Heim >Backend-Entwicklung >Python-Tutorial >So implementieren Sie ein Schießspiel in Python
Karteneditor: Ermöglicht den Spielern, den Stil und die Schwierigkeit jedes Levels zu definieren.
Laufoberfläche: Erkennt die Bewegung des Spielers, das Springen, das Abfeuern von Kugeln, das Werfen von Granaten und die AL des Feindes (Bewegung, Abfeuern von Kugeln, Werfen von Granaten). Gleichzeitig verfügt das Spiel über eine Reihe von Requisiten (Gesundheitsmedizinkiste, Munitionsvorrat, Granatenvorrat) sowie verschiedene Animationen und Musik-Soundeffekte sowie verschiedene Blumen- und Steindekorationen sowie gefährliche Orte wie Klippen und Wasserstrudel Es gibt noch mehr Unbekanntes, Sie können sie durch Ihre eigene Erfahrung spüren!
Der Gesamtcode umfasst etwa 1100 Zeilen!
import pygame import sys import csv import button pygame.init() # 定义一个时钟 clock = pygame.time.Clock() FPS = 60 # 游戏窗口 SCREEN_WIDTH = 800 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 560 LOWER_MARGIN = 100 SIDE_MAGTIN = 300 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH + SIDE_MAGTIN, SCREEN_HEIGHT + LOWER_MARGIN)) pygame.display.set_caption("级别编辑器") # 定义游戏变量 ROWS = 16 MAX_COLS = 150 TILE_SIZE = SCREEN_HEIGHT // ROWS TILE_TYPES = 21 level = 1 current_tile = 0 scroll_left = False scroll_right = False scroll = 0 scroll_speed = 1 # 加载背景图片 pine1_img = pygame.image.load("img/Background/pine1.png").convert_alpha() pine2_img = pygame.image.load("img/Background/pine2.png").convert_alpha() mountain_img = pygame.image.load("img/Background/mountain.png").convert_alpha() sky_img = pygame.image.load("img/Background/sky_cloud.png").convert_alpha() # 瓷砖瓦片列表 img_list = [] for x in range(TILE_TYPES): img = pygame.image.load(f"img/tile/{x}.png") img = pygame.transform.scale(img, (TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE)) img_list.append(img) # 创建保存按钮 save_img = pygame.image.load("img/save_btn.png").convert_alpha() load_img = pygame.image.load("img/load_btn.png").convert_alpha() # 定义颜色 GREEN = (144, 201, 120) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) RED = (200, 25, 25) #定义字体 font = pygame.font.SysFont("Futura", 30) # 创建空的瓷砖列表(二维) world_data = [] for row in range(ROWS): r = [-1] * MAX_COLS world_data.append(r) # 创建一个组 for tile in range(0, MAX_COLS): world_data[ROWS - 1][tile] = 0 # 在屏幕上显示下一级定义文本显示函数 def draw_text(text, font, text_color, x, y): img = font.render(text, True, text_color) screen.blit(img, (x, y)) # 创建背景函数 def draw_bg(): screen.fill(GREEN) width = sky_img.get_width() for x in range(4): screen.blit(sky_img, ((x * width) - scroll * 0.5, 0)) screen.blit(mountain_img, ((x * width) - scroll * 0.6, SCREEN_HEIGHT - mountain_img.get_height() - 300)) screen.blit(pine1_img, ((x * width) - scroll * 0.7, SCREEN_HEIGHT - pine1_img.get_height() - 150)) screen.blit(pine2_img, ((x * width) - scroll * 0.8, SCREEN_HEIGHT - pine2_img.get_height())) # 绘制格子 def draw_grid(): # 垂直的线 for c in range(MAX_COLS + 1): pygame.draw.line(screen, WHITE, (c * TILE_SIZE - scroll, 0), (c * TILE_SIZE - scroll, SCREEN_HEIGHT)) # 水平的线 for c in range(ROWS + 1): pygame.draw.line(screen, WHITE, (0, c * TILE_SIZE), (SCREEN_WIDTH, c * TILE_SIZE)) # 在地图中绘制瓷砖 def draw_world(): for y, row in enumerate(world_data): for x, tile in enumerate(row): if tile >= 0: screen.blit(img_list[tile], (x * TILE_SIZE - scroll, y * TILE_SIZE)) # 创建按钮 # 创建保存和加载数据按钮 save_button = button.Button(SCREEN_WIDTH // 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT + LOWER_MARGIN - 50, save_img, 1) load_button = button.Button(SCREEN_WIDTH // 2 + 200, SCREEN_HEIGHT + LOWER_MARGIN - 