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So ändern Sie schnell den Datenbanknamen in MySQL

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2023-05-26 21:46:042755Durchsuche

So ändern Sie schnell den Datenbanknamen in MySQL

1. Erstellen Sie eine neue Datenbank centos_old.

mysql > create database centos_old;

2. Verwenden Sie select concat, um alle Umbenennungstabellenanweisungen zu buchstabieren.

    mysql -uroot -p -e "select concat('rename table centos.',table_name,' to centos_old.',table_name,';') from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA='centos';" > rename_mysql_name.sql

Öffnen Sie rename_mysql_name.sql und löschen Sie die erste Zeile. Der Inhalt von

rename_mysql_name.sql lautet ungefähr:

   rename table centos.wp_commentmeta to centos_old.wp_commentmeta;
   rename table centos.wp_comments to centos_old.wp_comments;
   rename table centos.wp_forum_forums to centos_old.wp_forum_forums;
   rename table centos.wp_forum_groups to centos_old.wp_forum_groups;
   rename table centos.wp_forum_posts to centos_old.wp_forum_posts;
   rename table centos.wp_forum_threads to centos_old.wp_forum_threads;
   rename table centos.wp_forum_usergroup2user to centos_old.wp_forum_usergroup2user;
   rename table centos.wp_forum_usergroups to centos_old.wp_forum_usergroups;
   rename table centos.wp_links to centos_old.wp_links;
   rename table centos.wp_options to centos_old.wp_options;
   rename table centos.wp_postmeta to centos_old.wp_postmeta;
   rename table centos.wp_posts to centos_old.wp_posts;
   rename table centos.wp_term_relationships to centos_old.wp_term_relationships;
   rename table centos.wp_term_taxonomy to centos_old.wp_term_taxonomy;
   rename table centos.wp_terms to centos_old.wp_terms;
   rename table centos.wp_usermeta to centos_old.wp_usermeta;
   rename table centos.wp_users to centos_old.wp_users;

3. Führen Sie die Umbenennungsanweisung aus

mysql -uroot -p

Damit ist der Vorgang zum Ändern des Centos-Datenbanknamens in centos_old abgeschlossen.

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