Heim > Fragen und Antworten > Hauptteil
有一个类似字典的txt文件,读取后输入一段混乱的字母寻找匹配的单词(Word Jumble)。
$ python3 jumbler.py trsesi dict.txt resist sister 2 matches in 41238 words $ python3 jumbler.py rayin dict.txt rainy 1 match in 41238 words $ python3 jumbler.py tororo dict.txt No matches $ python3 jumbler.py taroro dict.txt orator 1 match in 41238 words
a aardvark abaci aback abacus abaft abalone abandon abandoned abandonment abase abasement abash abashed abashedly abashment abate abatement abattoir abbe abbess abbey abbot abbreviate abbreviated abbreviation abdicate abdication abdomen abdominal
import argparse def jumbler(jumble, dict_file_name): """ supply an excellent docstring here """ # first you must open the file # second you must read each word from the file and perform an # appropriate comparison of each with 'jumble'; you need to count the # number of lines read from the file # if a word matches 'jumble', you are to print the word on a line by itself # after you have read each word from the file and compared, you need to # close the file # assume that there were MATCHES words that matched, and NLINES in the file # if there was a single match, you need to print # "1 match in NLINES words", where NLINES is replaced by the value of NLINES # if there were two or more matches, you need to print # "MATCHES matches in NLINES words" # if there were no matches, you need to print # "No matches" wordlist = [] dictionary = open(dict_file_name,"r") for line in dictionary.readlines(): wordlist.extend(line.split(','))#修改后 for word in wordlist: if sorted(str(jumble))==sorted(str(word)): print(word+"\n") else: print("No matches") dictionary.close() def main(): """ collect command arguments and invoke jumbler() inputs: none, fetches arguments using argparse effects: calls jumbler() """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Solve a jumble (anagram)") parser.add_argument("jumble", type=str, help="Jumbled word (anagram)") parser.add_argument('wordlist', type=str, help="A text file containing dictionary words, one word per line.") args = parser.parse_args() # gets arguments from command line jumble = args.jumble wordlist = args.wordlist jumbler(jumble, wordlist) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
但是打出来是一行行no matches....求大神赐教
我根据两位评论修改了list.extend,但是结果还是满满的no matches..不是很理解
No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches No matches
三叔2016-10-22 15:48:35
首先,string.split() 会将字符串分割成列表, list.append() 则将整个参数作为一个元素添加到列表中,因此,你代码中的
wordlist += line.split(',')
其次,readlines() 返回的字符串包含行尾的换行符,如下代码所示:
>>> 'abbe\n'.split() ['abbe'] >>> 'abbe\n'.split(',') ['abbe\n']
应该把line.split(',')改为 line.split()。
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import argparse def jumbler(jumble, dict_file_name): """ supply an excellent docstring here """ # first you must open the file # second you must read each word from the file and perform an # appropriate comparison of each with 'jumble'; you need to count the # number of lines read from the file # if a word matches 'jumble', you are to print the word on a line by itself # after you have read each word from the file and compared, you need to # close the file # assume that there were MATCHES words that matched, and NLINES in the file # if there was a single match, you need to print # "1 match in NLINES words", where NLINES is replaced by the value of NLINES # if there were two or more matches, you need to print # "MATCHES matches in NLINES words" # if there were no matches, you need to print # "No matches" line_count = 0 match_count = 0 dictionary = open(dict_file_name,"r") for line in dictionary.readlines(): line_count += 1 for word in line.split(): if sorted(str(jumble)) == sorted(str(word)): match_count += 1 print(word) if match_count == 0: print("No matches") else: print('%d matches in %d words' %(match_count, line_count)) dictionary.close() def main(): """ collect command arguments and invoke jumbler() inputs: none, fetches arguments using argparse effects: calls jumbler() """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Solve a jumble (anagram)") parser.add_argument("jumble", type=str, help="Jumbled word (anagram)") parser.add_argument('wordlist', type=str, help="A text file containing dictionary words, one word per line.") args = parser.parse_args() # gets arguments from command line jumble = args.jumble wordlist = args.wordlist jumbler(jumble, wordlist) if __name__ == "__main__": main()