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2016-06-06 20:01:51912Durchsuche

// prevent execution of jQuery if included more than once if(typeof window.jQuery == "undefined") { /* * jQuery 1.1.3a - New Wave Javascript * * Copyright (c) 2007 John Resig (jquery.com) * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) * a

// prevent execution of jQuery if included more than once
if(typeof window.jQuery == "undefined") {
 * jQuery 1.1.3a - New Wave Javascript
 * Copyright (c) 2007 John Resig (jquery.com)
 * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
 * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
 * $Date: 2007-05-23 08:48:15 -0400 (Wed, 23 May 2007) $
 * $Rev: 1961 $

// Global undefined variable
window.undefined = window.undefined;

 * Create a new jQuery Object
 * @constructor
 * @private
 * @name jQuery
 * @param String|Function|Element|Array|jQuery a selector
 * @param jQuery|Element|Array c context
 * @cat Core
var jQuery = function(a,c) {
 // If the context is global, return a new object
 if ( window == this )
  return new jQuery(a,c);
 return this.init(a,c);

// Map over the $ in case of overwrite
if ( typeof $ != "undefined" )
 jQuery._$ = $;
// Map the jQuery namespace to the '$' one
var $ = jQuery;

 * This function accepts a string containing a CSS or
 * basic XPath selector which is then used to match a set of elements.
 * The core functionality of jQuery centers around this function.
 * Everything in jQuery is based upon this, or uses this in some way.
 * The most basic use of this function is to pass in an expression
 * (usually consisting of CSS or XPath), which then finds all matching
 * elements.
 * By default, if no context is specified, $() looks for DOM elements within the context of the
 * current HTML document. If you do specify a context, such as a DOM
 * element or jQuery object, the expression will be matched against
 * the contents of that context.
 * See [[DOM/Traversing/Selectors]] for the allowed CSS/XPath syntax for expressions.
 * @example $("div > p")
 * @desc Finds all p elements that are children of a div element.
 * @before




 * @result [


 * @example $("input:radio", document.forms[0])
 * @desc Searches for all inputs of type radio within the first form in the document
 * @example $("div", xml.responseXML)
 * @desc This finds all div elements within the specified XML document.
 * @name $
 * @param String expr An expression to search with
 * @param Element|jQuery context (optional) A DOM Element, Document or jQuery to use as context
 * @cat Core
 * @type jQuery
 * @see $(Element)
 * @see $(Element)
 * Create DOM elements on-the-fly from the provided String of raw HTML.
 * @example $("


 * @desc Creates a div element (and all of its contents) dynamically,
 * and appends it to the body element. Internally, an
 * element is created and its innerHTML property set to the given markup.
 * It is therefore both quite flexible and limited.
 * @name $
 * @param String html A string of HTML to create on the fly.
 * @cat Core
 * @type jQuery
 * @see appendTo(String)

 * Wrap jQuery functionality around a single or multiple DOM Element(s).
 * This function also accepts XML Documents and Window objects
 * as valid arguments (even though they are not DOM Elements).
 * @example $(document.body).css( "background", "black" );
 * @desc Sets the background color of the page to black.
 * @example $( myForm.elements ).hide()
 * @desc Hides all the input elements within a form
 * @name $
 * @param Element|Array elems DOM element(s) to be encapsulated by a jQuery object.
 * @cat Core
 * @type jQuery

 * A shorthand for $(document).ready(), allowing you to bind a function
 * to be executed when the DOM document has finished loading. This function
 * behaves just like $(document).ready(), in that it should be used to wrap
 * other $() operations on your page that depend on the DOM being ready to be
 * operated on. While this function is, technically, chainable - there really
 * isn't much use for chaining against it.
 * You can have as many $(document).ready events on your page as you like.
 * See ready(Function) for details about the ready event.
 * @example $(function(){
 *   // Document is ready
 * });
 * @desc Executes the function when the DOM is ready to be used.
 * @example jQuery(function($) {
 *   // Your code using failsafe $ alias here...
 * });
 * @desc Uses both the shortcut for $(document).ready() and the argument
 * to write failsafe jQuery code using the $ alias, without relying on the
 * global alias.
 * @name $
 * @param Function fn The function to execute when the DOM is ready.
 * @cat Core
 * @type jQuery
 * @see ready(Function)

jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
  * Initialize a new jQuery object
  * @private
  * @name init
  * @param String|Function|Element|Array|jQuery a selector
  * @param jQuery|Element|Array c context
  * @cat Core
 init: function(a,c) {
  // Make sure that a selection was provided
  a = a || document;

  // HANDLE: $(function)
  // Shortcut for document ready
  if ( jQuery.isFunction(a) )
   return new jQuery(document)[ jQuery.fn.ready ? "ready" : "load" ]( a );

  // Handle HTML strings
  if ( typeof a  == "string" ) {
   // HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array)
   var m = /^[^)[^>]*$/.exec(a);
   if ( m )
    a = jQuery.clean( [ m[1] ] );

