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(PECL solr >= 0.9.2)
SolrClient::query — Sends a query to the server
)Sends a query to the server.
A SolrParams object. It is recommended to use SolrQuery for advanced queries.
Returns a SolrQueryResponse object on success and throws an exception on failure.
Throws SolrClientException if the client had failed, or there was a connection issue.
Throws SolrServerException if the Solr Server had failed to satisfy the query.
Example #1 SolrClient::query() example
$options = array
'hostname' => 'localhost' ,
'login' => 'username' ,
'password' => 'password' ,
'port' => '8983' ,
$client = new SolrClient ( $options );
$query = new SolrQuery ();
$query -> setQuery ( 'lucene' );
$query -> setStart ( 0 );
$query -> setRows ( 50 );
$query -> addField ( 'cat' )-> addField ( 'features' )-> addField ( 'id' )-> addField ( 'timestamp' );
$query_response = $client -> query ( $query );
$response = $query_response -> getResponse ();
print_r ( $response );
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