50, load_img, 1) # 制作一个按钮瓷片列表 button_list = [] button_col = 0 button_row = 0 for i in range(len(img_list)): tile_button = button.Button(SCREEN_WIDTH + (75 * button_col) + 50, 75 * button_row + 50, img_list[i], 1) button_list.append(tile_button) button_col += 1 if button_col == 3: button_row += 1 button_col = 0 run = True while run: clock.tick(FPS) draw_bg() draw_grid() draw_world() draw_text(f"Level: {level}", font, WHITE, 10, SCREEN_HEIGHT + LOWER_MARGIN - 90) draw_text("Press up or Down to change level", font, WHITE, 10, SCREEN_HEIGHT + LOWER_MARGIN - 60) # 保存和加载地图数据 if save_button.draw(screen): # 保存级别数据 with open(f"level{level}_data.csv", "w", newline="") as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter = ",") for row in world_data: writer.writerow(row) # with open(f"level{level}_data.csv", "wb") as pickle_out: # pickle.dump(world_data, pickle_out) if load_button.draw(screen): # 加载地图级别数据 # 重置滚动scroll为起始位置0 scroll = 0 with open(f"level{level}_data.csv", "r", newline="") as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=",") for y, row in enumerate(reader): for x, tile in enumerate(row): world_data[y][x] = int(tile) # 画面板和瓷砖 pygame.draw.rect(screen, GREEN, (SCREEN_WIDTH, 0, SIDE_MAGTIN, SCREEN_HEIGHT)) # 选择一种瓷砖,获取右侧瓷砖列表的具体 button_count = 0 for button_count, i in enumerate(button_list): if i.draw(screen): current_tile = button_count # 高亮显示选中的瓷砖 pygame.draw.rect(screen, RED, button_list[current_tile].rect, 3) # 滚动地图 if scroll_left == True and scroll > 0: scroll -= 5 * scroll_speed if scroll_right == True and scroll < (MAX_COLS * TILE_SIZE) - SCREEN_WIDTH: # 检测最右边的边缘 scroll += 5 * scroll_speed # 在窗口中增加新的瓷砖 # 获取鼠标的位置 pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() x = (pos[0] + scroll) // TILE_SIZE y = pos[1] // TILE_SIZE # 检测点击的区域,把右侧获取的瓷片放在地图中 if pos[0] < SCREEN_WIDTH and pos[1] < SCREEN_HEIGHT: # 更新瓷砖的值 if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0] == 1: if world_data[y][x] != current_tile: world_data[y][x] = current_tile # 删除选中的 if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[2] == 1: world_data[y][x] = -1 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() # 键盘按键 if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_UP: level += 1 if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN and level > 0: level -= 1 if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: scroll_left = True if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: scroll_right = True if event.key == pygame.K_LSHIFT: scroll_speed = 5 if event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: scroll_left = False if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: scroll_right = False if event.key == pygame.K_LSHIFT: scroll_speed = 1 pygame.display.update()
import pygame from pygame import mixer import sys import os import random import csv import button import math mixer.init() pygame.init() # 画布元素 SCREEN_WIDTH = 800 SCREEN_HEIGHT = int(SCREEN_WIDTH * 0.8) screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption("射击游戏") # 设置帧 clock = pygame.time.Clock() FPS = 60 # 定义游戏变量 GRAVITY = 0.75 SCROLL_THRESH = 200 ROWS = 16 COLS = 150 TILE_SIZE = SCREEN_HEIGHT // ROWS TILE_TYPES = 21 MAX_LEVELS = 3 screen_scroll = 0 bg_scroll = 0 level = 1 # 定义游戏状态 start_game = False # 定义是否淡入进入游戏画面 start_intro = False # 定义玩家状态变量 moving_left = False moving_right = False shoot = False grenade = False grenade_thrown = False #加载音乐和声音 pygame.mixer.music.load("audio/music2.mp3") pygame.mixer.music.set_volume(0.3) pygame.mixer.music.play(-1, 0.0, 3000) jump_fx = pygame.mixer.Sound("audio/jump.wav") jump_fx.set_volume(0.5) shot_fx = pygame.mixer.Sound("audio/shot.wav") shot_fx.set_volume(0.9) grenade_fx = pygame.mixer.Sound("audio/grenade.wav") grenade_fx.set_volume(0.9) # 加载背景图片 pine1_img = pygame.image.load("img/Background/pine1.png").convert_alpha() pine2_img = pygame.image.load("img/Background/pine2.png").convert_alpha() mountain_img = pygame.image.load("img/Background/mountain.png").convert_alpha() sky_img = pygame.image.load("img/Background/sky_cloud.png").convert_alpha() # 加载按钮图像 start_img = pygame.image.load("img/start_btn.png").convert_alpha() exit_img = pygame.image.load("img/exit_btn.png").convert_alpha() restart_img = pygame.image.load("img/restart_btn.png").convert_alpha() # 加载21种瓷砖图像放在瓷砖图像列表中 img_list = [] for x in range(TILE_TYPES): img = pygame.image.load(f"img/Tile/{x}.png") img = pygame.transform.scale(img, (TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE)) img_list.append(img) # 加载子弹 bullet_img = pygame.image.load("img/icons/bullet.png").convert_alpha() grenade_img = pygame.image.load("img/icons/grenade.png").convert_alpha() # 加载物品 health_box_img = pygame.image.load("img/icons/health_box.png").convert_alpha() ammo_box_img = pygame.image.load("img/icons/ammo_box.png").convert_alpha() grenade_box_img = pygame.image.load("img/icons/grenade_box.png").convert_alpha() item_boxes = { "Health": health_box_img, "Ammo": ammo_box_img, "Grenade": grenade_box_img } # 定义颜色 BG = (144, 201, 120) RED = (255, 0, 0) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) GREEN = (0, 255, 0) BLACK = (0, 0, 0) PINK = (235, 65, 54) # 定义字体 font = pygame.font.SysFont("Futura", 30) # 定义一个显示文本函数,用来显示玩家的相关属性 def draw_text(text, font, text_color, x, y): img = font.render(text, True, text_color) screen.blit(img, (x, y)) # 刷新背景函数,for循环重复背景,刷新背景中不同的照片的x坐标,以此达到背景动态效果 def draw_bg(): screen.fill(BG) width = sky_img.get_width() for x in range(5): screen.blit(sky_img, ((x * width) - bg_scroll * 0.5, 0)) screen.blit(mountain_img, ((x * width) - bg_scroll * 0.6, SCREEN_HEIGHT - mountain_img.get_height() - 300)) screen.blit(pine1_img, ((x * width) - bg_scroll * 0.7, SCREEN_HEIGHT - pine1_img.get_height() - 150)) screen.blit(pine2_img, ((x * width) - bg_scroll * 0.8, SCREEN_HEIGHT - pine2_img.get_height())) # 重置游戏函数定义,碰撞”通关“瓷片时,清空本关的所有显示元素 def reset_level(): enemy_group.empty() bullet_group.empty() grenade_group.empty() explosion_group.empty() item_box_group.empty() decoration_group.empty() water_group.empty() exit_group.empty() # 创建空的瓷砖列表。二维列表行列 data = [] for row in range(ROWS): r = [-1] * COLS data.append(r) return data # 创建士兵类(敌人和玩家) class Soldier(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, char_type, x, y, scale, speed, ammo, grenades): super().__init__() self.alive = True # 定义或者还是死亡变量 self.char_type = char_type # 获取文件类型样式 self.speed = speed # 速度 self.ammo = ammo # 子弹 self.start_ammo = ammo self.shoot_cooldown = 0 # 冷却 self.grenades = grenades # 手雷 self.health = 100 # 生命值 self.max_health = self.health self.direction = 1 # 默认方向右 self.vel_y = 0 # 垂直 self.jump = False # 跳跃 self.in_air = True # 是否在空中 self.flip = False # 默认左为false self.animation_list = [] # 动画列表 self.frame_index = 0 # 索引 self.action = 0 # 选择动作变量 self.update_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() # 以毫秒为单位获取时间 # 创建AI特定变量 self.move_counter = 0 # 移动计数,对应下文敌人来回徘徊 self.vision = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 150, 20) # 搜索玩家在玩家视线之内 self.idling = False # 闲置状态,对应下文AI开枪和扔手雷的状态 self.idling_counter = 0 # 闲置计数 self.grenade_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() # 对应下文手雷爆炸时间 # 加载玩家是所有的图片类型 animation_types = ["Idle", "Run", "Jump", "Death"] for animation in animation_types: # 重置临时列表 temp_list = [] # 统计每种动画帧数量 num_of_frames = len(os.listdir(f"img/{char_type}/{animation}")) for i in range(num_of_frames): img = pygame.image.load(f"img/{char_type}/{animation}/{i}.png").convert_alpha() img = pygame.transform.scale(img, (int(img.get_width() * scale), int(img.get_height() * scale))) temp_list.append(img) self.animation_list.append(temp_list) self.image = self.animation_list[self.action][self.frame_index] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.center = (x, y)# rect=(x,y,w,h) self.width = self.image.get_width() self.height = self.image.get_height() def update(self): self.update_animation() self.check_alive() # 更新冷却时间 if self.shoot_cooldown > 0: self.shoot_cooldown -= 1 def move(self, moving_left, moving_right): # 重置移动变量 screen_scroll = 0 dx = 0 dy = 0 # 根据移动变量判断向左还是向右移动 if moving_left: dx = -self.speed self.flip = True self.direction = -1 if moving_right: dx = self.speed self.flip = False self.direction = 1 # 跳跃 if self.jump == True and self.in_air == False: self.vel_y = -11 self.jump = False self.in_air = True # 使用重力,让其在y方向跳跃高度进行限制 self.vel_y += GRAVITY if self.vel_y > 10: self.vel_y dy += self.vel_y # 检测与地面的碰撞 for tile in world.obstacle_list: # 检测玩家与每个地面瓷砖x方向上的碰撞 if tile[1].colliderect(self.rect.x + dx, self.rect.y, self.width, self.height): dx = 0 # 检测如果是ai机器人碰到墙就返回 if self.char_type == "enemy": self.direction *= -1 self.move_counter = 0 # 检车玩家与瓷砖y方向上的碰撞 if tile[1].colliderect(self.rect.x, self.rect.y + dy, self.width, self.height): # 检测与地面底部的碰撞 if self.vel_y < 0: self.vel_y = 0 dy = tile[1].bottom - self.rect.top # 检测与地面顶部的碰撞 elif self.vel_y >= 0: self.vel_y = 0 self.in_air = False dy = tile[1].top - self.rect.bottom # 检测与水面的碰撞 if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, water_group, False): self.health = 0 # 检车与出口标志碰撞 level_complete = False if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, exit_group, False): level_complete = True # 检测从地图上坠落下来 if self.rect.bottom > SCREEN_HEIGHT: self.health = 0 # 检测是否走到窗口的边缘,如果走到窗口边缘就不让再走了 if self.char_type == "player": if self.rect.left + dx < 0 or self.rect.right + dx > SCREEN_WIDTH: dx = 0 # 更新矩形的位置 self.rect.x += dx self.rect.y += dy # 在玩家位置的基础上更新滚动平台 rect.right 对应矩形的左,以此类推 if self.char_type == "player": if (self.rect.right > SCREEN_WIDTH - SCROLL_THRESH and bg_scroll < world.level_length * TILE_SIZE - SCREEN_WIDTH)\ or (self .rect.left < SCROLL_THRESH and bg_scroll > abs(dx)): self.rect.x -= dx screen_scroll = -dx return screen_scroll, level_complete def shoot(self): if self.shoot_cooldown == 0 and self.ammo > 0: self.shoot_cooldown = 20 bullet = Bullet(self.rect.centerx + (0.75 * self.rect.size[0] * self.direction), self.rect.centery, self.direction) bullet_group.add(bullet) #减少弹药 self.ammo -= 1 shot_fx.play() def ai(self): if self.alive and player.alive: if self.idling == False and random.randint(1, 100) == 1: self.update_action(0) # 选择闲置动作 self.idling = True # ai检测到我方士兵在附近 if self.vision.colliderect(player.rect): # 停止奔跑并面向玩家的时候 self.update_action(0) # 并射击 self.shoot() else: # 不定时扔手雷 now_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() if math.sqrt(math.pow(abs(self.rect.centerx - player.rect.centerx), 2) + math.pow( abs(self.rect.centery - player.rect.centery), 2)) < TILE_SIZE * 5: if self.grenades > 0: if now_time - self.grenade_time > random.randint(2000, 3000): # 停止奔跑并面向玩家的时候 self.update_action(0) self.grenade_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() grenade = Grenade(self.rect.centerx, self.rect.centery, self.direction) grenade_group.add(grenade) self.grenades -= 1 if self.idling == False: if self.direction == 1: ai_moving_right = True self.idling_counter = 50 else: ai_moving_right = False ai_moving_left = not ai_moving_right self.move(ai_moving_left, ai_moving_right) self.update_action(1) # 选择运动动作 self.move_counter += 1 # 更新ai视觉范围作为移动范围 self.vision.center = (self.rect.centerx + 75 * self.direction, self.rect.centery) # pygame.draw.rect(screen, RED, self.vision) if self.move_counter > TILE_SIZE: self.direction *= -1 self.move_counter *= -1 else: self.idling_counter -= 1 if self.idling_counter <= 0: self.idling = False # 滚动 self.rect.x += screen_scroll def update_animation(self): # 更新动画 ANIMATION_COOLDOWN= 100 # 更新当前的帧 self.image = self.animation_list[self.action][self.frame_index] # 检测现在的时间更新时间 if pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.update_time > ANIMATION_COOLDOWN: self.update_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() self.frame_index += 1 # 检测如果列表索引超出了动画帧数 if self.frame_index >= len(self.animation_list[self.action]): if self.action == 3: self.frame_index = len(self.animation_list[self.action]) - 1 else: self.frame_index = 0 def update_action(self, new_action): # 判断不同的行动播放不同的动画 if new_action != self.action: self.action = new_action # 更新动画设置 self.frame_index = 0 self.update_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() def check_alive(self): if self.health <= 0: self.health = 0 self.speed = 0 self.alive = False self.update_action(3) def draw(self): screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(self.image, self.flip, False), self.rect) # 收集物品类 class ItemBox(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, item_type, x, y): super().__init__() self.item_type = item_type self.image = item_boxes.get(self.item_type) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.midtop = (x + TILE_SIZE // 2, y + (TILE_SIZE - self.image.get_height())) def update(self): # 滚动 self.rect.x += screen_scroll # 检车士兵与物品的碰撞 if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, player): # 检测获取箱子的种类 if self.item_type == "Health": player.health += 25 if player.health > player.max_health: player.health = player.max_health elif self.item_type == "Ammo": player.ammo += 15 elif self.item_type == "Grenade": player.grenades += 3 # 删除物品 self.kill() # 创建血条类 class HealthBar(): def __init__(self, x, y, health, max_health): self.x = x self.y = y self.health = health self.max_health = max_health def draw(self, health): # 更新最新血条 self.health = health # 计算血条的比率 ratio = self.health / self.max_health pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK, (self.x - 2, self.y - 2, 154, 24)) pygame.draw.rect(screen, RED, (self.x, self.y, 150, 20)) pygame.draw.rect(screen, GREEN, (self.x, self.y, 150 * ratio, 20)) class Bullet(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, x, y, direction): super().__init__() self.speed = 10 self.image = bullet_img self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.center = (x, y) self.direction = direction def update(self): # 移动子弹 self.rect.x += (self.direction * self.speed) + screen_scroll # 子弹射出也要一起移动 # 检测子弹与地面瓷砖的碰撞 for tile in world.obstacle_list: if tile[1].colliderect(self.rect): self.kill() # 检测子弹的碰撞 if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(player, bullet_group, False): if player.alive: player.health -= 5 self.kill() for enemy in enemy_group: if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(enemy, bullet_group, False): if enemy.alive: enemy.health -= 25 self.kill() # 创建手雷 class Grenade(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, x, y, direction): super().