Heim >php教程 >php手册 >PHP使用Face++接口开发微信公众平台人脸识别系统的方法


2016-06-06 20:04:551174Durchsuche








* @link https://github.com/dodgepudding/wechat-php-sdk * @version 1.2 * usage: * $options = array( * 'token'=>'tokenaccesskey', //填写你设定的key * 'appid'=>'wxdk1234567890', //填写高级调用功能的app id * 'appsecret'=>'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', //填写高级调用功能的密钥 * ); * $weObj = new Wechat($options); * $weObj->valid(); * $type = $weObj->getRev()->getRevType(); * switch($type) { * case Wechat::MSGTYPE_TEXT: * $weObj->text("hello, I'm wechat")->reply(); * exit; * break; * case Wechat::MSGTYPE_EVENT: * .... * break; * case Wechat::MSGTYPE_IMAGE: * ... * break; * default: * $weObj->text("help info")->reply(); * } * //获取菜单操作: * $menu = $weObj->getMenu(); * //设置菜单 * $newmenu = array( * "button"=> * array( * array('type'=>'click','name'=>'最新消息','key'=>'MENU_KEY_NEWS'), * array('type'=>'view','name'=>'我要搜索','url'=>'http://www.baidu.com'), * ) * ); * $result = $weObj->createMenu($newmenu); */ class Wechat { const MSGTYPE_TEXT = 'text'; const MSGTYPE_IMAGE = 'image'; const MSGTYPE_LOCATION = 'location'; const MSGTYPE_LINK = 'link'; const MSGTYPE_EVENT = 'event'; const MSGTYPE_MUSIC = 'music'; const MSGTYPE_NEWS = 'news'; const MSGTYPE_VOICE = 'voice'; const MSGTYPE_VIDEO = 'video'; const API_URL_PREFIX = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin'; const AUTH_URL = '/token?grant_type=client_credential&'; const MENU_CREATE_URL = '/menu/create?'; const MENU_GET_URL = '/menu/get?'; const MENU_DELETE_URL = '/menu/delete?'; const MEDIA_GET_URL = '/media/get?'; const QRCODE_CREATE_URL='/qrcode/create?'; const QR_SCENE = 0; const QR_LIMIT_SCENE = 1; const QRCODE_IMG_URL='https://mp.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/showqrcode?ticket='; const USER_GET_URL='/user/get?'; const USER_INFO_URL='/user/info?'; const GROUP_GET_URL='/groups/get?'; const GROUP_CREATE_URL='/groups/create?'; const GROUP_UPDATE_URL='/groups/update?'; const GROUP_MEMBER_UPDATE_URL='/groups/members/update?'; const CUSTOM_SEND_URL='/message/custom/send?'; const OAUTH_PREFIX = 'https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2'; const OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URL = '/authorize?'; const OAUTH_TOKEN_PREFIX = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2'; const OAUTH_TOKEN_URL = '/access_token?'; const OAUTH_REFRESH_URL = '/refresh_token?'; const OAUTH_USERINFO_URL = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/userinfo?'; private $token; private $appid; private $appsecret; private $access_token; private $user_token; private $_msg; private $_funcflag = false; private $_receive; public $debug = false; public $errCode = 40001; public $errMsg = "no access"; private $_logcallback; public function __construct($options) { $this->token = isset($options['token'])?$options['token']:''; $this->appid = isset($options['appid'])?$options['appid']:''; $this->appsecret = isset($options['appsecret'])?$options['appsecret']:''; $this->debug = isset($options['debug'])?$options['debug']:false; $this->_logcallback = isset($options['logcallback'])?$options['logcallback']:false; } /** * For weixin server validation */ private function checkSignature() { $signature = isset($_GET["signature"])?$_GET["signature"]:''; $timestamp = isset($_GET["timestamp"])?$_GET["timestamp"]:''; $nonce = isset($_GET["nonce"])?$_GET["nonce"]:''; $token = $this->token; $tmpArr = array($token, $timestamp, $nonce); sort($tmpArr, SORT_STRING); $tmpStr = implode( $tmpArr ); $tmpStr = sha1( $tmpStr ); if( $tmpStr == $signature ){ return true; }else{ return false; } } /** * For weixin server validation * @param bool $return 是否返回 */ public function valid($return=false) { $echoStr = isset($_GET["echostr"]) ? $_GET["echostr"]: ''; if ($return) { if ($echoStr) { if ($this->checkSignature()) return $echoStr; else return false; } else return $this->checkSignature(); } else { if ($echoStr) { if ($this->checkSignature()) die($echoStr); else die('no access'); } else { if ($this->checkSignature()) return true; else die('no access'); } } return false; } /** * 设置发送消息 * @param array $msg 消息数组 * @param bool $append 是否在原消息数组追加 */ public function Message($msg = '',$append = false){ if (is_null($msg)) { $this->_msg =array(); }elseif (is_array($msg)) { if ($append) $this->_msg = array_merge($this->_msg,$msg); else $this->_msg = $msg; return $this->_msg; } else { return $this->_msg; } } public function setFuncFlag($flag) { $this->_funcflag = $flag; return $this; } private function log($log){ if ($this->debug && function_exists($this->_logcallback)) { if (is_array($log)) $log = print_r($log,true); return call_user_func($this->_logcallback,$log); } } /** * 获取微信服务器发来的信息 */ public function getRev() { if ($this->_receive) return $this; $postStr = file_get_contents("php://input"); $this->log($postStr); if (!empty($postStr)) { $this->_receive = (array)simplexml_load_string($postStr, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); } return $this; } /** * 获取微信服务器发来的信息 */ public function getRevData() { return $this->_receive; } /** * 获取消息发送者 */ public function getRevFrom() { if (isset($this->_receive['FromUserName'])) return $this->_receive['FromUserName']; else return false; } /** * 获取消息接受者 */ public function getRevTo() { if (isset($this->_receive['ToUserName'])) return $this->_receive['ToUserName']; else return false; } /** * 获取接收消息的类型 */ public function getRevType() { if (isset($this->_receive['MsgType'])) return $this->_receive['MsgType']; else return false; } /** * 获取消息ID */ public function getRevID() { if (isset($this->_receive['MsgId'])) return $this->_receive['MsgId']; else return false; } /** * 获取消息发送时间 */ public function getRevCtime() { if (isset($this->_receive['CreateTime'])) return $this->_receive['CreateTime']; else return false; } /** * 获取接收消息内容正文 */ public function getRevContent(){ if (isset($this->_receive['Content'])) return $this->_receive['Content']; else if (isset($this->_receive['Recognition'])) //获取语音识别文字内容,,需申请开通 return $this->_receive['Recognition']; else return false; } /** * 获取接收消息图片 */ public function getRevPic(){ if (isset($this->_receive['PicUrl'])) return $this->_receive['PicUrl']; else return false; } /** * 获取接收消息链接 */ public function getRevLink(){ if (isset($this->_receive['Url'])){ return array( 'url'=>$this->_receive['Url'], 'title'=>$this->_receive['Title'], 'description'=>$this->_receive['Description'] ); } else return false; } /** * 获取接收地理位置 */ public function getRevGeo(){ if (isset($this->_receive['Location_X'])){ return array( 'x'=>$this->_receive['Location_X'], 'y'=>$this->_receive['Location_Y'], 'scale'=>$this->_receive['Scale'], 'label'=>$this->_receive['Label'] ); } else return false; } /** * 获取接收事件推送 */ public function getRevEvent(){ if (isset($this->_receive['Event'])){ return array( 'event'=>$this->_receive['Event'], 'key'=>$this->_receive['EventKey'], ); } else return false; } /** * 获取接收语言推送 */ public function getRevVoice(){ if (isset($this->_receive['MediaId'])){ return array( 'mediaid'=>$this->_receive['MediaId'], 'format'=>$this->_receive['Format'], ); } else return false; } /** * 获取接收视频推送 */ public function getRevVideo(){ if (isset($this->_receive['MediaId'])){ return array( 'mediaid'=>$this->_receive['MediaId'], 'thumbmediaid'=>$this->_receive['ThumbMediaId'] ); } else return false; } /** * 获取接收TICKET */ public function getRevTicket(){ if (isset($this->_receive['Ticket'])){ return $this->_receive['Ticket']; } else return false; } /** * 获取二维码的场景值 */ public function getRevSceneId (){ if (isset($this->_receive['EventKey'])){ return str_replace('qrscene_','',$this->_receive['EventKey']); } else{ return false; } } public static function xmlSafeStr($str) { return ''; } /** * 数据XML编码 * @param mixed $data 数据 * @return string */ public static function data_to_xml($data) { $xml = ''; foreach ($data as $key => $val) { is_numeric($key) && $key = "item id=\"$key\""; $xml .= ""; $xml .= ( is_array($val) || is_object($val)) ? self::data_to_xml($val) : self::xmlSafeStr($val); list($key, ) = explode(' ', $key); $xml .= "$key>"; } return $xml; } /** * XML编码 * @param mixed $data 数据 * @param string $root 根节点名 * @param string $item 数字索引的子节点名 * @param string $attr 根节点属性 * @param string $id 数字索引子节点key转换的属性名 * @param string $encoding 数据编码 * @return string */ public function xml_encode($data, $root='xml', $item='item', $attr='', $id='id', $encoding='utf-8') { if(is_array($attr)){ $_attr = array(); foreach ($attr as $key => $value) { $_attr[] = "{$key}=\"{$value}\""; } $attr = implode(' ', $_attr); } $attr = trim($attr); $attr = empty($attr) ? '' : " {$attr}"; $xml = ""; $xml .= self::data_to_xml($data, $item, $id); $xml .