Heim > Fragen und Antworten > Hauptteil
<canvas id="myChart" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
var ctx = $("#myChart").get(0).getContext("2d");
var myNewChart = new Chart(ctx).Bar(data,options);
var data = {
labels : ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July"],
datasets : [
fillColor : "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)",
strokeColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
data : [65,59,90,81,56,55,40]
fillColor : "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)",
strokeColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
data : [28,48,40,19,96,27,100]
var options = {
//Boolean - If we show the scale above the chart data
scaleOverlay : false,
//Boolean - If we want to override with a hard coded scale
scaleOverride : false,
//** Required if scaleOverride is true **
//Number - The number of steps in a hard coded scale
scaleSteps : null,
//Number - The value jump in the hard coded scale
scaleStepWidth : null,
//Number - The scale starting value
scaleStartValue : null,
//String - Colour of the scale line
scaleLineColor : "rgba(0,0,0,.1)",
//Number - Pixel width of the scale line
scaleLineWidth : 1,
//Boolean - Whether to show labels on the scale
scaleShowLabels : false,
//Interpolated JS string - can access value
scaleLabel : "<%=value%>",
//String - Scale label font declaration for the scale label
scaleFontFamily : "'Arial'",
//Number - Scale label font size in pixels
scaleFontSize : 12,
//String - Scale label font weight style
scaleFontStyle : "normal",
//String - Scale label font colour
scaleFontColor : "#666",
///Boolean - Whether grid lines are shown across the chart
scaleShowGridLines : true,
//String - Colour of the grid lines
scaleGridLineColor : "rgba(0,0,0,.05)",
//Number - Width of the grid lines
scaleGridLineWidth : 1,
//Boolean - If there is a stroke on each bar
barShowStroke : true,
//Number - Pixel width of the bar stroke
barStrokeWidth : 2,
//Number - Spacing between each of the X value sets
barValueSpacing : 5,
//Number - Spacing between data sets within X values
barDatasetSpacing : 1,
//Boolean - Whether to animate the chart
animation : true,
//Number - Number of animation steps
animationSteps : 60,
//String - Animation easing effect
animationEasing : "easeOutQuart",
//Function - Fires when the animation is complete
onAnimationComplete : null
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