Heim >Backend-Entwicklung >Python-Tutorial >So implementieren Sie das Brick Breaking-Spiel in Python Pygame
Die Schnittstelle und der Code der Spielumgebung sind wie folgt:
import sys sys.path.append(r'E:\anaconda\Lib\site-packages') import pygame import sys import random import time import math from tkinter import _flatten pygame.init() pygame.font.init() brick_length = 25 brick_wide = 15 rect_length = 100 rect_wide = 5 window_length = 400 window_wide = 250 move_x = 8 move_y = 8 radius = 10 score=0 over_sign=0 win_sign=0 frequency=0 ball_color=(240,240,240) k_counter = 0 state = [] game_window = pygame.display.set_mode((window_length,window_wide)) def rectmove(): mouse_x , _ = pygame.mouse.get_pos() pygame.draw.rect(game_window,(255,255,255),((mouse_x-rect_length//2),(window_wide-rect_wide),rect_length,rect_wide)) def ballready(): pygame.draw.circle(game_window,ball_color,(ball_x,ball_y),radius) #绘制球 def ball_window(): global move_x global move_y #球与窗口边框的碰撞检测 if ball_x <= radius or ball_x >= (window_length-radius): move_x = -move_x if ball_y <= radius: move_y = -move_y def ball_rect(): #球与球拍的碰撞检测 collision_sign_x = 0 #定义碰撞标识 collision_sign_y = 0 global k_counter global move_x global move_y global distance mouse_x , _ = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if ball_x < (mouse_x-rect_length//2): closestpoint_x = mouse_x-rect_length//2 collision_sign_x = 1 elif ball_x > (mouse_x+rect_length//2): closestpoint_x = mouse_x+rect_length//2 collision_sign_x = 2 else: closestpoint_x = ball_x collision_sign_x = 3 if ball_y < (window_wide-rect_wide): closestpoint_y = (window_wide-rect_wide) collision_sign_y = 1 elif ball_y > window_wide: closestpoint_y = window_wide collision_sign_y = 2 else: closestpoint_y = ball_y collision_sign_y = 3 #定义球拍到圆心最近点与圆心的距离 distance = math.sqrt(math.pow(closestpoint_x-ball_x,2)+math.pow(closestpoint_y-ball_y,2)) #球在球拍上左、上中、上右3种情况的碰撞检测 if distance < radius and collision_sign_y == 1 and (collision_sign_x == 1 or collision_sign_x == 2): if collision_sign_x == 1 and move_x > 0: move_x = - move_x move_y = - move_y if collision_sign_x == 1 and move_x < 0: move_y = - move_y if collision_sign_x == 2 and move_x < 0: move_x = - move_x move_y = - move_y if collision_sign_x == 2 and move_x > 0: move_y = - move_y if distance < radius and collision_sign_y == 1 and collision_sign_x == 3: move_y = - move_y if distance < radius and collision_sign_y == 3: #球在球拍左、右两侧中间的碰撞检测 move_x = - move_x k_counter = k_counter + 1 def ballmove(): global ball_x global ball_y global over_sign global frequency global brick_list #绘制球,设置反弹触发条件 pygame.draw.circle(game_window,ball_color,(ball_x,ball_y),radius) ball_x += move_x ball_y -= move_y #调用碰撞检测函数 ball_window() ball_rect() if distance < radius: frequency += 1 #接球次数 if ball_y > 270: #设置游戏失败条件 over_sign = 1 def record_brick_state(): global brick_state global brick_list if ball_y == 203: brick_state = list(_flatten(brick_list)) #变为一维 ball_state = [0,0,0,0,0,0] def record_ball_state(): global ball_x global ball_y global ball_state if ball_y == 203: ball_state[0] = ball_x*0.01 ball_state[1] = ball_y*0.01 if ball_y == 211: ball_state[2] = ball_x*0.01 ball_state[3] = ball_y*0.01 if ball_y == 219: ball_state[4] = ball_x*0.01 ball_state[5] = ball_y*0.01 def calculate_score(brick_list): brick_num = 0 global score for i in range(5): for j in range(12): brick_num = brick_num + brick_list[i][j] score = 60 - brick_num # print(score) def brickarrange(): global brick_length global brick_wide global score global win_sign global brick_x global brick_y global distanceb global ball_x global ball_y global brick_list_ #绘制砖块 for i in range(5): for j in range(12): brick_x = j*(brick_length+5) brick_y = i*(brick_wide+5)+40 if brick_list[i][j] == 1: pygame.draw.rect(game_window,(255,255,255),(brick_x,brick_y,brick_length,brick_wide)) ball_brick() #调用碰撞检测函数 if distanceb < radius: brick_list[i][j] = 0 calculate_score(brick_list) #设置游戏胜利条件 if score == 60: win_sign = 1 def ball_brick(): global distanceb global move_x global move_y #球与砖块的碰撞检测 collision_sign_bx = 0 #定义碰撞标识 collision_sign_by = 0 if ball_x < brick_x: closestpoint_bx = brick_x collision_sign_bx = 1 elif ball_x > brick_x+brick_length: closestpoint_bx = brick_x+brick_length collision_sign_bx = 2 else: closestpoint_bx = ball_x collision_sign_bx = 3 if ball_y < brick_y: closestpoint_by = brick_y collision_sign_by = 1 elif ball_y > brick_y+brick_wide: closestpoint_by = brick_y+brick_wide collision_sign_by = 2 else: closestpoint_by = ball_y collision_sign_by = 3 #定义砖块到圆心最近点与圆心的距离 distanceb = math.sqrt(math.pow(closestpoint_bx-ball_x,2)+math.pow(closestpoint_by-ball_y,2)) #球在砖块上左、上中、上右3种情况的碰撞检测 if distanceb < radius and collision_sign_by == 1 and (collision_sign_bx == 1 or collision_sign_bx == 2): if collision_sign_bx == 1 and move_x > 0: move_x = - move_x move_y = - move_y if collision_sign_bx == 1 and move_x < 0: move_y = - move_y if collision_sign_bx == 2 and move_x < 0: move_x = - move_x move_y = - move_y if collision_sign_bx == 2 and move_x > 0: move_y = - move_y if distanceb < radius and collision_sign_by == 1 and collision_sign_bx == 3: move_y = - move_y #球在砖块下左、下中、下右3种情况的碰撞检测 if distanceb < radius and collision_sign_by == 2 and (collision_sign_bx == 1 or collision_sign_bx == 2): if collision_sign_bx == 1 and move_x > 0: move_x = - move_x move_y = - move_y if collision_sign_bx == 1 and move_x < 0: move_y = - move_y if collision_sign_bx == 2 and move_x < 0: move_x = - move_x move_y = - move_y if collision_sign_bx == 2 and move_x > 0: move_y = - move_y if distanceb < radius and collision_sign_by == 2 and collision_sign_bx == 3: move_y = - move_y if distanceb < radius and collision_sign_by == 3: #球在砖块左、右两侧中间的碰撞检测 move_x = - move_x while True: brick_list = [[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1], [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1], [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1], [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1], [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]] score=0 win_sign=0 frequency=0 over_sign=0 mouse_x , _= pygame.mouse.get_pos() ball_x=mouse_x ball_y = window_wide-rect_wide-radius while True: game_window.fill((111,111,111)) pygame.display.flip() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() exit() rectmove() ballmove() brickarrange() record_brick_state() record_ball_state() if ball_state[1] !=0: if ball_state[3] !=0: if ball_state[5] !=0: state = brick_state + ball_state ball_state =[0,0,0,0,0,0] print(state) if over_sign == 1: break if win_sign == 1: break pygame.display.update() time.sleep(0.06)
Das obige ist der detaillierte Inhalt vonSo implementieren Sie das Brick Breaking-Spiel in Python Pygame. Für weitere Informationen folgen Sie bitte anderen verwandten Artikeln auf der PHP chinesischen Website!