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PHP-Datenbankbetriebsklasse basierend auf pdo

2018-06-22 17:10:144258Durchsuche

In diesem Artikel wird hauptsächlich die pdo-basierte Datenbankoperationsklasse von PHP vorgestellt, die grundlegende Datenbankverbindungen, Hinzufügungen, Löschungen, Änderungen und Verbindungen usw. implementieren kann. Sie unterstützt auch Operationen auf MySQL, SQLServer, Oracle und anderen Datenbanken, die benötigt werden es kann Als Referenz:

Das Beispiel in diesem Artikel beschreibt die pdo-basierte Datenbankoperationsklasse von PHP. Ich teile es Ihnen als Referenz mit:

Diese Klasse wird beim Betrieb von SQL Server und Oracle verwendet it

class Pdodb{
  protected $pdo;
  protected $res;
  protected $config;
  function __construct($config){
    $this->Config = $config;
  public function connect(){
    try {
       $this->pdo= new PDO($this->Config[&#39;dsn&#39;], $this->Config[&#39;username&#39;], $this->Config[&#39;password&#39;]);//$dbh = new PDO(&#39;mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test&#39;, $user, $pass);
       $this->pdo->query("set names utf8");
    }catch(Exception $e){
      echo &#39;数据库连接失败,详情: &#39; . $e->getMessage () . &#39; 请在配置文件中数据库连接信息&#39;;
      exit ();
      $this->pdo->query("set names {$this->Config[&#39;charset&#39;]};");
      $this->pdo->query("set names {$this->Config[&#39;charset&#39;]};");
    //$this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
    //$this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
    $this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);//属性名 属性值 数组以关联数组返回
  public function close(){
    $this->pdo = null;
  public function query($sql,$return=false){
    $res = $this->pdo->query($sql);
      $this->res = $res; // 未返回 return $this->res;
      return $res;
  public function exec($sql,$return=false){
    $res = $this->pdo->exec($sql);
      $this->res = $res;
    if($return){//返回操作是否成功 成功返回1 失败0
      return $res;
  public function fetchAll(){
    return $this->res->fetchAll();
  public function fetch(){
    return $this->res->fetch();
  public function fetchColumn(){
    return $this->res->fetchColumn();
  public function lastInsertId(){
    return $this->res->lastInsertId();
  public function lastInsertId2(){
    return $this->pdo->lastInsertId();
  * 参数说明
  * string/array $table 数据库表,两种传值模式
  * 普通模式:
  * &#39;tb_member, tb_money&#39;
  * 数组模式:
  * array(&#39;tb_member&#39;, &#39;tb_money&#39;)
  * string/array $fields 需要查询的数据库字段,允许为空,默认为查找全部,两种传值模式
  * 普通模式:
  * &#39;username, password&#39;
  * 数组模式:
  * array(&#39;username&#39;, &#39;password&#39;)
  * string/array $sqlwhere 查询条件,允许为空,两种传值模式
  * 普通模式(必须加上and,$sqlwhere为空 1=1 正常查询):
  * &#39;and type = 1 and username like "%os%"&#39;
  * 数组模式:
  * array(&#39;type = 1&#39;, &#39;username like "%os%"&#39;)
  * string $orderby 排序,默认为id倒序
  *int $debug 是否开启调试,开启则输出sql语句
  * 0 不开启
  * 1 开启
  * 2 开启并终止程序
  * int $mode 返回类型
  * 0 返回多条记录
  * 1 返回单条记录
  * 2 返回行数
  public function select($table, $fields="*", $sqlwhere="", $orderby="", $debug=0, $mode=0){
      $table = implode(&#39;, &#39;, $table);
      $fields = implode(&#39;,&#39;,$fields);
        //$fields = implode(&#39;,&#39;,$fields);//CUSTOMER_ID,FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME,EMAIL
        //$fields = implode(",&#39;UTF8&#39;,&#39;ZHS16GBK&#39;) ,convert(",$fields);
        $fields = implode(&#39;,&#39;,$fields);
      $sqlwhere = &#39; and &#39;.implode(&#39; and &#39;, $sqlwhere);
    if($debug === 0){
      if($mode === 2){ //统计
        $this->query("select count(*) from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere");
        $return = $this->fetchColumn();
      }else if($mode === 1){ //返回一条
        $this->query("select $fields from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere $orderby");
        $return = $this->fetch();
        $this->query("select $fields from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere $orderby");
        $return = $this->fetchAll();//如果 $this->res为空即sql语句错误 会提示Call to a member function fetchAll() on a non-object
      return $return;
        if($mode === 2){
          echo "select count(*) from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere";
        }else if($mode === 1){
          echo "select $fields from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere $orderby";
          echo "select $fields from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere $orderby";
        if($debug === 2){
  * 参数说明
  * string/array $table 数据库表,两种传值模式
  * 普通模式:
  * &#39;tb_member, tb_money&#39;
  * 数组模式:
  * array(&#39;tb_member&#39;, &#39;tb_money&#39;)
  * string/array $set 需要插入的字段及内容,两种传值模式
  * 普通模式:
  * &#39;username = "test", type = 1, dt = now()&#39;
  * 数组模式:
  * array(&#39;username = "test"&#39;, &#39;type = 1&#39;, &#39;dt = now()&#39;)
  * int $debug 是否开启调试,开启则输出sql语句
  * 0 不开启
  * 1 开启
