Heim >Datenbank >MySQL-Tutorial >MySQL学习笔记_13_Linux下C++/C连接MySQL数据库(三)--处理返回数_MySQL
bitsCN.comunsigned int mysql_field_count(MYSQL * connection);//将MYSQL_ROW的值作为一个存储了一行数据的数组...
//一次取一个值的情况,另一种情况与其类似,修改处会标出#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <cstdlib>#include <mysql/mysql.h>using namespace std;void mysql_err_function(MYSQL * connection);void mysql_display(MYSQL * mysql,MYSQL_ROW sqlrow);int main(){ MYSQL * connection; connection = mysql_init(NULL); if (mysql_real_connect(connection,"localhost","root","123456","test",0,NULL,0)) { cout << "Connection to MySQL Server is Succeed..." << endl; string query = "select * from tmp15"; //getline(cin,query); int res = mysql_query(connection,query.c_str()); if (res) { mysql_err_function(connection); } else { MYSQL_RES * my_res = mysql_use_result(connection); //将mysql_use_result改为mysql_store_result即可得到另一种情况的结果(其实是相同的...) if (my_res) { MYSQL_ROW sqlrow; while ((sqlrow = mysql_fetch_row(my_res))) { mysql_display(connection,sqlrow); } mysql_free_result(my_res); } else { mysql_err_function(connection); } } mysql_close(connection); cout << "Connection to MySQL Server is Closed!" << endl; } else { mysql_err_function(connection); }}void mysql_err_function(MYSQL * connection){ if (mysql_errno(connection)) { cout << "Error " << mysql_errno(connection) << " : " << mysql_error(connection) << endl; exit(-1); }}void mysql_display(MYSQL * mysql,MYSQL_ROW sqlrow){ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mysql_field_count(mysql); ++i) { printf("%s ",sqlrow[i]); //cout << sqlrow[i] << ' '; //不知到为什么将printf换成cout之后,打印值就会出错...思考ing... } cout << endl;}
1、MYSQL_FIELD *mysql_fetch_field(MYSQL_RES *result); 2、MYSQL_FIELD定义:typedef struct st_mysql_field{ char *name; /* Name of column */ char *table; /* Table of column if column was a field */ char *org_table; /* Org table name if table was an alias */ char *db; /* Database for table */ char *def; /* Default value (set by mysql_list_fields) */ unsigned long length; /* Width of column */ unsigned long max_length; /* Max width of selected set */ unsigned int flags; /* Div flags */ unsigned int decimals; /* Number of decimals in field */ enum enum_field_types type; /* Type of field. Se mysql_com.h for types *