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Mysql中存储过程if else的问题简析_MySQL

2016-06-01 13:42:311411Durchsuche

[Error] 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'end if' at line 8     create procedure test(in a int) if a > 1 then   select 1; elseif a>2 then   select 2; else  end if; [xhtml]create procedure test(in a int)  if a > 1 then    select 1;  elseif a>2 then    select 2;  else       end if;  应改成以下这样: create procedure test(in a int) if a > 1 then   select 1; elseif a>2 then   select 2; else -- do nothing -- set @tmp=1; end if;    作者 zhu473105308 bitsCN.com

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