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2016-05-25 17:11:371083Durchsuche


  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * */
class FileUpload {
     * @FILE    :   Takes a file from a $_FILES via a $_POST and sets the UPLOAD DIR.
     *              Tests that the submitted data is a type ARRAY
     *              The resulting file is then uploaded to the DIR.
     *              The returning data is a notification to the user.
     * @AUTHOR  :   Sheldon Kemper
     * @EMAIL   :   sheldonkemper@gmail.com
     * @DATE    :   17 January 2012
     * @COPYRIGHT:  COPYRIGHT 2012 Sheldon Kemper GPL V3
     * @TDO     :   Needs error-checking
     *              Needs File-type checking
     *              Create a Multiple file Method.
     *              Needs a test of supplied array matching $_FILES variables.
     * */
    const BOOLTRUE = 1;     //Boolean TRUE.
    const BOOLFALSE = 0;    //Boolean FALSE.
    //REMOVE const  FILEUPCOMPLETE  =&#39;File uploaded SUCCESFULLY&#39;;
    //REMOVE const  FILEUPFAILURE   =&#39;File uploaded FAILED&#39;;
    private $dirSet;    //location of file uploads.
    private $file;      //Post input of type FILE.
    private $errorCode; //The error code associated with this file upload. 
    private $fileName;  //The original name of the file on the client machine.
    private $fileType;  //The mime type of the file, if the browser provided this 
    information. An example would be "image/gif".
    private $fileSize;  //The size, in bytes, of the uploaded file.
    private $fileTempName; //The temporary filename of the file in which the uploaded 
    file was stored on the server.
    private $uploadFile;    //Concates the $dirset with the filename.
    public $message;    //?
     * @DESC        :Initialises the file_upload process .
     * @RETURN      :Type STRING
     * */
    public function __construct ( /*REMOVE $dir, $value*/ $config_array  ) {
        $this->action_multiple_file_upload ( $config_array ) ;
        //REMOVE19012012 $this->set_dir ( $dir );
        //REMOVE19012012 $this->set_postFile ( $value );
        //REMOVE19012012 $this->action_file_move (); 
     * @METHOD      :PUBLIC get_fileName.
     * @DESC        :Gets the upload file name.
     * @RETURN      :(string) FileName.
     * */
    public function get_fileName () {
        return $this->fileName;
     * @METHOD      :PUBLIC get_fileTempName.
     * @DESC        :Gets the upload Temp file name.
     * @RETURN      :(string) TempFileName.
     * */
    public function get_fileTempName () {
        return $this->fileType;
     * @METHOD      :PUBLIC get_errorCode.
     * @DESC        :Gets the upload Error Code.
     * @RETURN      :(int) Error code.
     * */
    public function get_errorCode () {
        return $this->errorCode;
     * @METHOD      :PUBLIC get_fileType.
     * @DESC        :Gets the upload File Type.
     * @RETURN      :(string) File Type.
     * */
    public function get_fileType () {
        return $this->fileType;
     * @METHOD      :PRIVATE set_dir.
     * @DESC        :Sets the upload directory.
     * @RETURN      :
     * */
    private function set_dir ( $dir ) {
        $this->dirSet = $dir;
     * @METHOD      :PRIVATE set_postFile.
     * @DESC        :Sets the $_FILES .
     * @RETURN      :
     * */
    private function set_postFile ( $value ) {
        if( isset( $_FILES[ $value ]) ) {
         $this->file = $_FILES[$value];
     * @METHOD  :PRIVATE action_file_move.
     * @DESC    :Tests if a POST file was uploaded
     *           Moves file to location.
     * @RETURN  :CONST(string).
     * */
    public function action_file_move ( ) {
        if( $this->bool_file_upload()==1 ) {
            $this->uploadfile = $this->dirSet.&#39;/&#39;.$this->fileName;
            if( move_uploaded_file( $this->fileTempName,$this->uploadfile )) {
                return self::BOOLTRUE;
            }else {
                return self::BOOLFALSE;
                }//End IF move_uploaded_file.
        } else {
            return self::BOOLFALSE;
        }//End IF bool_file_upload.
    }//END:METHOD action_file_move.
     /* @METHOD     :Private action_multiple_file_upload 
     * @DESC        :Allows for multiple file upload to more than one DIR
     * @RETURN  : (string) filename
     * */  
private function action_multiple_file_upload ( $config_array ) {
    $this->message = array();
    foreach ( $config_array as $dir=>$value ) {
        $this->set_dir ( $dir );
        $this->set_postFile ( $value );
        if ( $this ->action_file_move ( ) ) {
            $this->message[] =$this -> get_fileName();
        }//End IF.
    }//End FOREACH $config_array.
    return $this->message;
}//END:METHOD action_multiple_file_upload.
     * @METHOD      :PRIVATE array_confirm.
     * @DESC        :Tests if passed argument is type ARRAY.
     * @RETURN      :BOOL.
     * */
    private function array_confirm ( $file ) {
        if ( is_array( $file )  ) {
            return self::BOOLTRUE;
        } else { 
           return self::BOOLFALSE ;
           }//End IF is_array
    }//End METHOD array_confirm
     * @METHOD      :PRIVATE get_loop_array
     * @DESC        :Tests the array for $_FILES value 
     *               adding to the variables index
     * @RETURN      :Sets private variables to VALUE
     * @Param( Array,$array ) :Global $_FILE
     * */
    private function get_array_post_loop ( $array ) {
        if( $this->array_confirm ( $array ) ) {
            foreach ( $array as $key=>$value ) {
                switch( $key ) {
                    case &#39;name&#39;:
                    $this->fileName = $value;
                    case &#39;error&#39;:
                    $this->errorCode = $value;
                    case &#39;type&#39;:
                    $this->fileType = $value;
                    case &#39;size&#39;:
                    $this->fileSize = $value;
                    case &#39;tmp_name&#39;:
                    $this->fileTempName = $value;
                    default :
                    throw New Exception(&#39;Not a File&#39;);
                } //End SWITCH
            } //End FOREACH
        }//End IF array_confirm
    } //END METHOD loop_array
     * @METHOD  :PRIVATE bool_file_upload
     * @DESC    :Gets the array of values,
     *           tests if it is uploaded via the POST
     * @RETURN  :BOOL.
     * */
    private function bool_file_upload (){
        $this->get_array_post_loop ( $this->file );
        if(is_uploaded_file( $this->fileTempName )) {
            return self::BOOLTRUE;
        } else {
            return self::BOOLFALSE;
        }//End IF
    }//END: METHOD bool_file_upload
/***************END CLASS*********************/


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