   // HANDLE: $(expr)
    return new jQuery( c ).find( a );

  return this.setArray(
   // HANDLE: $(array)
   a.constructor == Array && a ||

   // HANDLE: $(arraylike)
   // Watch for when an array-like object is passed as the selector
   (a.jquery || a.length && a != window && !a.nodeType && a[0] != undefined && a[0].nodeType) && jQuery.makeArray( a ) ||

   // HANDLE: $(*)
   [ a ] );
  * The current version of jQuery.
  * @private
  * @property
  * @name jquery
  * @type String
  * @cat Core
 jquery: "1.1.3a",

  * The number of elements currently matched. The size function will return the same value.
  * @example $("img").length;
  * @before JQuery JQuery
  * @result 2
  * @property
  * @name length
  * @type Number
  * @cat Core

  * Get the number of elements currently matched. This returns the same
  * number as the 'length' property of the jQuery object.
  * @example $("img").size();
  * @before JQuery JQuery
  * @result 2
  * @name size
  * @type Number
  * @cat Core
 size: function() {
  return this.length;
 length: 0,

  * Access all matched DOM elements. This serves as a backwards-compatible
  * way of accessing all matched elements (other than the jQuery object
  * itself, which is, in fact, an array of elements).
  * It is useful if you need to operate on the DOM elements themselves instead of using built-in jQuery functions.
  * @example $("img").get();
  * @before JQuery JQuery
  * @result [ JQuery JQuery ]
  * @desc Selects all images in the document and returns the DOM Elements as an Array
  * @name get
  * @type Array
  * @cat Core

  * Access a single matched DOM element at a specified index in the matched set.
  * This allows you to extract the actual DOM element and operate on it
  * directly without necessarily using jQuery functionality on it.
  * @example $("img").get(0);
  * @before JQuery JQuery
  * @result JQuery
  * @desc Selects all images in the document and returns the first one
  * @name get
  * @type Element
  * @param Number num Access the element in the Nth position.
  * @cat Core
 get: function( num ) {
  return num == undefined ?

   // Return a 'clean' array
   jQuery.makeArray( this ) :

   // Return just the object
  * Set the jQuery object to an array of elements, while maintaining
  * the stack.
  * @example $("img").pushStack([ document.body ]);
  * @result $("img").pushStack() == [ document.body ]
  * @private
  * @name pushStack
  * @type jQuery
  * @param Elements elems An array of elements
  * @cat Core
 pushStack: function( a ) {
  var ret = jQuery(a);
  ret.prevObject = this;
  return ret;
  * Set the jQuery object to an array of elements. This operation is
  * completely destructive - be sure to use .pushStack() if you wish to maintain
  * the jQuery stack.
  * @example $("img").setArray([ document.body ]);
  * @result $("img").setArray() == [ document.body ]
  * @private
  * @name setArray
  * @type jQuery
  * @param Elements elems An array of elements
  * @cat Core
 setArray: function( a ) {
  this.length = 0;
  [].push.apply( this, a );
  return this;

  * Execute a function within the context of every matched element.
  * This means that every time the passed-in function is executed
  * (which is once for every element matched) the 'this' keyword
  * points to the specific DOM element.
  * Additionally, the function, when executed, is passed a single
  * argument representing the position of the element in the matched
  * set (integer, zero-index).
  * @example $("img").each(function(i){
  *   this.src = "test" + i + ".jpg";
  * });
  * @before JQueryJQuery
  * @result JQueryJQuery
  * @desc Iterates over two images and sets their src property
  * @name each
  * @type jQuery
  * @param Function fn A function to execute
  * @cat Core
 each: function( fn, args ) {
  return jQuery.each( this, fn, args );

  * Searches every matched element for the object and returns
  * the index of the element, if found, starting with zero.
  * Returns -1 if the object wasn't found.
  * @example $("*").index( $('#foobar')[0] )
  * @before

  * @result 0
  * @desc Returns the index for the element with ID foobar
  * @example $("*").index( $('#foo')[0] )
  * @before

  * @result 2
  * @desc Returns the index for the element with ID foo within another element
  * @example $("*").index( $('#bar')[0] )
  * @before

  * @result -1
  * @desc Returns -1, as there is no element with ID bar
  * @name index
  * @type Number
  * @param Element subject Object to search for
  * @cat Core
 index: function( obj ) {
  var pos = -1;
   if ( this == obj ) pos = i;
  return pos;

  * Access a property on the first matched element.
  * This method makes it easy to retrieve a property value
  * from the first matched element.
  * If the element does not have an attribute with such a
   * name, undefined is returned.
  * @example $("img").attr("src");
  * @before JQuery
  * @result test.jpg
  * @desc Returns the src attribute from the first image in the document.
  * @name attr
  * @type Object
  * @param String name The name of the property to access.
  * @cat DOM/Attributes

