Heim  >  Artikel  >  Datenbank  >  随机生成文件名的函数_MySQL


2016-06-01 14:06:4417628Durchsuche


<br>Random FileName Creation <br><br><br>Function Generator(Length) <br>dim i, tempS, v <br>dim c(39) <br>tempS = "" <br>c(1) = "a": c(2) = "b": c(3) = "c": c(4) = "d": c(5) = "e": c(6) = "f": c(7) = "g" <br>c(8) = "h": c(9) = "i": c(10) = "j": c(11) = "k": c(12) = "l": c(13) = "m": c(14) = "n" <br>c(15) = "o": c(16) = "p": c(17) = "q": c(18) = "r": c(19) = "s": c(20) = "t": c(21) = "u" <br>c(22) = "v": c(23) = "w": c(24) = "x": c(25) = "y": c(26) = "z": c(27) = "1": c(28) = "2" <br>c(29) = "3": c(30) = "4": c(31) = "5": c(32) = "6": c(33) = "7": c(34) = "8": c(35) = "9" <br>c(36) = "-": c(37) = "_": c(38) = "@": c(39) = "!" <br>If isNumeric(Length) = False Then <br>Response.Write "A numeric datatype was not submitted to this function." <br>Exit Function <br>End If <br>For i = 1 to Length <br>Randomize <br>v = Int((39 * Rnd) + 1) <br>tempS = tempS & c(v) <br>Next <br>Generator = tempS <br>End Function <br> <br>For i = 1 to 20 <br>Randomize <br>x = Int((20 * Rnd) + 1) + 10 <br>Response.Write Generator(x) & "<br>" & vbnewline <br>Next <br>%> <br>

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