Heim >Datenbank >MySQL-Tutorial >mysqlsql命令大全_MySQL


2016-06-01 13:18:121221Durchsuche



c++链接mysql头文件命令   g++ is_in_polygon.cpp -o is_in_polygon -I/usr/include/mysql -L/usr/lib/mysql -lmysqlclienteclipse 设置mysql     project->setting->properties->tool settings->libraries-libraries(l) write into:mysqlclient. project->properties->tool settings->libraries->libraries search path write into:/usr/lib/mysql.   project->properties->c/c++ build->environment->cplus_include_path and c_include_path 加入:/usr/include/mysql建立数据表    use test;        create table test_info (        id  integer not null,        content varchar(64) not null,        primary key (id)  );        delete from test_info;      insert into test_info values (2010, 'hello, line      suped      seped      "end'      );    向数据表导入数据    load data local infile '/tmp/test.csv' into table test_info  fields terminated by ','  optionally enclosed by '"' escaped by '"' lines terminated by '/r/n';  增加列    alter table t_icf_day add new_field_id int(5);    alter table t_icf_day add column day_id BIGINT  primary key auto_increment; 设主键    alter table userinfo add prmariy key (userId); 删除表drop tabledrop table if exits '%s_T_ICF_HIST_DATE'删除列    alter table t2 drop column c;查找不重复的数据insert into T_ICF_HIST_D select a.* from China_t_icf_hist_d a,(select c_gouki,c_kisyu,count(*) from %s_T_ICF_DAY group by c_gouki,c_kisyu having count(*)>=1) as b where a.c_gouki=b.c_gouki and a.c_kisyu=b.c_kisyu;",重命名列alter table t1 change a b integer;改变列的类型   alter table t1 change b b bigint not null;   alter table infos change list list tinyint not null default '0';重命名表   alter table t1 rename t2;多表查询   select c.nom, e.nom from consultant c, affaire a, besoin b, salarie sa, site s, entreprise e   where c.consultant_id=a.consultant_id and a.besoin_id=b.besoin_id and b.salarie_id=sa.salarie_id and sa.site_id=s.site_id and s.entreprise_id=e.entreprise_id插入符合条件的列    insert into gansu_icf_hist_d select b.* from gansu_t_icf_day a, T_ICF_HIST_D b where a.c_kisyu=b.c_kisyu and a.c_gouki=b.c_gouki;    insert into gansu_day select a.* from t_icf_day a, gansu_gis_convert_result b where a.d_hassei=b.d_hassei and a.c_gouki=b.c_gouki;查询后,插入表中   insert into gansu_gis_convert_result SELECT * FROM t_gis_convert_result_icf_other where nv_place='GANSU, China';向表中添加数据1    insert into employee values (’200301’,’zhangsan’,’m’,’1978/5/8’);2    insert into employee values (’200302’,’lisi’,’f’,’1973/3/20’);创建索引1    create table test1 (test1_id char(4),name char(20), index idx_test1(name(10)));2    create index idx_employee on employee(name); 用create为name列创建索引察看索引 1    show index from employee;2    show index from products;删除索引    drop index idx_employee on employee;    alter table products drop index idx_products;查看代码select * from gansu_day group by c_kisyu and d_hassei and c_gouki having count(*) > 1;多表查询insert into yunnan_gis_convert_result SELECT * FROM t_gis_convert_result_icf_AWS where nv_place='YUNNAN, China' union allSELECT * FROM t_gis_convert_result_icf_AXA_AWU where nv_place='YUNNAN, China' union all SELECT * FROM t_gis_convert_result_icf_other where nv_place='YUNNAN, China';insert into LIAONING_T_ICF_HIST_D select a.* from China_t_icf_hist_d a,(select c_gouki,c_kisyu,count(*) from LIAONING_T_ICF_DAY group by c_gouki,c_kisyu having count(*)>=1) as b where a.c_gouki=b.c_gouki and a.c_kisyu=b.c_kisyu;远程访问数据库 http://hi.baidu.com/andycai/blog/item/5c8dabcc97fa931701e9281f.html            http://blog.csdn.net/uixor_/article/details/6762194



MYSQL_RES *Querysql(char *sql) {    MYSQL_RES *res;    MYSQL_ROW row;    char *server = "localhost";/*服务器名*/    char *user = "root";/*用户名*/    char *password = ""; /* 此处改成你的密码 */    char *database = "EserviceDB";/*数据库名*/    MYSQL *conn = mysql_init(NULL);    /* Connect to database */    if (!mysql_real_connect(conn, server, user, password, database, 0, NULL, 0)) {        fprintf(stderr, "%s/n", mysql_error(conn));        return res;    }    /* send SQL query */    if (mysql_query(conn, sql)) {//sql语句        fprintf(stderr, "%s/n", mysql_error(conn));        return res;    }    res = mysql_store_result(conn);//保存查询结果    mysql_close(conn);    return res;}


void NoQuery(char *sql) {    MYSQL_RES *res;    MYSQL_ROW row;    char *server = "localhost";/*服务器名*/    char *user = "root";/*用户名*/    char *password = ""; /* 此处改成你的密码 */    char *database = "EserviceDB";/*数据库名*/    MYSQL *conn = mysql_init(NULL);    if (!mysql_real_connect(conn, server, user, password, database, 0, NULL, 0)) {        fprintf(stderr, "%s/n", mysql_error(conn));        printf("the connection fail!");    }    if (mysql_query(conn, sql)) {//sql语句        fprintf(stderr, "%s/n", mysql_error(conn));        printf("the query fail!");    } else        printf("query insert sql sucess");    mysql_close(conn);}


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