__init__() self.timer = 90 self.vel_y = -11 self.speed = 7 self.image = grenade_img self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.center = (x, y) self.direction = direction self.width = self.image.get_width() self.height = self.image.get_height() def update(self): self.vel_y += GRAVITY dx = self.direction * self.speed dy = self.vel_y # 检测手雷与每个瓷砖的碰撞 for tile in world.obstacle_list: # 检测与瓷砖墙壁的碰撞 if tile[1].colliderect(self.rect.x + dx, self.rect.y, self.width, self.height): self.direction *= -1 dx = self.direction * self.speed # 检测与y方向上的碰撞 if tile[1].colliderect(self.rect.x, self.rect.y + dy, self.width, self.height): self.speed = 0 # 检测与地面底部的碰撞向下反弹 if self.vel_y < 0: self.vel_y = 0 dy = tile[1].bottom - self.rect.top # 检测与地面顶部的碰撞 elif self.vel_y >= 0: self.vel_y = 0 self.in_air = False dy = tile[1].top - self.rect.bottom # 更新受累的位置 self.rect.x += dx + screen_scroll # 手雷扔出也需要加上滚动的量 self.rect.y += dy # 手雷爆炸冷却时间 self.timer -= 1 if self.timer <= 0: self.kill() grenade_fx.play() explosion = Explosion(self.rect.x, self.rect.y, 0.8) explosion_group.add(explosion) # 爆炸后对任何人在一定的范围内都有伤害 if abs(self.rect.centerx - player.rect.centerx) < TILE_SIZE * 2 and \ abs(self.rect.centery - player.rect.centery) < TILE_SIZE * 2: player.health -= 10 for enemy in enemy_group: # if abs(self.rect.centerx - enemy.rect.centerx) < TILE_SIZE and \ # abs(self.rect.centery - enemy.rect.centery) < TILE_SIZE: # enemy.health -= 100 if abs(self.rect.centerx - enemy.rect.centerx) < TILE_SIZE * 2 and \ abs(self.rect.centery - enemy.rect.centery) < TILE_SIZE * 2: enemy.health -= 50 # 创建地图的类 class World(): def __init__(self): self.obstacle_list = [] # 障碍列表 def process_data(self, data1): self.level_length = len(data1[0]) # 迭代加载数据的每个值 for y, row in enumerate(data1): for x, tile in enumerate(row): if tile >= 0: img = img_list[tile] img_rect = img.get_rect() img_rect.x = x * TILE_SIZE img_rect.y = y * TILE_SIZE tile_data = (img, img_rect) if tile >= 0 and tile <= 8: # 地面泥块 self.obstacle_list.append(tile_data) elif tile >= 9 and tile <= 10: # 水 water = Water(img, x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE) water_group.add(water) elif tile >= 11 and tile <= 14: # 装饰类型的 decoration = Decoration(img, x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE) decoration_group.add(decoration) elif tile == 15: # 创建玩家自己 player = Soldier("player", x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE, 1.65, 5, 30, 10) health_bar = HealthBar(10, 10, player.health, player.health) elif tile == 16: # 创建敌人 enemy = Soldier("enemy", x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE, 1.65, 2, 20, 5) enemy_group.add(enemy) elif tile == 17: # 收集弹药 item_box = ItemBox("Ammo", x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE) item_box_group.add(item_box) elif tile == 18: # 收集手雷 item_box = ItemBox("Grenade", x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE) item_box_group.add(item_box) elif tile == 19: # 收集医药 item_box = ItemBox("Health", x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE) item_box_group.add(item_box) elif tile == 20: # 出口 exit = Exit(img, x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE) exit_group.add(exit) return player, health_bar def draw(self): for tile in self.obstacle_list: tile[1][0] += screen_scroll screen.blit(tile[0], tile[1]) # 装饰品类 class Decoration(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, img, x, y): super().__init__() self.image = img self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.midtop = (x + TILE_SIZE // 2, y + (TILE_SIZE - self.image.get_height())) def update(self): self.rect.x += screen_scroll # 创建水类 class Water(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, img, x, y): super().