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So erstellen Sie mit PHP stapelweise Logos verschiedener Größen

2018-06-12 13:56:061738Durchsuche

Dieser Artikel stellt hauptsächlich den Kerncode von Methoden und Beispielen für die Batch-Generierung von Logos verschiedener Größen in PHP vor. Sie können ihn hier nachschlagen, wenn Sie ihn benötigen.

Verwenden Sie PHP GD, das einfach zu verwenden ist. Sie können es mit einem Klick in verschiedene Größen schneiden und zum Herunterladen verpacken. Diejenigen, die häufig Symbole wechseln, wissen, dass der Künstler Ihnen ein 1024-Logo gibt und Sie es mit Photoshop in verschiedene Größen bringen müssen, also haben wir uns dieses Ding ausgedacht.

Der Code lautet wie folgt:

class image {
     * source image
     * @var string|array
    private $source;
     * temporay image
     * @var file
    private $image;
    private $ext;
     * erros
     * @var array
    private $error;
     * construct
     * @param string|array $source
    public function __construct($source = NULL) {
        if($source != NULL) {
     * set the source image
     * @param string|array $source
    public function source($source) { 
        if(!is_array($source)) {
            $this->source["name"] = $source;
            $this->source["tmp_name"] = $source;
            $type = NULL;
            $ext = strtolower(end(explode(".",$source)));
            switch($ext) {
                case "jpg"  : 
                case "jpeg" : $type = "image/jpeg"; break;
                case "gif"  : $type = "image/gif"; break;
                case "png"  : $type = "image/png"; break;
            $this->source["type"] = $type;
        } else {
            $this->source = $source;
        $this->destination = $this->source["name"];
     * resize the image
     * @param int $width
     * @param int $height
    public function resize($width = NULL,$height = NULL) {
        if(isset($this->source["tmp_name"]) && file_exists($this->source["tmp_name"])) {
            list($source_width,$source_height) = getimagesize($this->source["tmp_name"]);
            if(($width == NULL) && ($height != NULL)) {
                $width = ($source_width * $height) / $source_height;
            if(($width != NULL) && ($height == NULL)) {
                $height = ($source_height * $width) / $source_width;
            if(($width == NULL) && ($height == NULL)) {
                $width = $source_width;
                $height = $source_height;
            switch($this->source["type"]) {
                case "image/jpeg" : $created = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->source["tmp_name"]); break;
                case "image/gif"  : $created = imagecreatefromgif($this->source["tmp_name"]);  break;
                case "image/png"  : $created = imagecreatefrompng($this->source["tmp_name"]);  break;
            $this->image = imagecreatetruecolor($width,$height);
     * add watermark on image
     * @param string $mark
     * @param int $opac
     * @param int $x_pos
     * @param int $y_pos
    public function watermark($mark,$opac,$x_pos,$y_pos) {
        if(file_exists($mark) && ($this->image != "")) {
            $ext = strtolower(end(explode(".",$mark)));
            switch($ext) {
                case "jpg"  : 
                case "jpeg" : $watermark = imagecreatefromjpeg($mark); break;
                case "gif"  : $watermark = imagecreatefromgif($mark);  break;
                case "png"  : $watermark = imagecreatefrompng($mark);  break;
            list($watermark_width,$watermark_height) = getimagesize($mark);
            $source_width = imagesx($this->image);
            $source_height = imagesy($this->image);
            if($x_pos == "top") $pos  = "t"; else $pos  = "b";
            if($y_pos == "left") $pos .= "l"; else $pos .= "r";
            $dest_x = 0; 
            $dest_y = 0; 
            switch($pos) {
                case "tr" : $dest_x = $source_width - $watermark_width; break;
                case "bl" : $dest_y = $source_height - $watermark_height; break;
                case "br" : $dest_x = $source_width - $watermark_width; $dest_y = $source_height - $watermark_height; break;
     * crop the image