  * 2 开启并终止程序
  * int $mode 返回类型
  * 0 无返回信息
  * 1 返回执行条目数
  * 2 返回最后一次插入记录的id
  public function oic_insert($table, $set, $debug=0, $mode=0){
      $table = implode(&#39;, &#39;, $table);
      foreach($set as $k=>$v){
      //$set = implode(&#39;, &#39;, $set);
    if($debug === 0){
      if($mode === 2){
        $this->query("insert into $table ($sarr) values(&#39;".$set."&#39;)");
        //$return = $this->lastInsertId();
      }else if($mode === 1){
        $this->exec("insert into $table ($sarr) values(&#39;".$set."&#39;)");
        $return = $this->res;
        $this->query("insert into $table ($sarr) values(&#39;".$set."&#39;)");
        $return = NULL;
      return $return;
      echo "insert into $table ($sarr) values(&#39;".$set."&#39;)";
      if($debug === 2){
  public function insert($table, $set, $debug=0, $mode=0){
      $table = implode(&#39;, &#39;, $table);
      foreach($set as $k=>$v){
      //$set = implode(&#39;, &#39;, $set);
    if($debug === 0){
      if($mode === 2){
        $this->query("insert into $table set $set");
        $return = $this->pdo->lastInsertId();
      }else if($mode === 1){
        $this->exec("insert into $table set $set");
        $return = $this->res;
        $this->query("insert into $table set $set");
        $return = NULL;
      return $return;
      echo "insert into $table set $set";
      if($debug === 2){
  * 参数说明
  * string $table 数据库表,两种传值模式
  * 普通模式:
  * &#39;tb_member, tb_money&#39;
  * 数组模式:
  * array(&#39;tb_member&#39;, &#39;tb_money&#39;)
  * string/array $set 需要更新的字段及内容,两种传值模式
  * 普通模式:
  * &#39;username = "test", type = 1, dt = now()&#39;
  * 数组模式:
  * array(&#39;username = "test"&#39;, &#39;type = 1&#39;, &#39;dt = now()&#39;)
  * string/array $sqlwhere 修改条件,允许为空,两种传值模式
  * 普通模式:
  * &#39;and type = 1 and username like "%os%"&#39;
  * 数组模式:
  * array(&#39;type = 1&#39;, &#39;username like "%os%"&#39;)
  * int $debug 是否开启调试,开启则输出sql语句
  * 0 不开启
  * 1 开启
  * 2 开启并终止程序
  * int $mode 返回类型
  * 0 无返回信息
  * 1 返回执行条目数
  public function update($table, $set, $sqlwhere="", $debug=0, $mode=0){
      $table = implode(&#39;, &#39;, $table);
      foreach($set as $k=>$v){
      //$set = implode(&#39;, &#39;, $set);
      $sqlwhere = &#39; and &#39;.implode(&#39; and &#39;, $sqlwhere);
    if($debug === 0){
      if($mode === 1){
        $this->exec("update $table set $set where 1=1 $sqlwhere");
        $return = $this->res;
        $this->query("update $table set $set where 1=1 $sqlwhere");
        $return = true;
      return $return;
      echo "update $table set $set where 1=1 $sqlwhere";
      if($debug === 2){
  * 参数说明
  * string $table 数据库表
  * string/array $sqlwhere 删除条件,允许为空,两种传值模式
  * 普通模式:
  * &#39;and type = 1 and username like "%os%"&#39;
  * 数组模式:
  * array(&#39;type = 1&#39;, &#39;username like "%os%"&#39;)
  * int $debug 是否开启调试,开启则输出sql语句
  * 0 不开启
  * 1 开启
  * 2 开启并终止程序
  * int $mode 返回类型
  * 0 无返回信息
  * 1 返回执行条目数
  public function delete($table, $sqlwhere="", $debug=0, $mode=0){
      $sqlwhere = &#39; and &#39;.implode(&#39; and &#39;, $sqlwhere); //是字符串需自己加上and
    if($debug === 0){
      if($mode === 1){
        $this->exec("delete from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere");
        $return = $this->res;
        $this->query("delete from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere");
        $return = NULL;
      return $return;
      echo "delete from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere";
      if($debug === 2){
sqlserver 配置 extension=php_pdo_mssql.dll和extension=php_pdo_sqlsrv.dll 安装对应的 ntwdblib.dll
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc296170.aspx 下载php版本对应的sqlsrv扩展
sqlserver 配置 odbc连接需开启extension=php_pdo_odbc.dll
  &#39;dsn&#39;=>&#39;odbc:Driver={SQL Server};Server=;Database=his&#39;,//数据库服务器地址
$mssql=new Pdodb($mssql2008_config);
$sql="select * from
  select row_number()over(order by tempcolumn)temprownumber,*
    from (
      select top 10 tempcolumn=0,a.*
      from DA_GR_HBFS a
      where 1=1
    ) t
) tt
where temprownumber>0";
//mysql 操作
$mysql=new PDO_DB($msyql_config);
$sql = &#39;SELECT user_id, user_name, nickname FROM et_users &#39;;
//oracle 操作
$oracle=new PDO_DB($oci_config);
//print_r($oracle);exit;//PDO_DB Object ( [pdo:protected] => PDO Object ( ) [res:protected] => [config:protected] => [Config] => Array ( [dsn] => oci:dbname=orcl [name] => PWACRM [password] => PWACRM ) )
$sql="select * from CUSTOMER_LEVEL t";
  [0] => Array
      [LEVEL_ID] => 1
      [0] => 1
      [LEVEL_NAME] => 普通会员
      [1] => 普通会员
      [LEVEL_DETAIL] => 普通会员
      [2] => 普通会员
      [SORT_NUMBER] => 15
      [3] => 15
      [CREATE_TIME] => 12-7月 -12
      [4] => 12-7月 -12
      [CREATE_BY] => 1
      [5] => 1
      [UPDATE_TIME] => 12-7月 -12
      [6] => 12-7月 -12
      [UPDATE_BY] => 1
      [7] => 1
      [STATE] => 正常
      [8] => 正常

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