Heim  >  Artikel  >  Backend-Entwicklung  >  PHP生成sitemap.xml地图函数_PHP


2016-06-01 11:57:36956Durchsuche

复制代码 代码如下:

 *    网站地图更新控制器
 *    @author    Garbin
 *    @usage    none
class SitemapApp extends FrontendApp
    function __construct()
    function SitemapApp()
        $this->_google_sitemmap_file = ROOT_PATH . '/data/google_sitemmap.xml';

    function index()
        if (!Conf::get('sitemap_enabled'))
        $from = empty($_GET['from']) ? 'google' : trim($_GET['from']);
        switch ($from)
            case 'google':

     *    输出Google sitemap
     *    @author    Garbin
     *    @return    void
    function _output_google_sitemap()
        header("Content-type: application/xml");
        echo $this->_get_google_sitemap();

     *    获取Google sitemap
     *    @author    Garbin
     *    @return    string
    function _get_google_sitemap()
        $sitemap = "";
        if ($this->_google_sitemap_expired())
            /* 已过期,重新生成 */

            /* 获取有更新的项目 */
            $updated_items = $this->_get_updated_items($this->_get_google_sitemap_lastupdate());

            /* 重建sitemap */
            $sitemap = $this->_build_google_sitemap($updated_items);

            /* 写入文件 */
            /* 直接返回旧的sitemap */
            $sitemap = file_get_contents($this->_google_sitemmap_file);

        return $sitemap;

     *    判断Google sitemap是否过期
     *    @author    Garbin
     *    @return    boolean
    function _google_sitemap_expired()
        if (!is_file($this->_google_sitemmap_file))
            return true;
        $frequency = Conf::get('sitemap_frequency') * 3600;
        $filemtime = $this->_get_google_sitemap_lastupdate();

        return (time() >= $filemtime + $frequency);

     *    获取上次更新日期
     *    @author    Garbin
     *    @return    int
    function _get_google_sitemap_lastupdate()
        return is_file($this->_google_sitemmap_file) ? filemtime($this->_google_sitemmap_file) : 0;

     *    获取已更新的项目
     *    @author    Garbin
     *    @return    array
    function _get_updated_items($timeline = 0)
        $timeline && $timeline -= date('Z');
        $limit = 5000;
        $result = array();
        /* 更新的店铺 */
        $model_store =& m('store');
        $updated_store = $model_store->find(array(
            'fields'    => 'store_id, add_time',
            'conditions' => "add_time >= {$timeline} AND state=" . STORE_OPEN,
            'limit'     => "0, {$limit}",

        if (!empty($updated_store))
            foreach ($updated_store as $_store_id => $_v)
                $result[] = array(
                    'url'       => SITE_URL . '/index.php?app=store&id=' . $_store_id,
                    'lastmod'   => date("Y-m-d", $_v['add_time']),
                    'changefreq'=> 'daily',
                    'priority'  => '1',
        /* 更新的文章 */
        $model_article =& m('article');
        $updated_article = $model_article->find(array(
            'fields'    => 'article_id, add_time',
            'conditions'=> "add_time >= {$timeline} AND if_show=1",
            'limit'     => "0, {$limit}",
        if (!empty($updated_article))
            foreach ($updated_article as $_article_id => $_v)
                $result[] = array(
                    'url'       => SITE_URL . '/index.php?app=article&act=view&article_id=' . $_article_id,
                    'lastmod'   => date("Y-m-d", $_v['add_time']),
                    'changefreq'=> 'daily',
                    'priority'  => '0.8',

        /* 更新的商品 */
        $model_goods =& m('goods');
        $updated_goods = $model_goods->find(array(
            'fields'        => 'goods_id, last_update',
            'conditions'    => "last_update >= {$timeline} AND if_show=1 AND closed=0",
            'limit'         => "0, {$limit}",
        if (!empty($updated_goods))
            foreach ($updated_goods as $_goods_id => $_v)
                $result[] = array(
                    'url'       => SITE_URL . '/index.php?app=goods&id=' . $_goods_id,
                    'lastmod'   => date("Y-m-d", $_v['last_update']),
                    'changefreq'=> 'daily',
                    'priority'  => '0.8',

        return $result;

     *    生成Google sitemap
     *    @author    Garbin
     *    @param     array $items
     *    @return    string
    function _build_google_sitemap($items)
        $sitemap = "\r\n\r\n";
        $sitemap .= "    \r\n        " . htmlentities(SITE_URL, ENT_QUOTES) . "\r\n        " . date('Y-m-d', gmtime()) . "\r\n        always\r\n        1\r\n    ";
        if (!empty($items))
            foreach ($items as $item)
                $sitemap .= "\r\n    \r\n        " . htmlentities($item['url'], ENT_QUOTES) . "\r\n        {$item['lastmod']}\r\n        {$item['changefreq']}\r\n        {$item['priority']}\r\n    ";
        $sitemap .= "\r\n

        return $sitemap;

     *    写入Google sitemap文件
     *    @author    Garbin
     *    @param     string $sitemap
     *    @return    void
    function _write_google_sitemap($sitemap)
        file_put_contents($this->_google_sitemmap_file, $sitemap);


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