     * @param int $x
     * @param int $y
     * @param int $width
     * @param int $height
    public function crop($x,$y,$width,$height) {
        if(isset($this->source["tmp_name"]) && file_exists($this->source["tmp_name"]) && ($width > 10) && ($height > 10)) {
            switch($this->source["type"]) {
                case "image/jpeg" : $created = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->source["tmp_name"]); break;
                case "image/gif"  : $created = imagecreatefromgif($this->source["tmp_name"]);  break;
                case "image/png"  : $created = imagecreatefrompng($this->source["tmp_name"]);  break;
            $this->image = imagecreatetruecolor($width,$height);
     * create final image file 
     * @param string $destination
     * @param int $quality
    public function create($destination,$quality = 100) {
        if($this->image != "") {
            $extension = substr($destination,-3,3);
            switch($extension) {
                case "gif" :  
                case "png" :
                    $quality = ceil($quality/10) - 1;
                default    : 
     * check if extension is valid
    public function validate_extension() {
        if(isset($this->source["tmp_name"]) && file_exists($this->source["tmp_name"])) {
            $exts = array("image/jpeg", "image/pjpeg", "image/png", "image/x-png");
            $ext = $this->source["type"];
            $valid = 0;
            $this->ext = &#39;.not_found&#39;;
            if ($ext == $exts[0] || $ext == $exts[1]) {
                $valid = 1;
                $this->ext = &#39;.jpg&#39;;
            // if ($ext == $exts[2]) {
            //  $valid = 1;
            //  $this->ext = &#39;.gif&#39;;
            // }
            if ($ext == $exts[2] || $ext == $exts[3]) {
                $valid = 1;
                $this->ext = &#39;.png&#39;;
            if($valid != 1) {
                $this->error .= "extension";
        } else {
            $this->error .= "source";
     * check if the size is correct
     * @param int $max
    public function validate_size($max) {
        if(isset($this->source["tmp_name"]) && file_exists($this->source["tmp_name"])) {
            $max = $max * 1024;
            if($this->source["size"] >= $max) {
                $this->error .= "size";
        } else {
            $this->error .= "source";
     * check if the dimension is correct
     * @param int $limit_width
     * @param int $limit_height
    public function validate_dimension($limit_width,$limit_height) {
        if(isset($this->source["tmp_name"]) && file_exists($this->source["tmp_name"])) {
            list($source_width,$source_height) = getimagesize($this->source["tmp_name"]);
            if(($source_width > $limit_width) || ($source_height > $limit_height)) {
                $this->error .= "dimension";
        } else {
            $this->error .= "source";
     * get the found errors
    public function error() {
        $error = array();
        if(stristr($this->error,"source")) $error[] = "找不到上传文件";
        if(stristr($this->error,"dimension")) $error[] = "上传图片尺寸太大";
        if(stristr($this->error,"extension")) $error[] = "不符合要求的格式";
        if(stristr($this->error,"size")) $error[] = "图片文件太大";
        return $error;
    public function error_string() {
        $error = "";
        if(stristr($this->error,"source")) $error .= "找不到上传文件 / ";
        if(stristr($this->error,"dimension")) $error .= "上传图片尺寸太大 / ";
        if(stristr($this->error,"extension")) $error .= "不符合要求的格式 / ";
        if(stristr($this->error,"size")) $error .= "图片文件太大 / ";
        if(eregi(" / $", $error)) {
            $error = substr($error, 0, -3);
        return $error;
    public function ext() {
        return $this->ext;

Zusammenfassung: Das Obige ist der gesamte Inhalt dieses Artikels, ich hoffe, dass er für das Lernen aller hilfreich sein wird.

Verwandte Empfehlungen:

PHP implementiert aktualisierungsfreies Anmelden und Abmelden basierend auf Ajax

PHP verwaltet den Farbwert, um die Farbe umzuwandeln zu seiner inversen Farbe

php implementiert Syntaxhervorhebung durch reguläre Ausdrücke

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