_len = strlen($res_content); //Create, bind and listen to socket: if(($socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP)) === FALSE) { echo "Create socket failed!\n"; exit; } if((socket_bind($socket, $address, $port)) === FALSE) { echo "Bind socket failed!\n"; exit; } if((socket_listen($socket, $max_backlog)) === FALSE) { echo "Listen to socket failed!\n"; exit; } //Loop while(TRUE) { if(($accept_socket = socket_accept($socket)) === FALSE) { continue; } else { socket_write($accept_socket, $res_content, $res_len); socket_close($accept_socket); } } } //Run as deamon process. function run() { if(($pid1 = pcntl_fork()) === 0) //First child process { posix_setsid(); //Set first child process as the session leader. if(($pid2 = pcntl_fork()) === 0) //Second child process, which run as deamon. { handle_http_request('www.codinglabs.org', 9999); //Replaced by your own domain or address. } else { //Second child process exit; exit; } } else { //First child process exit; pcntl_wait($status); } } //Entry point. run(); ?>
PHPz2017-04-10 13:11:38
PHP可以做服务化,有一个PHP扩展是用来开发高性能高并发的TCP /UDP Server. 这里:http://www4swoole.sinaapp.com/