  * Set a key/value object as properties to all matched elements.
  * This serves as the best way to set a large number of properties
  * on all matched elements.
  * @example $("img").attr({ src: "test.jpg", alt: "Test Image" });
  * @before JQuery
  * @result Test Image
  * @desc Sets src and alt attributes to all images.
  * @name attr
  * @type jQuery
  * @param Map properties Key/value pairs to set as object properties.
  * @cat DOM/Attributes

  * Set a single property to a value, on all matched elements.
  * Note that you can't set the name property of input elements in IE.
  * Use $(html) or .append(html) or .html(html) to create elements
  * on the fly including the name property.
  * @example $("img").attr("src","test.jpg");
  * @before JQuery
  * @result JQuery
  * @desc Sets src attribute to all images.
  * @name attr
  * @type jQuery
  * @param String key The name of the property to set.
  * @param Object value The value to set the property to.
  * @cat DOM/Attributes
  * Set a single property to a computed value, on all matched elements.
  * Instead of supplying a string value as described
  * [[DOM/Attributes#attr.28_key.2C_value_.29|above]],
  * a function is provided that computes the value.
  * @example $("img").attr("title", function() { return this.src });
  * @before JQuery
  * @result JQuery
  * @desc Sets title attribute from src attribute.
  * @example $("img").attr("title", function(index) { return this.title + (i + 1); });
  * @before JQueryJQueryJQuery
  * @result JQueryJQueryJQuery
  * @desc Enumerate title attribute.
  * @name attr
  * @type jQuery
  * @param String key The name of the property to set.
  * @param Function value A function returning the value to set.
  *      Scope: Current element, argument: Index of current element
  * @cat DOM/Attributes
 attr: function( key, value, type ) {
  var obj = key;
  // Look for the case where we're accessing a style value
  if ( key.constructor == String )
   if ( value == undefined )
    return this.length && jQuery[ type || "attr" ]( this[0], key ) || undefined;
   else {
    obj = {};
    obj[ key ] = value;
  // Check to see if we're setting style values
  return this.each(function(index){
   // Set all the styles
   for ( var prop in obj )
     type ? this.style : this,
     prop, jQuery.prop(this, obj[prop], type, index, prop)

  * Access a style property on the first matched element.
  * This method makes it easy to retrieve a style property value
  * from the first matched element.
  * @example $("p").css("color");
  * @before

Test Paragraph.

  * @result "red"
  * @desc Retrieves the color style of the first paragraph
  * @example $("p").css("font-weight");
  * @before

Test Paragraph.

  * @result "bold"
  * @desc Retrieves the font-weight style of the first paragraph.
  * @name css
  * @type String
  * @param String name The name of the property to access.
  * @cat CSS

  * Set a key/value object as style properties to all matched elements.
  * This serves as the best way to set a large number of style properties
  * on all matched elements.
  * @example $("p").css({ color: "red", background: "blue" });
  * @before

Test Paragraph.

  * @result

Test Paragraph.

  * @desc Sets color and background styles to all p elements.
  * @name css
  * @type jQuery
  * @param Map properties Key/value pairs to set as style properties.
  * @cat CSS

  * Set a single style property to a value, on all matched elements.
  * If a number is provided, it is automatically converted into a pixel value.
  * @example $("p").css("color","red");
  * @before

Test Paragraph.

  * @result

Test Paragraph.

  * @desc Changes the color of all paragraphs to red
  * @example $("p").css("left",30);
  * @before

Test Paragraph.

  * @result

Test Paragraph.

  * @desc Changes the left of all paragraphs to "30px"
  * @name css
  * @type jQuery
  * @param String key The name of the property to set.
  * @param String|Number value The value to set the property to.
  * @cat CSS
 css: function( key, value ) {
  return this.attr( key, value, "curCSS" );

  * Get the text contents of all matched elements. The result is
  * a string that contains the combined text contents of all matched
  * elements. This method works on both HTML and XML documents.
  * @example $("p").text();
  * @before

Test Paragraph.


  * @result Test Paragraph.Paraparagraph
  * @desc Gets the concatenated text of all paragraphs
  * @name text
  * @type String
  * @cat DOM/Attributes

  * Set the text contents of all matched elements.
  * Similar to html(), but escapes HTML (replace "" with their
  * HTML entities).
  * @example $("p").text("Some new text.");
  * @before

Test Paragraph.

  * @result

Some new text.

  * @desc Sets the text of all paragraphs.
  * @example $("p").text("Some new text.", true);
  * @before

Test Paragraph.

  * @result

Some new text.

