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Correctly setting your mysql prompt using sudo_MySQL

2016-06-01 13:13:241342Durchsuche

If you run multiple MySQL environments on multiple servers it’s a good habit to set your MySQL prompt to double check which server you are on.
however, using the MYSQL_PS1 environment variable I found this does not work under sudo (the normal way people run sudo).

I.e., the following syntax’s work.

$ mysql$ sudo su - -c mysql$ sudo su - ; mysql

but the following does not.

$ sudo mysql

The trick is actually to ensure via /etc/sudoers you inherit the MySQL_PS1 environment variable.

echo "export MYSQL_PS1=/"`hostname` [/d]> /"" | sudo tee /etc/profile.d/mysql.shecho 'Defaultsenv_keep += "MYSQL_PS1"' | sudo tee /tmp/mysqlsudo chmod 400 /tmp/mysqlsudo mv /tmp/mysql /etc/sudoers.d

Tags:mysql client,mysql prompt,MYSQL_PS1,sudo

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