Heim >Java >WPILIB (FRC) Gradlew-Problem (Gradle lässt sich gut erstellen, Gradlew jedoch nicht)

WPILIB (FRC) Gradlew-Problem (Gradle lässt sich gut erstellen, Gradlew jedoch nicht)

王林nach vorne
2024-02-11 10:30:091526Durchsuche

php小编子墨WPILIB (FRC) Gradlew 问题是指在使用Gradle构建FRC项目时,遇到gradlew命令无法正常运行的情况。虽然Gradle构建可以顺利进行,但在使用gradlew命令时却遇到了问题。这个问题可能导致项目无法正常编译和运行,给开发者带来了困扰。接下来,我们将详细解答这个问题,帮助开发者解决这一常见的难题。


我最近在 windows 笔记本电脑上安装了 wpilib 并启动了一个项目,但是当我尝试使用 gradlew 构建项目时它不起作用:

这是我的 build.gradle

plugins {
    id "java"
    id "edu.wpi.first.gradlerio" version "2024.1.1"

java {
    sourcecompatibility = javaversion.version_17
    targetcompatibility = javaversion.version_17

def robot_main_class = "frc.robot.main"

// define my targets (roborio) and artifacts (deployable files)
// this is added by gradlerio's backing project deployutils.
deploy {
    targets {
        roborio(gettargettypeclass('roborio')) {
            // team number is loaded either from the .wpilib/wpilib_preferences.json
            // or from command line. if not found an exception will be thrown.
            // you can use getteamordefault(team) instead of getteamnumber if you
            // want to store a team number in this file.
            team = project.frc.getteamnumber()
            debug = project.frc.getdebugordefault(false)

            artifacts {
                // first part is artifact name, 2nd is artifact type
                // gettargettypeclass is a shortcut to get the class type using a string

                frcjava(getartifacttypeclass('frcjavaartifact')) {

                // static files artifact
                frcstaticfiledeploy(getartifacttypeclass('filetreeartifact')) {
                    files = project.filetree('src/main/deploy')
                    directory = '/home/lvuser/deploy'

def deployartifact = deploy.targets.roborio.artifacts.frcjava

// set to true to use debug for jni.
wpi.java.debugjni = false

// set this to true to enable desktop support.
def includedesktopsupport = false

// defining my dependencies. in this case, wpilib (+ friends), and vendor libraries.
// also defines junit 5.
dependencies {
    implementation wpi.java.deps.wpilib()
    implementation wpi.java.vendor.java()

    roboriodebug wpi.java.deps.wpilibjnidebug(wpi.platforms.roborio)
    roboriodebug wpi.java.vendor.jnidebug(wpi.platforms.roborio)

    roboriorelease wpi.java.deps.wpilibjnirelease(wpi.platforms.roborio)
    roboriorelease wpi.java.vendor.jnirelease(wpi.platforms.roborio)

    nativedebug wpi.java.deps.wpilibjnidebug(wpi.platforms.desktop)
    nativedebug wpi.java.vendor.jnidebug(wpi.platforms.desktop)
    simulationdebug wpi.sim.enabledebug()

    nativerelease wpi.java.deps.wpilibjnirelease(wpi.platforms.desktop)
    nativerelease wpi.java.vendor.jnirelease(wpi.platforms.desktop)
    simulationrelease wpi.sim.enablerelease()

    testimplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter:5.10.1'
    testruntimeonly 'org.junit.platform:junit-platform-launcher'

test {
    systemproperty 'junit.jupiter.extensions.autodetection.enabled', 'true'

// simulation configuration (e.g. environment variables).
wpi.sim.addgui().defaultenabled = true

// setting up my jar file. in this case, adding all libraries into the main jar ('fat jar')
// in order to make them all available at runtime. also adding the manifest so wpilib
// knows where to look for our robot class.
jar {
    from { configurations.runtimeclasspath.collect { it.isdirectory() ? it : ziptree(it) } }
    from sourcesets.main.allsource
    manifest edu.wpi.first.gradlerio.gradlerioplugin.javamanifest(robot_main_class)
    duplicatesstrategy = duplicatesstrategy.include

// configure jar and deploy tasks
deployartifact.jartask = jar

// configure string concat to always inline compile
tasks.withtype(javacompile) {
    options.compilerargs.add '-xdstringconcat=inline'

现在如果我用 gradle 构建,它构建得非常好


import org.gradle.internal.os.operatingsystem

pluginmanagement {
    repositories {
        string frcyear = '2024'
        file frchome
        if (operatingsystem.current().iswindows()) {
            string publicfolder = system.getenv('public')
            if (publicfolder == null) {
                publicfolder = "c:\\users\\public"
            def homeroot = new file(publicfolder, "wpilib")
            frchome = new file(homeroot, frcyear)
        } else {
            def userfolder = system.getproperty("user.home")
            def homeroot = new file(userfolder, "wpilib")
            frchome = new file(homeroot, frcyear)
        def frchomemaven = new file(frchome, 'maven')
        maven {
            name 'frchome'
            url frchomemaven

properties props = system.getproperties();
props.setproperty("org.gradle.internal.native.headers.unresolved.dependencies.ignore", "true");

我预计它也会使用 gradlew 构建,但事实并非如此,

这是我的 gradle-wrapper.properties



Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.gradle.launcher.GradleMain
        at java.base/java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:445)
        at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:593)
        at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:526)
        at org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain.main(SourceFile:70)


另外:出于某种原因,gradlew 无论如何都不会听命令,它是唯一的构建

编辑: 我已经在 github codespaces 和我自己的 linux (arch linux) 上尝试了我的代码,但是 windows 不适合我,我已经重新安装了 wpilib 多次,不知道为什么它对我这样做。我尝试过使用 windows 虚拟机,但它的工作原理很奇怪,为什么我的计算机无法工作。


此错误的解决方案是您必须删除主目录 C:\Users\{username}\ 中的 .gradle 文件夹。现在,在我的安装过程中一定发生了一些导致此错误发生的事情。现在一切都可以正确构建。


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