  * @desc Sets the text of all paragraphs.
  * @name text
  * @type String
  * @param String val The text value to set the contents of the element to.
  * @cat DOM/Attributes
 text: function(e) {
  if ( typeof e == "string" )
   return this.empty().append( document.createTextNode( e ) );

  var t = "";
  jQuery.each( e || this, function(){
   jQuery.each( this.childNodes, function(){
    if ( this.nodeType != 8 )
     t += this.nodeType != 1 ?
      this.nodeValue : jQuery.fn.text([ this ]);
  return t;

  * Wrap all matched elements with a structure of other elements.
  * This wrapping process is most useful for injecting additional
  * stucture into a document, without ruining the original semantic
  * qualities of a document.
  * This works by going through the first element
  * provided (which is generated, on the fly, from the provided HTML)
  * and finds the deepest ancestor element within its
  * structure - it is that element that will en-wrap everything else.
  * This does not work with elements that contain text. Any necessary text
  * must be added after the wrapping is done.
  * @example $("p").wrap("

  * @before

Test Paragraph.

  * @result

Test Paragraph.

  * @name wrap
  * @type jQuery
  * @param String html A string of HTML, that will be created on the fly and wrapped around the target.
  * @cat DOM/Manipulation

  * Wrap all matched elements with a structure of other elements.
  * This wrapping process is most useful for injecting additional
  * stucture into a document, without ruining the original semantic
  * qualities of a document.
  * This works by going through the first element
  * provided and finding the deepest ancestor element within its
  * structure - it is that element that will en-wrap everything else.
   * This does not work with elements that contain text. Any necessary text
  * must be added after the wrapping is done.
  * @example $("p").wrap( document.getElementById('content') );
  * @before

Test Paragraph.

  * @result

Test Paragraph.

  * @name wrap
  * @type jQuery
  * @param Element elem A DOM element that will be wrapped around the target.
  * @cat DOM/Manipulation
 wrap: function() {
  // The elements to wrap the target around
  var a, args = arguments;

  // Wrap each of the matched elements individually
  return this.each(function(){
   if ( !a )
    a = jQuery.clean(args, this.ownerDocument);

   // Clone the structure that we're using to wrap
   var b = a[0].cloneNode(true);

   // Insert it before the element to be wrapped
   this.parentNode.insertBefore( b, this );

   // Find the deepest point in the wrap structure
   while ( b.firstChild )
    b = b.firstChild;

   // Move the matched element to within the wrap structure
   b.appendChild( this );

  * Append content to the inside of every matched element.
  * This operation is similar to doing an appendChild to all the
  * specified elements, adding them into the document.
  * @example $("p").append("Hello");
  * @before

I would like to say:

  * @result

I would like to say: Hello

  * @desc Appends some HTML to all paragraphs.
  * @example $("p").append( $("#foo")[0] );
  * @before

I would like to say:

  * @result

I would like to say: Hello

  * @desc Appends an Element to all paragraphs.
  * @example $("p").append( $("b") );
  * @before

I would like to say:

  * @result

I would like to say: Hello

  * @desc Appends a jQuery object (similar to an Array of DOM Elements) to all paragraphs.
  * @name append
  * @type jQuery
  * @param content Content to append to the target
  * @cat DOM/Manipulation
  * @see prepend()
  * @see before()
  * @see after()
 append: function() {
  return this.domManip(arguments, true, 1, function(a){
   this.appendChild( a );

  * Prepend content to the inside of every matched element.
  * This operation is the best way to insert elements
  * inside, at the beginning, of all matched elements.
  * @example $("p").prepend("Hello");
  * @before

I would like to say:

  * @result

HelloI would like to say:

  * @desc Prepends some HTML to all paragraphs.
  * @example $("p").prepend( $("#foo")[0] );
  * @before

I would like to say:

  * @result

HelloI would like to say:

  * @desc Prepends an Element to all paragraphs.
  * @example $("p").prepend( $("b") );
  * @before

I would like to say:

  * @result

HelloI would like to say:

  * @desc Prepends a jQuery object (similar to an Array of DOM Elements) to all paragraphs.
  * @name prepend
  * @type jQuery
  * @param content Content to prepend to the target.
  * @cat DOM/Manipulation
  * @see append()
  * @see before()
  * @see after()
 prepend: function() {
  return this.domManip(arguments, true, -1, function(a){
   this.insertBefore( a, this.firstChild );
  * Insert content before each of the matched elements.
  * @example $("p").before("Hello");
  * @before

I would like to say:

  * @result Hello

I would like to say:

  * @desc Inserts some HTML before all paragraphs.
  * @example $("p").before( $("#foo")[0] );
  * @before

I would like to say:

  * @result Hello

I would like to say:

  * @desc Inserts an Element before all paragraphs.
  * @example $("p").before( $("b") );
  * @before

I would like to say:

  * @result Hello

I would like to say:

  * @desc Inserts a jQuery object (similar to an Array of DOM Elements) before all paragraphs.
  * @name before
  * @type jQuery
  * @param content Content to insert before each target.
  * @cat DOM/Manipulation
  * @see append()
  * @see prepend()
  * @see after()
 before: function() {
  return this.domManip(arguments, false, 1, function(a){
   this.parentNode.insertBefore( a, this );

