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Der CosmosDB-Timer-Trigger funktioniert nicht ordnungsgemäß

WBOYnach vorne
2024-02-22 12:40:111158Durchsuche

cosmosdb 的计时器触发器无法正常工作


Ich habe eine Frage zu meiner Funktionsanwendung „timertrigger“.

Ich habe diese Funktion entwickelt, um mit dem Telegram-Bot zu kommunizieren und Nachrichten nach einer API-Anfrage zu senden.

Ich habe die Feature-App lokal ausprobiert und sie hat großartig funktioniert. Wenn ich jedoch versuche, cosmosdb zum Speichern der Informationen zu verwenden, stoße ich auf ein Problem und kann die Informationen nicht speichern.

Ich habe alle Variablen und Dinge eingerichtet, die ich brauche, um meine App mit Telegram und Cosmosdb zu verbinden

        database_obj  = client.get_database_client(database_name)
        await database_obj.read()
        return database_obj
    except exceptions.cosmosresourcenotfounderror:
        print("creating database")
        return await client.create_database(database_name)
# </create_database_if_not_exists>
# create a container
# using a good partition key improves the performance of database operations.
# <create_container_if_not_exists>
async def get_or_create_container(database_obj, container_name):
        todo_items_container = database_obj.get_container_client(container_name)
        await todo_items_container.read()   
        return todo_items_container
    except exceptions.cosmosresourcenotfounderror:
        print("creating container with lastname as partition key")
        return await database_obj.create_container(
    except exceptions.cosmoshttpresponseerror:
# </create_container_if_not_exists>

async def populate_container_items(container_obj, items_to_create):
    # add items to the container
    family_items_to_create = items_to_create
    # <create_item>
    for family_item in family_items_to_create:
        inserted_item = await container_obj.create_item(body=family_item)
        print("inserted item for %s family. item id: %s" %(inserted_item['lastname'], inserted_item['id']))
    # </create_item>
# </method_populate_container_items>

async def read_items(container_obj, items_to_read):
    # read items (key value lookups by partition key and id, aka point reads)
    # <read_item>
    for family in items_to_read:
        item_response = await container_obj.read_item(item=family['id'], partition_key=family['lastname'])
        request_charge = container_obj.client_connection.last_response_headers['x-ms-request-charge']
        print('read item with id {0}. operation consumed {1} request units'.format(item_response['id'], (request_charge)))
    # </read_item>
# </method_read_items>

# <method_query_items>
async def query_items(container_obj, query_text):
    # enable_cross_partition_query should be set to true as the container is partitioned
    # in this case, we do have to await the asynchronous iterator object since logic
    # within the query_items() method makes network calls to verify the partition key
    # definition in the container
    # <query_items>
    query_items_response = container_obj.query_items(
    request_charge = container_obj.client_connection.last_response_headers['x-ms-request-charge']
    items = [item async for item in query_items_response]
    print('query returned {0} items. operation consumed {1} request units'.format(len(items), request_charge))
    # </query_items>
# </method_query_items>

async def run_sample():
    print('sss {0}'.format(cosmosclient(endpoint,credential=key)))
    async with cosmosclient(endpoint, credential = key) as client:
        print('connected to db')
            database_obj = await get_or_create_db(client, database_name)
            # create a container
            container_obj = await get_or_create_container(database_obj, container_name)
            family_items_to_create = ["link", "ss", "s", "s"]
            await populate_container_items(container_obj, family_items_to_create)
            await read_items(container_obj, family_items_to_create)
            # query these items using the sql query syntax. 
            # specifying the partition key value in the query allows cosmos db to retrieve data only from the relevant partitions, which improves performance
            query = "select * from c "
            await query_items(container_obj, query)   
        except exceptions.cosmoshttpresponseerror as e:
            print('\nrun_sample has caught an error. {0}'.format(e.message))
            print("\nquickstart complete")

async def main(mytimer: func.timerrequest) -> none:
    utc_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(
    logging.info(' sono partito')
    if mytimer.past_due:
        logging.info('the timer is past due!')

    logging.info('python timer trigger function ran at %s', utc_timestamp)

Ich habe meine Funktion begonnen

func host start --port 7072

Aber ich denke, dass etwas mit der Verbindung zur Datenbank nicht stimmt, weil console.log('connected to db') nicht gedruckt wird.

Es scheint, dass nicht alle Vorgänge im Zusammenhang mit cosmosdb ausgeführt werden. Wenn ein Fehler auftritt, weiß ich nicht, wie ich ihn beheben kann.

Ich erhalte keine Fehlermeldungen in meinem Terminal, aber wie gesagt, cosmosdb scheint nicht zu funktionieren.

Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich Ihnen alle notwendigen Informationen gegeben habe. Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe.

Richtige Antwort

Das gleiche Problem ist auch bei der Verwendung asynchroner Funktionen aufgetreten. Bei mir funktioniert es, wenn ich eine nicht asynchrone Funktion verwende.

Bitte überprüfen Sie dieses Dokument

als Referenz

Mein Code: timetrigger1/__init__.py:

import datetime
import logging
import asyncio
import azure.functions as func
from azure.cosmos import cosmos_client
import azure.cosmos.exceptions as exceptions
from azure.cosmos.partition_key import partitionkey

endpoint = "https://timercosmosdb.documents.azure.com/"
key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
database_name = "todolist"
container_name = "test"

def get_or_create_db(client,database_name):
        database_obj  = client.get_database_client(database_name)
        return database_obj
    except exceptions.cosmosresourcenotfounderror:
        logging.info("creating database")
        return client.create_database_if_not_exists(database_name)

def get_or_create_container(database_obj, container_name):
        todo_items_container = database_obj.get_container_client(container_name)
        return todo_items_container
    except exceptions.cosmosresourcenotfounderror:
        logging.info("creating container with lastname as partition key")
        return database_obj.create_container_if_not_exists(
    except exceptions.cosmoshttpresponseerror:

def populate_container_items(container_obj,items):
    inserted_item = container_obj.create_item(body=items)
    logging.info("inserted item for %s family. item id: %s" %(inserted_item['lastname'], inserted_item['id']))

def read_items(container_obj,id):
        item_response = container_obj.read_item(item=id, partition_key=id)
        request_charge = container_obj.client_connection.last_response_headers['x-ms-request-charge']
        logging.info('read item with id {0}. operation consumed {1} request units'.format(item_response['id'], (request_charge)))

def query_items(container_obj, query_text):
    query_items_response = container_obj.query_items(
    request_charge = container_obj.client_connection.last_response_headers['x-ms-request-charge']
    items = [item for item in query_items_response]
    logging.info('query returned {0} items. operation consumed {1} request units'.format(len(items), request_charge))

def run_sample():
    client = cosmos_client.cosmosclient(endpoint, key)
    logging.info('connected to db')
        id= "test"
        database_obj = get_or_create_db(client,database_name)

        container_obj = get_or_create_container(database_obj,container_name)
        item_dict = {
                "id": id,
                "lastname": "shandilya",
                "firstname": "vivek",
                "gender": "male",
                "age": 35

        query = "select * from c "
        query_items(container_obj, query)   
    except exceptions.cosmoshttpresponseerror as e:
        logging.info('\nrun_sample has caught an error. {0}'.format(e.message))
        logging.info("\nquickstart complete")

def main(mytimer: func.timerrequest) -> none:
    utc_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(
    logging.info(' sono partito')
    logging.info('python timer trigger function ran at %s', utc_timestamp)



        timertrigger1: timertrigger

for detailed output, run func with --verbose flag.
[2024-01-30t09:00:24.818z] executing 'functions.timertrigger1' (reason='timer fired at 2024-01-30t14:30:24.7842979+05:30', id=5499e180-4964-4d7e-b9f2-b024860945dd)
[2024-01-30t09:00:24.822z] trigger details: unscheduledinvocationreason: ispastdue, originalschedule: 2024-01-30t14:30:00.0000000+05:30
[2024-01-30t09:00:25.022z] aaaa
[2024-01-30t09:00:26.387z] connected to db
[2024-01-30t09:00:28.212z] inserted item for shandilya family. item id: test
[2024-01-30t09:00:28.373z] read item with id test. operation consumed 1 request units
quickstart complete
[2024-01-30t09:00:28.548z] python timer trigger function ran at 2024-01-30t09:00:25.008468+00:00
[2024-01-30t09:00:28.547z]  sono partito
[2024-01-30t09:00:28.546z] query returned 1 items. operation consumed 1 request units
[2024-01-30t09:00:28.592z] executed 'functions.timertrigger1' (succeeded, id=5499e180-4964-4d7e-b9f2-b024860945dd, duration=3793ms)
[2024-01-30t09:00:29.296z] host lock lease acquired by instance id '000000000000000000000000aae5f384'.

    "id": "test",
    "lastName": "Shandilya",
    "firstName": "Vivek",
    "gender": "male",
    "age": 35,
    "_rid": "ey58AO9yWqwCAAAAAAAAAA==",
    "_self": "dbs/ey58AA==/colls/ey58AO9yWqw=/docs/ey58AO9yWqwCAAAAAAAAAA==/",
    "_etag": "\"01001327-0000-1a00-0000-65b8baac0000\"",
    "_attachments": "attachments/",
    "_ts": 1706605228

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