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PHP 自动对图片进行滚动显示

2016-05-25 17:14:492117Durchsuche


	PHP image slideshow - auto version - PHP5
// set the absolute path to the directory containing the images
define (&#39;IMGDIR&#39;, &#39;/home/devel/public_html/domain.com/public/images/slideshow/&#39;);
// same but for www
define (&#39;WEBIMGDIR&#39;, &#39;/images/slideshow/&#39;);
// set session name for slideshow "cookie"
define (&#39;SS_SESSNAME&#39;, &#39;slideshow_sess&#39;);
// global error variable
$err = &#39;&#39;;
// start img session
// init slideshow class
$ss = new slideshow($err);
if (($err = $ss->init()) != &#39;&#39;)
	header(&#39;HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error&#39;);
	echo $err;
// get image files from directory
// set variables, done.
list($curr, $caption, $first, $prev, $next, $last) = $ss->run();
	slideshow class, can be used stand-alone
class slideshow
	private $files_arr = NULL;
	private $err = NULL;
	public function __construct(&$err)
		$this->files_arr = array();
		$this->err = $err;
	public function init()
		// run actions only if img array session var is empty
		// check if image directory exists
		if (!$this->dir_exists())
			return &#39;Error retrieving images, missing directory&#39;;
		return &#39;&#39;;
	public function get_images()
		// run actions only if img array session var is empty
		if (isset($_SESSION[&#39;imgarr&#39;]))
			$this->files_arr = $_SESSION[&#39;imgarr&#39;];
			if ($dh = opendir(IMGDIR))
				while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh)))
					if (preg_match(&#39;/^.*\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$/i&#39;, $file))
						$this->files_arr[] = $file;
			$_SESSION[&#39;imgarr&#39;] = $this->files_arr;
	public function run()
		$curr = 1;
		$last = count($this->files_arr);
		if (isset($_GET[&#39;img&#39;]))
			if (preg_match(&#39;/^[0-9]+$/&#39;, $_GET[&#39;img&#39;])) $curr = (int)  $_GET[&#39;img&#39;];
			if ($curr <= 0 || $curr > $last) $curr = 1;
		if ($curr <= 1)
			$prev = $curr;
			$next = $curr + 1;
		else if ($curr >= $last)
			$prev = $last - 1;
			$next = $last;
			$prev = $curr - 1;
			$next = $curr + 1;
		// line below sets the caption name...
		$caption = str_replace(&#39;-&#39;, &#39; &#39;, $this->files_arr[$curr - 1]);
		$caption = str_replace(&#39;_&#39;, &#39; &#39;, $caption);
		$caption = preg_replace(&#39;/\.(jpe?g|gif|png)$/i&#39;, &#39;&#39;, $caption);
		$caption = ucfirst($caption);
		return array($this->files_arr[$curr - 1], $caption, 1, $prev, $next, $last);
	private function dir_exists()
		return file_exists(IMGDIR);
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <style type="text/css">
	body{margin: 0;padding: 0;font: 100% Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 14px;}
	p#gallery{border: 1px #ccc solid;width: 600px;margin: 40px auto;text-align: center;}
	p#gallery img{margin: 20px;border: 2px #004694 solid;}
	p#gallery p{color: #004694;}
	p#gallery p.pn{padding: 10px;margin: 0 5px;border-top: 1px #ccc solid;}
	a.sp{padding-right: 40px;}
	<p id="gallery">
    	<img src="<?=WEBIMGDIR;?><?=$curr;?>" alt="" />
    	<p class="pn">
        	<a href="?img=<?=$first;?>">First</a> | <a href="?img=<?=$prev;?>" class="sp">Previous</a><a href="?img=<?=$next;?>">Next</a> | <a href="?img=<?=$last;?>">Last</a>



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