__init__() self.image = img self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.midtop = (x + TILE_SIZE // 2, y + (TILE_SIZE - self.image.get_height())) def update(self): self.rect.x += screen_scroll # 创建出口 class Exit(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, img, x, y): super().__init__() self.image = img self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.midtop = (x + TILE_SIZE // 2, y + (TILE_SIZE - self.image.get_height())) def update(self): self.rect.x += screen_scroll # 创建爆炸类 class Explosion(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, x, y, scale): super().__init__() self.images = [] for num in range(1, 6): img = pygame.image.load(f"img/explosion/exp{num}.png").convert_alpha() img = pygame.transform.scale(img, (int(img.get_width() * scale), int(img.get_height() * scale))) self.images.append(img) self.frame_index = 0 self.image = self.images[self.frame_index] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.center = (x, y) self.counter = 0 def update(self): # 爆炸加滚动 self.rect.x += screen_scroll EXPLOSION_SPEED = 4 # 更新爆炸动画 self.counter += 1 if self.counter >= EXPLOSION_SPEED: self.counter = 0 self.frame_index += 1 # 检测爆炸完成后删除爆炸 if self.frame_index >= len(self.images): self.kill() else: self.image = self.images[self.frame_index] class ScreenFade(): def __init__(self, direction, color, speed): self.direction = direction self.color = color self.speed = speed self.fade_counter = 0 def fade(self): fade_complete = False # 定义判断是否完成覆盖 self.fade_counter += self.speed if self.direction == 1: #所有类型的淡入淡出 pygame.draw.rect(screen, self.color, (0 - self.fade_counter, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH // 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT)) # 向左拉开序幕 pygame.draw.rect(screen, self.color, (SCREEN_WIDTH // 2 + self.fade_counter, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)) # 向右拉开序幕 pygame.draw.rect(screen, self.color, (0, 0 - self.fade_counter, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2)) pygame.draw.rect(screen, self.color, (0, SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2 + self.fade_counter, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)) if self.direction == 2: # 垂直向下淡入 pygame.draw.rect(screen, self.color, (0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, 0 + self.fade_counter)) if self.fade_counter >= SCREEN_WIDTH: fade_complete = True return fade_complete # 创建淡入淡出 intro_fade = ScreenFade(1, BLACK, 4) death_fade = ScreenFade(2, PINK, 4) #创建开始、退出、重置菜单按钮 start_button = button.Button(SCREEN_WIDTH // 2 - 130, SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2 - 150, start_img, 1) exit_button = button.Button(SCREEN_WIDTH // 2 - 110, SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2 + 50, exit_img, 1) restart_button = button.Button(SCREEN_WIDTH // 2 - 70, SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2 - 50, restart_img, 1) #创建群组 enemy_group = pygame.sprite.Group() bullet_group = pygame.sprite.Group() grenade_group = pygame.sprite.Group() explosion_group = pygame.sprite.Group() item_box_group = pygame.sprite.Group() decoration_group = pygame.sprite.Group() water_group = pygame.sprite.Group() exit_group = pygame.sprite.Group() # 创建空的瓷砖列表 world_data = [] for row in range(ROWS): r = [-1] * COLS world_data.append(r) # 加载级别数据创建地图 with open(f"level{level}_data.csv", newline="") as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=",") for y, row in enumerate(reader): for x, tile