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2016-05-25 16:40:481199Durchsuche


 *网站防ip攻击代码(anti-ip attack code website)2010-11-20,ver2.0
 *mydalle.com anti-refresh mechanism
 *design by www.phprm.com
$ip = $_server[&#39;remote_addr&#39;];
$fileht = ".htaccess2";
if (!file_exists($fileht)) file_put_contents($fileht, "");
$filehtarr = @file($fileht);
if (in_array($ip . "rn", $filehtarr)) die("warning:" . "
" . "your ip address are forbided by mydalle.com anti-refresh mechanism, if you have any question pls emill to shop@mydalle.com!
(mydalle.com anti-refresh mechanism is to enable users to have a good shipping services, but there maybe some inevitable network problems in your ip address, so that you can mail to us to solve.)");
$time = time();
$fileforbid = "log/forbidchk.dat";
if (file_exists($fileforbid)) {
    if ($time - filemtime($fileforbid) > 30) unlink($fileforbid);
    else {
        $fileforbidarr = @file($fileforbid);
        if ($ip == substr($fileforbidarr[0], 0, strlen($ip))) {
            if ($time - substr($fileforbidarr[1], 0, strlen($time)) > 120) unlink($fileforbid);
            elseif ($fileforbidarr[2] > 120) {
                file_put_contents($fileht, $ip . "rn", file_append);
            } else {
                file_put_contents($fileforbid, $fileforbidarr);
$str = "";
$file = "log/ipdate.dat";
if (!file_exists("log") && !is_dir("log")) mkdir("log", 0777);
if (!file_exists($file)) file_put_contents($file, "");
$allowtime = 60; //防刷新时间
$allownum = 5; //防刷新次数
$uri = $_server[&#39;request_uri&#39;];
$checkip = md5($ip);
$checkuri = md5($uri);
$yesno = true;
$ipdate = @file($file);
foreach ($ipdate as $k => $v) {
    $iptem = substr($v, 0, 32);
    $uritem = substr($v, 32, 32);
    $timetem = substr($v, 64, 10);
    $numtem = substr($v, 74);
    if ($time - $timetem < $allowtime) {
        if ($iptem != $checkip) $str.= $v;
        else {
            $yesno = false;
            if ($uritem != $checkuri) $str.= $iptem . $checkuri . $time . "1rn";
            elseif ($numtem < $allownum) $str.= $iptem . $uritem . $timetem . ($numtem + 1) . "rn";
            else {
                if (!file_exists($fileforbid)) {
                    $addforbidarr = array(
                        $ip . "rn",
                        time() . "rn",
                    file_put_contents($fileforbid, $addforbidarr);
                file_put_contents("log/forbided_ip.log", $ip . "--" . date("y-m-d h:i:s", time()) . "--" . $uri . "rn", file_append);
                $timepass = $timetem + $allowtime - $time;
                die("warning:" . "
" . "pls don&#39;t refresh too frequently, and wait for " . $timepass . " seconds to continue, if not your ip address will be forbided automatic by mydalle.com anti-refresh mechanism!
(mydalle.com anti-refresh mechanism is to enable users to have a good shipping services, but there maybe some inevitable network problems in your ip address, so that you can mail to us to solve.)");
if ($yesno) $str.= $checkip . $checkuri . $time . "1rn";
file_put_contents($file, $str);



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