  * Insert content after each of the matched elements.
  * @example $("p").after("Hello");
  * @before

I would like to say:

  * @result

I would like to say:

  * @desc Inserts some HTML after all paragraphs.
  * @example $("p").after( $("#foo")[0] );
  * @before Hello

I would like to say:

  * @result

I would like to say:

  * @desc Inserts an Element after all paragraphs.
  * @example $("p").after( $("b") );
  * @before Hello

I would like to say:

  * @result

I would like to say:

  * @desc Inserts a jQuery object (similar to an Array of DOM Elements) after all paragraphs.
  * @name after
  * @type jQuery
  * @param content Content to insert after each target.
  * @cat DOM/Manipulation
  * @see append()
  * @see prepend()
  * @see before()
 after: function() {
  return this.domManip(arguments, false, -1, function(a){
   this.parentNode.insertBefore( a, this.nextSibling );

  * Revert the most recent 'destructive' operation, changing the set of matched elements
  * to its previous state (right before the destructive operation).
  * If there was no destructive operation before, an empty set is returned.
  * A 'destructive' operation is any operation that changes the set of
  * matched jQuery elements. These functions are: add,
  * children, clone, filter,
  * find, not, next,
  * parent, parents, prev and siblings.
  * @example $("p").find("span").end();
  * @before

Hello, how are you?

  * @result [


  * @desc Selects all paragraphs, finds span elements inside these, and reverts the
  * selection back to the paragraphs.
  * @name end
  * @type jQuery
  * @cat DOM/Traversing
 end: function() {
  return this.prevObject || jQuery([]);

  * Searches for all elements that match the specified expression.
  * This method is a good way to find additional descendant
  * elements with which to process.
  * All searching is done using a jQuery expression. The expression can be
  * written using CSS 1-3 Selector syntax, or basic XPath.
  * @example $("p").find("span");
  * @before

Hello, how are you?

  * @result [ Hello ]
  * @desc Starts with all paragraphs and searches for descendant span
  * elements, same as $("p span")
  * @name find
  * @type jQuery
  * @param String expr An expression to search with.
  * @cat DOM/Traversing
 find: function(t) {
  return this.pushStack( jQuery.unique( jQuery.map( this, function(a){
   return jQuery.find(t,a);
  }) ), t );

  * Clone matched DOM Elements and select the clones.
  * This is useful for moving copies of the elements to another
  * location in the DOM.
  * @example $("b").clone().prependTo("p");
  * @before Hello

, how are you?

  * @result Hello

Hello, how are you?

  * @desc Clones all b elements (and selects the clones) and prepends them to all paragraphs.
  * @name clone
  * @type jQuery
  * @param Boolean deep (Optional) Set to false if you don't want to clone all descendant nodes, in addition to the element itself.
  * @cat DOM/Manipulation
 clone: function(deep) {
  // Need to remove events on the element and its descendants
  var $this = this.add(this.find("*"));
  $this.each(function() {
   this._$events = {};
   for (var type in this.$events)
    this._$events[type] = jQuery.extend({},this.$events[type]);

  // Do the clone
  var r = this.pushStack( jQuery.map( this, function(a){
   return a.cloneNode( deep != undefined ? deep : true );
  }) );

  // Add the events back to the original and its descendants
  $this.each(function() {
   var events = this._$events;
   for (var type in events)
    for (var handler in events[type])
     jQuery.event.add(this, type, events[type][handler], events[type][handler].data);
   this._$events = null;

  // Return the cloned set
  return r;

  * Removes all elements from the set of matched elements that do not
  * match the specified expression(s). This method is used to narrow down
  * the results of a search.
  * Provide a comma-separated list of expressions to apply multiple filters at once.
  * @example $("p").filter(".selected")
  * @before


How are you?

  * @result [


  * @desc Selects all paragraphs and removes those without a class "selected".
  * @example $("p").filter(".selected, :first")
  * @before


Hello Again

And Again

  * @result [



And Again

  * @desc Selects all paragraphs and removes those without class "selected" and being the first one.
  * @name filter
  * @type jQuery
  * @param String expression Expression(s) to search with.
  * @cat DOM/Traversing
  * Removes all elements from the set of matched elements that do not
  * pass the specified filter. This method is used to narrow down
  * the results of a search.
  * @example $("p").filter(function(index) {
  *   return $("ol", this).length == 0;
  * })
  * @before

  1. Hello

How are you?

  * @result [

How are you?