in enumerate(row): world_data[y][x] = int(tile) world = World() player, health_bar = world.process_data(world_data) run = True while run: clock.tick(FPS) if start_game == False: # 显示主菜单 # 画菜单 screen.fill(BG) # 增加按钮 if start_button.draw(screen): start_game = True start_intro = True if exit_button.draw(screen): run = False else: draw_bg() # 显示地图 world.draw() # 显示血条 health_bar.draw(player.health) # 显示弹药量 draw_text("AMMO: ", font, WHITE, 10, 35) for x in range(player.ammo): screen.blit(bullet_img, (90 + (x * 10), 40)) # 显示手雷量 draw_text("GRENADES: ", font, WHITE, 10, 60) for x in range(player.grenades): screen.blit(grenade_img, (135 + (x * 15), 60)) # 显示血条量 # draw_text(f"AMMO: {player.ammo}", font, WHITE, 10, 35) player.update() player.draw() for enemy in enemy_group: enemy.ai() enemy.update() enemy.draw() # 更新和画组 bullet_group.update() grenade_group.update() explosion_group.update() item_box_group.update() decoration_group.update() water_group.update() exit_group.update() bullet_group.draw(screen) grenade_group.draw(screen) explosion_group.draw(screen) item_box_group.draw(screen) decoration_group.draw(screen) water_group.draw(screen) exit_group.draw(screen) # 显示淡入 if start_intro: if intro_fade.fade(): start_intro = False intro_fade.fade_counter = 0 # 更新玩家的动作 if player.alive: # 发射子弹 if shoot: player.shoot() # 扔手雷 elif grenade and grenade_thrown == False and player.grenades > 0: grenade = Grenade(player.rect.centerx + (0.5 * player.rect.size[0] * player.direction), player.rect.top, player.direction) grenade_group.add(grenade) player.grenades -= 1 grenade_thrown = True if player.in_air: player.update_action(2) elif moving_left or moving_right: player.update_action(1) else: player.update_action(0) screen_scroll, level_complete = player.move(moving_left, moving_right) bg_scroll -= screen_scroll # 检测玩家是否通过该级别,把二位列表的具体位置(某一行的某一列)赋值 if level_complete: start_intro = True level += 1 bg_scroll = 0 world_data = reset_level() if level <= MAX_LEVELS: # 加载级别数据创建地图 with open(f"level{level}_data.csv", newline="") as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=",") for y, row in enumerate(reader): for x, tile in enumerate(row): world_data[y][x] = int(tile) world = World() player, health_bar = world.process_data(world_data) else: screen_scroll = 0 if death_fade.fade(): # 完成覆盖后才出现按钮中间时间过渡 if restart_button.draw(screen): death_fade.fade_counter = 0 # 计数清零 start_intro = True bg_scroll = 0 world_data = reset_level() # 加载级别数据创建地图 with open(f"level{level}_data.csv", newline="") as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=",") for y, row in enumerate(reader): for x, tile in enumerate(row): world_data[y][x] = int(tile) world = World() player, health_bar = world.process_data(world_data) for event in pygame.event.get(): # 退出游戏 if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() # 键盘按键 if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_a: moving_left = True if event.key == pygame.K_d: moving_right = True if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: shoot = True if event.key == pygame.K_q: grenade = True if event.key == pygame.K_w and player.alive: player.jump = True jump_fx.play() if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: run = False # 按键释放 if event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == pygame.K_a: moving_left = False if event.key == pygame.K_d: moving_right = False if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: shoot = False if event.key == pygame.K_q: grenade = False grenade_thrown = False pygame.display.update()
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