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vimrc – In vim sind mehrere Registerkarten geöffnet. Wie kann ich das Programm schnell und direkt verlassen?

Ich möchte sie nicht einzeln schließen. Wie kann ich sie schnell verlassen?

ringa_leeringa_lee2712 Tage vor505

Antworte allen(2)Ich werde antworten

  • ringa_lee

    ringa_lee2017-05-16 16:36:54


    1. vim命令行模式下

    :help quit 然后Ctrl+d, 如下图, 出现帮助文档的关键字,然后,补全自己的搜索,Enter.

    1. 会出现quit的详细文档,如下:

    此处省略3856个英文字符...往下照你就会发现qa这个关键命令.退出所有.但是我的文件需要保存一下,肿么办呢? 继续往下看.
    *:qa* *:qall*
    :qa[ll]        Exit Vim, unless there are some buffers which have been
            changed.  (Use ":bmod" to go to the next modified buffer).
            When 'autowriteall' is set all changed buffers will be
            written, like |:wqall|. {not in Vi}
    :conf[irm] qa[ll]
            Exit Vim.  Bring up a prompt when some buffers have been
            changed.  See |:confirm|. {not in Vi}
    :qa[ll]!    Exit Vim.  Any changes to buffers are lost. {not in Vi}
            Also see |:cquit|, it does the same but exits with a non-zero
    此处省略一大串英文字符... 找到了wqa!, 退出所有之前,先保存一下.甚至还有xa!
    :wqa[ll]! [++opt]
    :xa[ll]!    Write all changed buffers, even the ones that are readonly,
            and exit Vim.  If there are buffers without a file name or
            which cannot be written for another reason, Vim will not quit.
            {not in Vi}

    学会查看帮助文档,这是学习linux的一项基础技能. 同时做其他的事儿, 先看看有没有帮助文档之类的东西.

    学习的知识是无限的, 可是学习的方法是有限的.

  • 滿天的星座

    滿天的星座2017-05-16 16:36:54

    :qa! 退出所有。

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