  * @desc Remove all elements that have a child ol element
  * @name filter
  * @type jQuery
  * @param Function filter A function to use for filtering
  * @cat DOM/Traversing
 filter: function(t) {
  return this.pushStack(
   jQuery.isFunction( t ) &&
   jQuery.grep(this, function(el, index){
    return t.apply(el, [index])
   }) ||

   jQuery.multiFilter(t,this) );

  * Removes the specified Element from the set of matched elements. This
  * method is used to remove a single Element from a jQuery object.
  * @example $("p").not( $("#selected")[0] )
  * @before


Hello Again

  * @result [


  * @desc Removes the element with the ID "selected" from the set of all paragraphs.
  * @name not
  * @type jQuery
  * @param Element el An element to remove from the set
  * @cat DOM/Traversing

  * Removes elements matching the specified expression from the set
  * of matched elements. This method is used to remove one or more
  * elements from a jQuery object.
  * @example $("p").not("#selected")
  * @before


Hello Again

  * @result [


  * @desc Removes the element with the ID "selected" from the set of all paragraphs.
  * @name not
  * @type jQuery
  * @param String expr An expression with which to remove matching elements
  * @cat DOM/Traversing

  * Removes any elements inside the array of elements from the set
  * of matched elements. This method is used to remove one or more
  * elements from a jQuery object.
  * Please note: the expression cannot use a reference to the
  * element name. See the two examples below.
  * @example $("p").not( $("div p.selected") )
  * @before


Hello Again

  * @result [


  * @desc Removes all elements that match "div p.selected" from the total set of all paragraphs.
  * @name not
  * @type jQuery
  * @param jQuery elems A set of elements to remove from the jQuery set of matched elements.
  * @cat DOM/Traversing
 not: function(t) {
  return this.pushStack(
   t.constructor == String &&
   jQuery.multiFilter(t, this, true) ||

   jQuery.grep(this, function(a) {
    return ( t.constructor == Array || t.jquery )
     ? jQuery.inArray( a, t )      : a != t;

  * Adds more elements, matched by the given expression,
  * to the set of matched elements.
  * @example $("p").add("span")
  * @before (HTML)


Hello Again
  * @result (jQuery object matching 2 elements) [


, Hello Again ]
  * @desc Compare the above result to the result of $('p'),
  * which would just result in <nowiki>[ <p>Hello</p> ]</nowiki>.
  * Using add(), matched elements of $('span') are simply
  * added to the returned jQuery-object.
  * @name add
  * @type jQuery
  * @param String expr An expression whose matched elements are added
  * @cat DOM/Traversing
  * Adds more elements, created on the fly, to the set of
  * matched elements.
  * @example $("p").add("Again")
  * @before


  * @result [


, Again ]
  * @name add
  * @type jQuery
  * @param String html A string of HTML to create on the fly.
  * @cat DOM/Traversing

  * Adds one or more Elements to the set of matched elements.
  * @example $("p").add( document.getElementById("a") )
  * @before


Hello Again

  * @result [


, Hello Again ]
  * @example $("p").add( document.forms[0].elements )
  * @before


  * @result [


, , ]
  * @name add
  * @type jQuery
  * @param Element|Array elements One or more Elements to add
  * @cat DOM/Traversing
 add: function(t) {
  return this.pushStack( jQuery.merge(
   t.constructor == String ?
    jQuery(t).get() :
    t.length != undefined && (!t.nodeName || t.nodeName == "FORM") ?
     t : [t] )

  * Checks the current selection against an expression and returns true,
  * if at least one element of the selection fits the given expression.
  * Does return false, if no element fits or the expression is not valid.
  * filter(String) is used internally, therefore all rules that apply there
  * apply here, too.
  * @example $("input[@type='checkbox']").parent().is("form")
  * @before

  * @result true
  * @desc Returns true, because the parent of the input is a form element
  * @example $("input[@type='checkbox']").parent().is("form")
  * @before

  * @result false
  * @desc Returns false, because the parent of the input is a p element
  * @name is
  * @type Boolean
  * @param String expr The expression with which to filter
  * @cat DOM/Traversing
 is: function(expr) {
  return expr ? jQuery.multiFilter(expr,this).length > 0 : false;
  * Get the content of the value attribute of the first matched element.
  * Use caution when relying on this function to check the value of
  * multiple-select elements and checkboxes in a form. While it will
  * still work as intended, it may not accurately represent the value
  * the server will receive because these elements may send an array
  * of values. For more robust handling of field values, see the
  * [http://www.malsup.com/jquery/form/#fields fieldValue function of the Form Plugin].
  * @example $("input").val();
  * @before
  * @result "some text"
  * @name val
  * @type String
  * @cat DOM/Attributes
  *  Set the value attribute of every matched element.
  * @example $("input").val("test");
  * @before
  * @result
  * @name val
  * @type jQuery
  * @param String val Set the property to the specified value.
  * @cat DOM/Attributes
 val: function( val ) {
  return val == undefined ?
   ( this.length ? this[0].value : null ) :
   this.attr( "value", val );
  * Get the html contents of the first matched element.
  * This property is not available on XML documents.
  * @example $("div").html();
  * @before

  * @result
  * @name html
  * @type String
  * @cat DOM/Attributes
  * Set the html contents of every matched element.
  * This property is not available on XML documents.
  * @example $("div").html("new stuff");
  * @before