= "{$root}>"; return $xml; } /** * 设置回复消息 * Examle: $obj->text('hello')->reply(); * @param string $text */ public function text($text='') { $FuncFlag = $this->_funcflag ? 1 : 0; $msg = array( 'ToUserName' => $this->getRevFrom(), 'FromUserName'=>$this->getRevTo(), 'MsgType'=>self::MSGTYPE_TEXT, 'Content'=>$text, 'CreateTime'=>time(), 'FuncFlag'=>$FuncFlag ); $this->Message($msg); return $this; } /** * 设置回复音乐 * @param string $title * @param string $desc * @param string $musicurl * @param string $hgmusicurl */ public function music($title,$desc,$musicurl,$hgmusicurl='') { $FuncFlag = $this->_funcflag ? 1 : 0; $msg = array( 'ToUserName' => $this->getRevFrom(), 'FromUserName'=>$this->getRevTo(), 'CreateTime'=>time(), 'MsgType'=>self::MSGTYPE_MUSIC, 'Music'=>array( 'Title'=>$title, 'Description'=>$desc, 'MusicUrl'=>$musicurl, 'HQMusicUrl'=>$hgmusicurl ), 'FuncFlag'=>$FuncFlag ); $this->Message($msg); return $this; } /** * 设置回复图文 * @param array $newsData * 数组结构: * array( * [0]=>array( * 'Title'=>'msg title', * 'Description'=>'summary text', * 'PicUrl'=>'http://www.domain.com/1.jpg', * 'Url'=>'http://www.domain.com/1.html' * ), * [1]=>.... * ) */ public function news($newsData=array()) { $FuncFlag = $this->_funcflag ? 1 : 0; $count = count($newsData); $msg = array( 'ToUserName' => $this->getRevFrom(), 'FromUserName'=>$this->getRevTo(), 'MsgType'=>self::MSGTYPE_NEWS, 'CreateTime'=>time(), 'ArticleCount'=>$count, 'Articles'=>$newsData, 'FuncFlag'=>$FuncFlag ); $this->Message($msg); return $this; } /** * * 回复微信服务器, 此函数支持链式操作 * @example $this->text('msg tips')->reply(); * @param string $msg 要发送的信息, 默认取$this->_msg * @param bool $return 是否返回信息而不抛出到浏览器 默认:否 */ public function reply($msg=array(),$return = false) { if (empty($msg)) $msg = $this->_msg; $xmldata= $this->xml_encode($msg); $this->log($xmldata); if ($return) return $xmldata; else echo $xmldata; } /** * GET 请求 * @param string $url */ private function http_get($url){ $oCurl = curl_init(); if(stripos($url,"https://")!==FALSE){ curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE); } curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 ); $sContent = curl_exec($oCurl); $aStatus = curl_getinfo($oCurl); curl_close($oCurl); if(intval($aStatus["http_code"])==200){ return $sContent; }else{ return false; } } /** * POST 请求 * @param string $url * @param array $param * @return string content */ private function http_post($url,$param){ $oCurl = curl_init(); if(stripos($url,"https://")!==FALSE){ curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); } if (is_string($param)) { $strPOST = $param; } else { $aPOST = array(); foreach($param as $key=>$val){ $aPOST[] = $key."=".urlencode($val); } $strPOST = join("&", $aPOST); } curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 ); curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_POST,true); curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$strPOST); $sContent = curl_exec($oCurl); $aStatus = curl_getinfo($oCurl); curl_close($oCurl); if(intval($aStatus["http_code"])==200){ return $sContent; }else{ return false; } } /** * 通用auth验证方法,暂时仅用于菜单更新操作 * @param string $appid * @param string $appsecret */ public function checkAuth($appid='',$appsecret=''){ if (!$appid || !$appsecret) { $appid = $this->appid; $appsecret = $this->appsecret; } //TODO: get the cache access_token $result = $this->http_get(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::AUTH_URL.'appid='.$appid.'&secret='.$appsecret); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result,true); if (!$json || isset($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } $this->access_token = $json['access_token']; $expire = $json['expires_in'] ? intval($json['expires_in'])-100 : 3600; //TODO: cache access_token return $this->access_token; } return false; } /** * 删除验证数据 * @param string $appid */ public function resetAuth($appid=''){ $this->access_token = ''; //TODO: remove cache return true; } /** * 微信api不支持中文转义的json结构 * @param array $arr */ static function json_encode($arr) { $parts = array (); $is_list = false; //Find out if the given array is a numerical array $keys = array_keys ( $arr ); $max_length = count ( $arr ) - 1; if (($keys [0] === 0) && ($keys [$max_length] === $max_length )) { //See if the first key is 0 and last key is length - 1 $is_list = true; for($i = 0; $i $value ) { if (is_array ( $value )) { //Custom handling for arrays if ($is_list) $parts [] = self::json_encode ( $value ); /* :RECURSION: */ else $parts [] = '"' . $key . '":' . self::json_encode ( $value ); /* :RECURSION: */ } else { $str = ''; if (! $is_list) $str = '"' . $key . '":'; //Custom handling for multiple data types if (is_numeric ( $value ) && $valueaccess_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false; $result = $this->http_post(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::MENU_CREATE_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token,self::json_encode($data)); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result,true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return true; } return false; } /** * 获取菜单 * @return array('menu'=>array(....s)) */ public function getMenu(){ if (!$this->access_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false; $result = $this->http_get(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::MENU_GET_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result,true); if (!$json || isset($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } /** * 删除菜单 * @return boolean */ public function deleteMenu(){ if (!$this->access_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false; $result = $this->http_get(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::MENU_DELETE_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result,true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return true; } return false; } /** * 根据媒体文件ID获取媒体文件 * @param string $media_id 媒体文件id * @return raw data */ public function getMedia($media_id){ if (!$this->access_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false; $result = $this->http_get(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::MEDIA_GET_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token.'&media_id='.$media_id); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result,true); if (isset($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } /** * 创建二维码ticket * @param int $scene_id 自定义追踪id * @param int $type 0:临时二维码;1:永久二维码(此时expire参数无效) * @param int $expire 临时二维码有效期,最大为1800秒 * @return array('ticket'=>'qrcode字串','expire_seconds'=>1800) */ public function getQRCode($scene_id,$type=0,$expire=1800){ if (!$this->access_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false; $data = array( 'action_name'=>$type?"QR_LIMIT_SCENE":"QR_SCENE", 'expire_seconds'=>$expire, 'action_info'=>array('scene'=>array('scene_id'=>$scene_id)) ); if ($type == 1) { unset($data['expire_seconds']); } $result = $this->http_post(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::QRCODE_CREATE_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token,self::json_encode($data)); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result,true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } /** * 获取二维码图片 * @param string $ticket 传入由getQRCode方法生成的ticket参数 * @return string url 返回http地址 */ public function getQRUrl($ticket) { return self::QRCODE_IMG_URL.$ticket; } /** * 批量获取关注用户列表 * @param unknown $next_openid */ public function getUserList($next_openid=''){ if (!$this->access_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false; $result = $this->http_get(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::USER_GET_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token.'&next_openid='.$next_openid); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result,true); if (isset($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } /** * 获取关注者详细信息 * @param string $openid * @return array */ public function getUserInfo($openid){ if (!$this->access_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false; $result = $this->http_get(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::USER_INFO_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token.'&openid='.$openid); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result,true); if (isset($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } /** * 获取用户分组列表 * @return boolean|array */ public function getGroup(){ if (!$this->access_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false; $result = $this->http_get(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::GROUP_GET_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result,true); if (isset($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } /** * 新增自定分组 * @param string $name 分组名称 * @return boolean|array */ public function createGroup($name){ if (!