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一些很有用的 PHP 代码片段

2016-05-25 16:58:081292Durchsuche

一些很有用的 PHP 代码片段

1. [代码]连接 MySQL 数据库    


 $uname="database username";
 $pass="database password";
 $database = "database name";
 or die("Database Connection Failed");
 or die("database cannot be selected");

2. [代码]PHP function to display limited words from a string.    

function words_limit( $str, $num, $append_str=&#39;&#39; ){
$words = preg_split( &#39;/[\s]+/&#39;, $str, -1, PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE );
 if( isset($words[$num][1]) ){
   $str = substr( $str, 0, $words[$num][1] ).$append_str;
unset( $words, $num );
return trim( $str );>

echo words_limit($yourString, 50,&#39;...&#39;); 


echo words_limit($yourString, 50);

3. [代码]显示 Youtube 或 Vimeo 视频缩略图    

function video_image($url){
   $image_url = parse_url($url);
     if($image_url[&#39;host&#39;] == &#39;www.youtube.com&#39; || 
        $image_url[&#39;host&#39;] == &#39;youtube.com&#39;){
         $array = explode("&", $image_url[&#39;query&#39;]);
         return "http://img.youtube.com/vi/".substr($array[0], 2)."/0.jpg";
     }else if($image_url[&#39;host&#39;] == &#39;www.youtu.be&#39; || 
              $image_url[&#39;host&#39;] == &#39;youtu.be&#39;){
         $array = explode("/", $image_url[&#39;path&#39;]);
         return "http://img.youtube.com/vi/".$array[1]."/0.jpg";
     }else if($image_url[&#39;host&#39;] == &#39;www.vimeo.com&#39; || 
         $image_url[&#39;host&#39;] == &#39;vimeo.com&#39;){
         $hash = unserialize(file_get_contents("http://vimeo.com/api/v2/video/".
         substr($image_url[&#39;path&#39;], 1).".php"));
         return $hash[0]["thumbnail_medium"];

<img src="<?php echo video_image(&#39;youtube URL&#39;); ?>" />

4. [代码]根据生日计算年龄 

function age_from_dob($dob){
$dob = strtotime($dob);
$y = date(&#39;Y&#39;, $dob);
 if (($m = (date(&#39;m&#39;) - date(&#39;m&#39;, $dob))) < 0) {
 } elseif ($m == 0 && date(&#39;d&#39;) - date(&#39;d&#39;, $dob) < 0) {
return date(&#39;Y&#39;) - $y;

echo age_from_dob(&#39;2005/04/19&#39;); date in yyyy/mm/dd format.

5. [代码]Cookie 操作

//设置 Cookie
setcookie("name", &#39;value&#39;, time()+3600*60*30);

//显示 Cookie
if ($_COOKIE["name"]!=""){
$_SESSION[&#39;name&#39;] = $_COOKIE["name"];

6. [代码]生成随机密码    

echo substr(md5(uniqid()), 0, 8); 

function rand_password($length){
  $chars =  &#39;ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz&#39;;
  $chars .= &#39;0123456789&#39; ;
  $chars .= &#39;!@#%^&*()_,./<>?;:[]{}\|=+&#39;;

  $str = &#39;&#39;;
  $max = strlen($chars) - 1;

  for ($i=0; $i < $length; $i++)
    $str .= $chars[rand(0, $max)];

  return $str;

echo rand_password(16);

7. [代码]计算日期差异   


function dt_differ($start, $end){
  $start = date("G:i:s:m:d:Y", strtotime($start));
  $date1=explode(":", $start);

  $end  = date("G:i:s:m:d:Y", strtotime($end));
  $date2=explode(":", $end);
  $starttime = mktime(date($date1[0]),date($date1[1]),date($date1[2]),
  $endtime   = mktime(date($date2[0]),date($date2[1]),date($date2[2]),

  $seconds_dif = $starttime-$endtime;

  return $seconds_dif;

8. [代码]转换秒到日期、时或者分  

function seconds2days($mysec) {
    $mysec = (int)$mysec;
    if ( $mysec === 0 ) {
        return &#39;0 second&#39;;

    $mins  = 0;
    $hours = 0;
    $days  = 0;

    if ( $mysec >= 60 ) {
        $mins = (int)($mysec / 60);
        $mysec = $mysec % 60;
    if ( $mins >= 60 ) {
        $hours = (int)($mins / 60);
        $mins = $mins % 60;
    if ( $hours >= 24 ) {
        $days = (int)($hours / 24);
        $hours = $hours % 60;

    $output = &#39;&#39;;

    if ($days){
        $output .= $days." days ";
    if ($hours) {
        $output .= $hours." hours ";
    if ( $mins ) {
        $output .= $mins." minutes ";
    if ( $mysec ) {
        $output .= $mysec." seconds ";
    $output = rtrim($output);
    return $output;

9. [代码]文件解压 

$zip = zip_open("moooredale.zip");
  if ($zip) {
   while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) {
   $fp = fopen(zip_entry_name($zip_entry), "w");
   if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, "r")) {
   $buf = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry));

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