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So erstellen Sie eine Sitemap mit Laravel

藏色散人nach vorne
2020-01-15 14:39:233507Durchsuche

Ich habe zuvor eine Sitemap mit den Frameworks yaf und yii geschrieben: Die Idee besteht darin, .xml-Dateien basierend auf den Anforderungen zu generieren und sie im vom Projekt angegebenen Verzeichnis zu speichern.

Verwenden Sie Laravel, um die Idee zu ändern und einen dynamischen XML-Link zu generieren, anstatt die Datei im Verzeichnis zu speichern

1. Konfigurieren Sie Routen und generieren Sie einen XML-Zugriffslink

2. Sitemap entsprechend der Projektlogik generieren


Routen konfigurieren

    Route::get('/sitemap/m/{type}.xml', 'SitemapController@siteMap');


namespace App\Http\Controllers\M;
use App\Http\Controllers\BaseController;
use App\Model\Bbs\Article;
use App\Model\Bbs\Ask;
use App\Model\Bbs\Thread;
use App\Model\Main\Video;
use App\Model\Garage\SeriesInfoModel;
//todo 补充其他模块
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
class SitemapController extends BaseController
    //todo 写一个汇总文件
    public function siteMap($type)
        $cacheKey = "site-" . $type;
        //2小时缓存 保证加载速度
        if (Cache::has($cacheKey)) {
            $siteMap = Cache::get($cacheKey);
        } else {
            $siteMap = $this->buildSiteMap($type);
            Cache::add($cacheKey, $siteMap, 120);
        return response($siteMap)
            ->header(&#39;Content-type&#39;, &#39;text/xml&#39;);
     * Build the Site Map
    protected function buildSiteMap($type)
        $sitemapInfo = [];
        switch ($type) {
            case &#39;video&#39;:
                $sitemapInfo = $this->getVideoInfo();
            case &#39;article&#39;:
                $sitemapInfo = $this->getArticleInfo();
            case &#39;bbs&#39;:
                $sitemapInfo = $this->getBbsInfo();
            case &#39;ask&#39;:
                $sitemapInfo = $this->getAskInfo();
            case &#39;series&#39;:
                $sitemapInfo = $this->getSeriesInfo();//车型库
        $lastmod = $sitemapInfo[0][&#39;pub_time&#39;];
        $xml = [];
        $xml[] = &#39;<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&#39; . &#39;>&#39;;
        $xml[] = &#39;<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9" xmlns:mobile="http://www.baidu.com/schemas/sitemap-mobile/1/">&#39;;
        $xml[] = &#39;  <url>&#39;;
        $xml[] = "    <loc>https://m.xxx.com</loc>";
        $xml[] = "    <lastmod>$lastmod</lastmod>";
        $xml[] = &#39;    <changefreq>daily</changefreq>&#39;;
        $xml[] = &#39;    <priority>0.8</priority>&#39;;
        $xml[] = &#39;  </url>&#39;;
        foreach ($sitemapInfo as $sitemap) {
            $xml[] = &#39;  <url>&#39;;
            $xml[] = "    <loc>{$sitemap[&#39;url&#39;]}</loc>";
            $xml[] = "    <mobile:mobile type=\"mobile\"/>";
            $xml[] = "    <lastmod>{$sitemap[&#39;pub_time&#39;]}</lastmod>";
            $xml[] = "  </url>";
        $xml[] = &#39;</urlset>&#39;;
        return join("\n", $xml);
     * Return all the posts as $url => $date
    protected function getVideoInfo()
        $videos = Video::where(&#39;pub_time&#39;, &#39;<=&#39;, Carbon::now())
            ->where(&#39;published&#39;, 2)
            ->where(&#39;is_del&#39;, 0)
            ->orderBy(&#39;id&#39;, &#39;desc&#39;)
            ->pluck(&#39;pub_time&#39;, &#39;id&#39;)
        $res = $article = [];
        foreach ($videos as $id => $pub_time) {
            $article[&#39;id&#39;] = $id;
            $article[&#39;pub_time&#39;] = substr($pub_time, 0, 10);
            $article[&#39;url&#39;] = "https://m.xxx.com/video_" . $id . ".html";
            $res[] = $article;
        return $res;
    protected function getArticleInfo()
        $articles = Article::where(&#39;pub_time&#39;, &#39;<=&#39;, Carbon::now())
            ->where(&#39;published&#39;, 2)
            ->where(&#39;is_del&#39;, 0)
            ->orderBy(&#39;id&#39;, &#39;desc&#39;)
            ->pluck(&#39;pub_time&#39;, &#39;id&#39;)
        $res = $article = [];
        foreach ($articles as $id => $pub_time) {
            $article[&#39;id&#39;] = $id;
            $article[&#39;pub_time&#39;] = substr($pub_time, 0, 10);
            $article[&#39;url&#39;] = "https://m.xxx.com/news/article_" . $id . ".html";
            $res[] = $article;
        return $res;
    protected function getBbsInfo()
        $articles = Thread::where(&#39;visible&#39;, 1)
            ->where(&#39;is_del&#39;, 0)
            ->orderBy(&#39;id&#39;, &#39;desc&#39;)
            ->pluck(&#39;dateline&#39;, &#39;id&#39;)
        $res = $article = [];
        foreach ($articles as $id => $pub_time) {
            $article[&#39;id&#39;] = $id;
            $article[&#39;pub_time&#39;] = substr($pub_time, 0, 10);
            $article[&#39;url&#39;] = "https://m.xxx.com/bbs/thread_" . $id . ".html";
            $res[] = $article;
        return $res;
    protected function getAskInfo()
        $articles = Ask::where(&#39;state&#39;, 1)
            ->orderBy(&#39;id&#39;, &#39;desc&#39;)
            ->pluck(&#39;dateline&#39;, &#39;id&#39;)
        $res = $article = [];
        foreach ($articles as $id => $pub_time) {
            $article[&#39;id&#39;] = $id;
            $article[&#39;pub_time&#39;] = substr($pub_time, 0, 10);
            $article[&#39;url&#39;] = "https://m.xxx.com/ask_" . $id . ".html";
            $res[] = $article;
        return $res;
    protected function getSeriesInfo()
        $articles = SeriesInfoModel::where(&#39;status&#39;, 1)
            ->where(&#39;is_stop&#39;, 0)
            ->pluck(&#39;name&#39;, &#39;id&#39;)
        $res = $article = [];
        foreach ($articles as $id => $pub_time) {
            $article[&#39;id&#39;] = $id;
            $article[&#39;pub_time&#39;] = date(&#39;Y-m-d&#39;, time());
            $article[&#39;url&#39;] = "https://m.xxx.com/series/" . $id . "/details";
            $res[] = $article;
        return $res;

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