$this->access_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false; $data = array( 'group'=>array('name'=>$name) ); $result = $this->http_post(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::GROUP_CREATE_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token,self::json_encode($data)); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result,true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } /** * 更改分组名称 * @param int $groupid 分组id * @param string $name 分组名称 * @return boolean|array */ public function updateGroup($groupid,$name){ if (!$this->access_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false; $data = array( 'group'=>array('id'=>$groupid,'name'=>$name) ); $result = $this->http_post(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::GROUP_UPDATE_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token,self::json_encode($data)); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result,true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } /** * 移动用户分组 * @param int $groupid 分组id * @param string $openid 用户openid * @return boolean|array */ public function updateGroupMembers($groupid,$openid){ if (!$this->access_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false; $data = array( 'openid'=>$openid, 'to_groupid'=>$groupid ); $result = $this->http_post(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::GROUP_MEMBER_UPDATE_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token,self::json_encode($data)); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result,true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } /** * 发送客服消息 * @param array $data 消息结构{"touser":"OPENID","msgtype":"news","news":{...}} * @return boolean|array */ public function sendCustomMessage($data){ if (!$this->access_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false; $result = $this->http_post(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::CUSTOM_SEND_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token,self::json_encode($data)); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result,true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } /** * oauth 授权跳转接口 * @param string $callback 回调URI * @return string */ public function getOauthRedirect($callback,$state='',$scope='snsapi_userinfo'){ return self::OAUTH_PREFIX.self::OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URL.'appid='.$this->appid.'&redirect_uri='.urlencode($callback).'&response_type=code&scope='.$scope.'&state='.$state.'#wechat_redirect'; } /* * 通过code获取Access Token * @return array {access_token,expires_in,refresh_token,openid,scope} */ public function getOauthAccessToken(){ $code = isset($_GET['code'])?$_GET['code']:''; if (!$code) return false; $result = $this->http_get(self::OAUTH_TOKEN_PREFIX.self::OAUTH_TOKEN_URL.'appid='.$this->appid.'&secret='.$this->appsecret.'&code='.$code.'&grant_type=authorization_code'); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result,true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } $this->user_token = $json['access_token']; return $json; } return false; } /** * 刷新access token并续期 * @param string $refresh_token * @return boolean|mixed */ public function getOauthRefreshToken($refresh_token){ $result = $this->http_get(self::OAUTH_TOKEN_PREFIX.self::OAUTH_REFRESH_URL.'appid='.$this->appid.'&grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token='.$refresh_token); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result,true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } $this->user_token = $json['access_token']; return $json; } return false; } /** * 获取授权后的用户资料 * @param string $access_token * @param string $openid * @return array {openid,nickname,sex,province,city,country,headimgurl,privilege} */ public function getOauthUserinfo($access_token,$openid){ $result = $this->http_get(self::OAUTH_USERINFO_URL.'access_token='.$access_token.'&openid='.$openid); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result,true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errCode = $json['errcode']; $this->errMsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } }


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