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So verwenden Sie Mutex yii

2020-02-03 10:19:082910Durchsuche

So verwenden Sie Mutex yii

Wie verwende ich Mutex yii? Mutex der Yii-Quellcodeanalyse

Mutex-Komponente ermöglicht die gegenseitige Ausführung gleichzeitiger Prozesse, um „Race Conditions“ zu verhindern. Dies wird durch die Verwendung eines „Verriegelungs“-Mechanismus erreicht. Jeder potenziell gleichzeitige Thread kooperiert, indem er eine Sperre erwirbt, bevor er auf die entsprechenden Daten zugreift.

Verwandte Empfehlungen: yii-Tutorial


if ($mutex->acquire($mutexName)) {
    // business logic execution
} else {
    // execution is blocked!

Dies ist eine Basisklasse und sollte erweitert werden, um den eigentlichen Sperrmechanismus zu implementieren.

Werfen wir einen Blick auf die Quellcode-Implementierung:

 * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
 * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace yii\mutex;
use yii\base\Component;
 * The Mutex component allows mutual execution of concurrent processes in order to prevent "race conditions".
 * This is achieved by using a "lock" mechanism. Each possibly concurrent thread cooperates by acquiring
 * a lock before accessing the corresponding data.
 * Usage example:
 * ```
 * if ($mutex->acquire($mutexName)) {
 *     // business logic execution
 * } else {
 *     // execution is blocked!
 * }
 * ```
 * This is a base class, which should be extended in order to implement the actual lock mechanism.
 * @author resurtm <resurtm@gmail.com>
 * @since 2.0
abstract class Mutex extends Component
     * @var bool whether all locks acquired in this process (i.e. local locks) must be released automatically
     * before finishing script execution. Defaults to true. Setting this property to true means that all locks
     * acquired in this process must be released (regardless of errors or exceptions).
    public $autoRelease = true;//是否自动释放锁
     * @var string[] names of the locks acquired by the current PHP process.
    private $_locks = [];//当前进程拥有的锁信息
     * 初始化Mutex组件
    public function init()
        if ($this->autoRelease) {//如果是自动释放锁
            $locks = &$this->_locks;
            register_shutdown_function(function () use (&$locks) {
                foreach ($locks as $lock) {
     * Acquires a lock by name.
     * @param string $name of the lock to be acquired. Must be unique.
     * @param int $timeout time (in seconds) to wait for lock to be released. Defaults to zero meaning that method will return
     * false immediately in case lock was already acquired.
     * @return bool lock acquiring result.
    public function acquire($name, $timeout = 0)//按名称获取锁
        if ($this->acquireLock($name, $timeout)) {
            $this->_locks[] = $name;
            return true;
        return false;
     * Releases acquired lock. This method will return false in case the lock was not found.
     * @param string $name of the lock to be released. This lock must already exist.
     * @return bool lock release result: false in case named lock was not found..
    public function release($name)//按名称释放锁
        if ($this->releaseLock($name)) {
            $index = array_search($name, $this->_locks);
            if ($index !== false) {
            return true;
        return false;
     * This method should be extended by a concrete Mutex implementations. Acquires lock by name.
     * @param string $name of the lock to be acquired.
     * @param int $timeout time (in seconds) to wait for the lock to be released.
     * @return bool acquiring result.
    abstract protected function acquireLock($name, $timeout = 0);//抽象函数,按名称获取锁
     * This method should be extended by a concrete Mutex implementations. Releases lock by given name.
     * @param string $name of the lock to be released.
     * @return bool release result.
    abstract protected function releaseLock($name);//抽象函数,按名称释放锁

Als Basisklasse müssen Unterklassen die Methoden „acquireLock“ und „releaseLock“ implementieren, also spezifische Strategien zum Sperren und Entsperren.

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