  * @result
new stuff

  * @name html
  * @type jQuery
  * @param String val Set the html contents to the specified value.
  * @cat DOM/Attributes
 html: function( val ) {
  return val == undefined ?
   ( this.length ? this[0].innerHTML : null ) :
   this.empty().append( val );
  * @private
  * @name domManip
  * @param Array args
  * @param Boolean table Insert TBODY in TABLEs if one is not found.
  * @param Number dir If dir  * @param Function fn The function doing the DOM manipulation.
  * @type jQuery
  * @cat Core
 domManip: function(args, table, dir, fn){
  var clone = this.length > 1, a;

  return this.each(function(){
   if ( !a ) {
    a = jQuery.clean(args, this.ownerDocument);
    if ( dir      a.reverse();

   var obj = this;

   if ( table && jQuery.nodeName(this, "table") && jQuery.nodeName(a[0], "tr") )
    obj = this.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0] || this.appendChild(document.createElement("tbody"));

   jQuery.each( a, function(){
    fn.apply( obj, [ clone ? this.cloneNode(true) : this ] );


 * Extends the jQuery object itself. Can be used to add functions into
 * the jQuery namespace and to [[Plugins/Authoring|add plugin methods]] (plugins).
 * @example jQuery.fn.extend({
 *   check: function() {
 *     return this.each(function() { this.checked = true; });
 *   },
 *   uncheck: function() {
 *     return this.each(function() { this.checked = false; });
 *   }
 * });
 * $("input[@type=checkbox]").check();
 * $("input[@type=radio]").uncheck();
 * @desc Adds two plugin methods.
 * @example jQuery.extend({
 *   min: function(a, b) { return a  *   max: function(a, b) { return a > b ? a : b; }
 * });
 * @desc Adds two functions into the jQuery namespace
 * @name $.extend
 * @param Object prop The object that will be merged into the jQuery object
 * @type Object
 * @cat Core

 * Extend one object with one or more others, returning the original,
 * modified, object. This is a great utility for simple inheritance.
 * @example var settings = { validate: false, limit: 5, name: "foo" };
 * var options = { validate: true, name: "bar" };
 * jQuery.extend(settings, options);
 * @result settings == { validate: true, limit: 5, name: "bar" }
 * @desc Merge settings and options, modifying settings
 * @example var defaults = { validate: false, limit: 5, name: "foo" };
 * var options = { validate: true, name: "bar" };
 * var settings = jQuery.extend({}, defaults, options);
 * @result settings == { validate: true, limit: 5, name: "bar" }
 * @desc Merge defaults and options, without modifying the defaults
 * @name $.extend
 * @param Object target The object to extend
 * @param Object prop1 The object that will be merged into the first.
 * @param Object propN (optional) More objects to merge into the first
 * @type Object
 * @cat JavaScript
jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() {
 // copy reference to target object
 var target = arguments[0], a = 1;

 // extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed
 if ( arguments.length == 1 ) {
  target = this;
  a = 0;
 var prop;
 while ( (prop = arguments[a++]) != null )
  // Extend the base object
  for ( var i in prop ) target[i] = prop[i];

 // Return the modified object
 return target;

  * Run this function to give control of the $ variable back
  * to whichever library first implemented it. This helps to make
  * sure that jQuery doesn't conflict with the $ object
  * of other libraries.
  * By using this function, you will only be able to access jQuery
  * using the 'jQuery' variable. For example, where you used to do
  * $("div p"), you now must do jQuery("div p").
  * @example jQuery.noConflict();
  * // Do something with jQuery
  * jQuery("div p").hide();
  * // Do something with another library's $()
  * $("content").style.display = 'none';
  * @desc Maps the original object that was referenced by $ back to $
  * @example jQuery.noConflict();
  * (function($) {
  *   $(function() {
  *     // more code using $ as alias to jQuery
  *   });
  * })(jQuery);
  * // other code using $ as an alias to the other library
  * @desc Reverts the $ alias and then creates and executes a
  * function to provide the $ as a jQuery alias inside the functions
  * scope. Inside the function the original $ object is not available.
  * This works well for most plugins that don't rely on any other library.
  * @name $.noConflict
  * @type undefined
  * @cat Core
 noConflict: function() {
  if ( jQuery._$ )
   $ = jQuery._$;
  return jQuery;

 // This may seem like some crazy code, but trust me when I say that this
 // is the only cross-browser way to do this. --John
 isFunction: function( fn ) {
  return !!fn && typeof fn != "string" && !fn.nodeName &&
   fn.constructor != Array && /function/i.test( fn + "" );
 // check if an element is in a XML document
 isXMLDoc: function(elem) {
  return elem.tagName && elem.ownerDocument && !elem.ownerDocument.body;

 nodeName: function( elem, name ) {
  return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() == name.toUpperCase();

  * A generic iterator function, which can be used to seamlessly
  * iterate over both objects and arrays. This function is not the same
  * as $().each() - which is used to iterate, exclusively, over a jQuery
  * object. This function can be used to iterate over anything.
  * The callback has two arguments:the key (objects) or index (arrays) as first
  * the first, and the value as the second.
  * @example $.each( [0,1,2], function(i, n){
  *   alert( "Item #" + i + ": " + n );
  * });
  * @desc This is an example of iterating over the items in an array,
  * accessing both the current item and its index.
  * @example $.each( { name: "John", lang: "JS" }, function(i, n){
  *   alert( "Name: " + i + ", Value: " + n );
  * });
  * @desc This is an example of iterating over the properties in an
  * Object, accessing both the current item and its key.
  * @name $.each
  * @param Object obj The object, or array, to iterate over.
  * @param Function fn The function that will be executed on every object.
  * @type Object
  * @cat JavaScript
 // args is for internal usage only
 each: function( obj, fn, args ) {
  if ( obj.length == undefined )
   for ( var i in obj )
    fn.apply( obj[i], args || [i, obj[i]] );
   for ( var i = 0, ol = obj.length; i     if ( fn.apply( obj[i], args || [i, obj[i]] ) === false ) break;
  return obj;
 prop: function(elem, value, type, index, prop){
   // Handle executable functions
   if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) )
    value = value.call( elem, [index] );
   // exclude the following css properties to add px
   var exclude = /z-?index|font-?weight|opacity|zoom|line-?height/i;

   // Handle passing in a number to a CSS property
   return value && value.constructor == Number && type == "curCSS" && !exclude.test(prop) ?
    value + "px" :

 className: {
  // internal only, use addClass("class")
  add: function( elem, c ){
   jQuery.each( c.split(//s+/), function(i, cur){
    if ( !jQuery.className.has( elem.className, cur ) )
     elem.className += ( elem.className ? " " : "" ) + cur;

  // internal only, use removeClass("class")
  remove: function( elem, c ){
   elem.className = c != undefined ?
    jQuery.grep( elem.className.split(//s+/), function(cur){
     return !jQuery.className.has( c, cur ); 
    }).join(" ") : "";

  // internal only, use is(".class")
  has: function( t, c ) {
   return jQuery.inArray( c, (t.className || t).toString().split(//s+/) ) > -1;

  * Swap in/out style options.
  * @private
 swap: function(e,o,f) {
  for ( var i in o ) {
   e.style["old"+i] = e.style[i];
   e.style[i] = o[i];
  f.apply( e, [] );
  for ( var i in o )
   e.style[i] = e.style["old"+i];

 css: function(e,p) {
  if ( p == "height" || p == "width" ) {
   var old = {}, oHeight, oWidth, d = ["Top","Bottom","Right","Left"];

   jQuery.each( d, function(){
    old["padding" + this] = 0;
    old["border" + this + "Width"] = 0;

   jQuery.swap( e, old, function() {
    if ( jQuery(e).is(':visible') ) {
     oHeight = e.offsetHeight;
     oWidth = e.offsetWidth;
    } else {
     e = jQuery(e.cloneNode(true))
       visibility: "hidden", position: "absolute", display: "block", right: "0", left: "0"

     var parPos = jQuery.css(e.parentNode,"position") || "static";
     if ( parPos == "static" )
      e.parentNode.style.position = "relative";

     oHeight = e.clientHeight;
     oWidth = e.clientWidth;

     if ( parPos == "static" )
      e.parentNode.style.position = "static";


   return p == "height" ? oHeight : oWidth;

  return jQuery.curCSS( e, p );

 curCSS: function(elem, prop, force) {
  var ret;

  if (prop == "opacity" && jQuery.browser.msie) {
   ret = jQuery.attr(elem.style, "opacity");
   return ret == "" ? "1" : ret;
  if (prop.match(/float/i))
   prop = jQuery.browser.msie ? "styleFloat" : "cssFloat";

  if (!force && elem.style[prop])
   ret = elem.style[prop];

  else if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {

   if (prop.match(/float/i))
    prop = "float";

   prop = prop.replace(/([A-Z])/g,"-$1").toLowerCase();
   var cur = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null);

   if ( cur )
    ret = cur.getPropertyValue(prop);
   else if ( prop == "display" )
    ret = "none";
    jQuery.swap(elem, { display: "block" }, function() {
        var c = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this, "");
        ret = c && c.getPropertyValue(prop) || "";

  } else if (elem.currentStyle) {
   var newProp = prop.replace(//-(/w)/g,function(m,c){return c.toUpperCase();});
   ret = elem.currentStyle[prop] || elem.currentStyle[newProp];

  return ret;
 clean: function(a, doc) {
  var r = [];
  doc = doc || document;

  jQuery.each( a, function(i,arg){
   if ( !arg ) return;

   if ( arg.constructor == Number )
    arg = arg.toString();
   // Convert html string into DOM nodes

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